
Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:

author:Alternative video sharing fungus

This movie sharing fungus has seen part of it a few days ago, but it feels too solemn to watch it, and I was amazed until I watched it today, fortunately I did not miss such a suspenseful blockbuster.

The Invisible Guest is a suspense film directed by Oriol Paul and starring Mario Casas, Ana Wagner, Barbara Lanny, and Jose Carolina. The film was released in Spain in 2017.

The film tells the story of the successful Adrian and his mistress's body found by the police in a house, in order to exonerate, he invited the gold medal female lawyer Virginia to defend himself, and in the communication between the two, the truth of the story slowly unfolded.

Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > plot analysis:</h1>

The plot of this film begins with the well-known lawyer Virginia's exchange with the male protagonist Adrian, from Adrian's mouth to tell that he and a female photographer named Laura maintained a long-term extramarital affair, and when the two talked about the breakup in the car, they did not pay attention to being disturbed by the wild deer and killed the teenager in the opposite car, at Laura's suggestion, Adrian sank the car and the body into the water, and Laura met the father of the deceased while waiting for road rescue.

Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:

Laura (left) and Adrian (right)

The uncle enthusiastically took Laura to his home to repair the car, but Laura saw the photo of the deceased in his home, and panicked, she left the uncle's house immediately after the car was repaired, but also let the uncle find some clues. After a long disappearance, the uncle reported to the police, but the police did not find the body and did not make more progress, although the uncle reported the owner's license plate, but the male owner of the chicken thief had already scrapped the vehicle and reported it, and disguised an alibi.

Unexpectedly, after fooling the police and the uncle, he met the extortionist insider, and he and Laura had to go to the hotel designated by the other party, where he was attacked and Laura died, and the strangest thing was that there was no evidence of the existence of a third person.

Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:

But Adrian's statement did not satisfy the veteran lawyer, she repeatedly told the male protagonist that the statement was too general to make the judge believe that he had to tell more truths for his innocence defense, and she was also using her wisdom to help Adrian think of various suitable explanations, including the layout of the dead boy's parents there, and even photos to testify, and mentioned a mysterious witness in the courtroom, making the male protagonist feel that the abandonment of the car and the rescuer dumped the responsibility for the boy's death on Laura. The lawyer's connivance with the male protagonist made the male protagonist gradually satisfied, and even told the truth that the boy still had a breath when he pushed the cart into the water, and after communicating with the lawyer, Adrian's men also told him to bribe the driver who was passing by at the time, and there was another alibi.

Just when he was full of pride and excitement, an inexplicable signal interference made him unable to answer the phone properly, at this time he found that the pen left by the lawyer just now had actually flowed ink, and the open pen contained a bugging device, and at this time the real lawyer had just arrived, and the lawyer had just arrived, and the lawyer had actually pretended to be the mother of the dead boy.

Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:
Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:

In the end, what awaits Adrian will be the severe punishment of the law!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > Movie Review:</h1>

The reversal of the ending of this movie is really surprising, after all, the mother of the deceased who appears occasionally in the film is in a state of decadence, and the lawyer's energetic and confident appearance is difficult to imagine that the deceased's mother shows, which has to say that the hidden elements of this film have a picture of the former theater in the home of the deceased at the beginning of the film, which lays the foundation at this time.

The most exciting part of this film is two parts:

The first is the uncertainty of the events shown in this film, in Adrian's mouth he is innocent, and the idea and even later smearing the deceased is the idea of the mistress Laura, who is a very shrewd woman. But in the mouth of the "lawyer" came up with another possibility, in fact, Laura is a small role controlled by the male protagonist, and the proposed body and the subsequent action are the male protagonist, anyway, there is no evidence, anything is possible, including the case of Laura's murder later, but also from the male protagonist claiming that there are outsiders killing people to later boldly admitting to killing Laura, because there is no evidence, so everything is so unreal, all the characters have their possibilities, in the "lawyer" The implication is that the male protagonist, a passing driver, has found himself but not at all, and the psychological game makes the murder case led by this dialogue wonderful.

Extreme brain-burning, high-scoring suspense movie "Invisible Guest" plot analysis: Movie reviews:

The second highlight is the reversal of the ending, because from the beginning of the film to create the female lawyer's undefeated record, coupled with the provisions of the law that the lawyer must keep secrets for the employer make the male protagonist more and more rampant, the audience also hates him more and more with the deepening of the plot, but at this time the thinking has not been able to think of the possibility of reversal, but did not expect that this is not a lawyer, all of a sudden desperate situation, the audience's suppressed emotions have been released, and the bad guys will eventually be punished.

Although the plot of the movie is slightly solemn, the attraction of the suspense plot still makes the audience insist on waiting for the god reversal at the end, as a suspense crime movie, this film is really good, a rare masterpiece.

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