
Canned asparagus in Shanxi is resold to the European market


Cui Xiaonong, chief reporter of Shanxi Economic Daily

Canned asparagus in Shanxi is resold to the European market

The reporter recently learned from Taiyuan Customs that its Affiliated Yuncheng Customs accepted quarantine declarations for exporting 5 batches of canned asparagus in June, weighing 246 tons and worth 804,000 US dollars, all exported to Spain. This is the first time in 2018 that Shanxi asparagus canning enterprises have completely stopped exporting for 4 years.

From 2003 to 2012, canned asparagus was one of Yuncheng's characteristic export products. After 2012, affected by the economic crisis, asparagus canned export enterprises have changed careers or even closed down. By 2018, all canned asparagus enterprises exported from Yuncheng City stopped production. Now the international market has begun to improve, and Spain is the country with the highest price of canned asparagus in the European Union, and the export efficiency is very good, so the canned asparagus export enterprises in Yuncheng have the intention of re-exporting.

After learning about this situation, Yuncheng Customs actively took measures to fully investigate and understand the situation of the enterprise's re-export market, as well as the current difficulties and problems of the enterprise, collect the latest foreign inspection and quarantine standards and guide the enterprise to produce according to the requirements; guide the enterprise to improve the relevant procedures to help the enterprise complete the record of the export food enterprise and the raw material planting farm; send personnel to supervise and inspect the raw material source control system, safety and health and production quality control system, comprehensively analyze the product risks, and do a good job in the whole project test before export. At the same time, they actively do a good job in service guarantee, carry out on-site inspection at the first time, shorten the inspection cycle, and quickly check and release customs clearance.

It is understood that according to this year's production season, more than 600 tons of canned asparagus will be exported to Spain in the next step.

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