
The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

author:Nine readings

In the labyrinth of fate, some coincidences are like the trajectory of starlight, and once they meet, they are destined to weave an extraordinary journey. This story is about such an incredible fate.

"You won't believe it, buddy, my high school classmate is now my English teacher!" Li Yang excitedly said to his friend Zhang Wei on the phone.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

Zhang Wei was on the other end of the phone, his face full of disbelief: "Are you kidding? How is this possible? ”

"I swear, it's true!" Li Yang said excitedly, "What's more, what you won't believe is that she ended up being my wife!" ”

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

Zhang Wei was silent for a moment, and then burst into laughter: "This is ridiculous, are you sure you're not making up a story?" ”

Li Yang also smiled, he knew that this did sound like a fantasy, but he knew in his heart that this was a story that really happened to him.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

The story starts a few years ago, when Li Yang was still a high school student, and she was his classmate. She was always so good and was at the top of her class, both academically and otherwise. Li Yang's impression of her was just that girl who was always smiling.

After graduating, they each took different paths in life. Li Yang entered an ordinary university, and she became an English teacher. Fate seems to be turning a corner, laying the groundwork for their reunion.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

"Li Yang, you failed the English test again this time, I suggest you find a teacher to tutor you." The college roommate looked at Li Yang's transcript and reluctantly suggested.

Li Yang smiled bitterly and nodded, he knew that his English was indeed a hard injury. So, he started looking for information on English tutoring on the school's forum.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

It was then that he saw a familiar name - his high school classmate, now his English teacher. An inexplicable emotion welled up in his heart, both nostalgia for the past and anticipation for the future.

He plucked up the courage to contact her, and she readily agreed to be his English teacher. Their story began anew.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

In the process of tutoring, they regained the familiarity and tacit understanding they had in high school. Their relationship, unconsciously, has also quietly changed.

"Li Yang, what do you think our relationship is?" After a tutoring session, she suddenly asked.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

Li Yang was stunned, his heart was beating faster, he knew his feelings for her, but he wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

"I ...... I feel that we are not only teachers and students, but also friends. Li Yang replied cautiously.

The girl used to be a high school classmate, then became my English teacher, and finally became my wife

She smiled, warm and bright like the spring sun: "I agree, and besides, I hope we can go further." ”

At that moment, Li Yang knew that their story was about to open a new chapter.

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