
"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

author:Tunan right, right

Recently, a video of a "wife splashing her husband with boiling water" caused an uproar on the Internet. At first, everyone scolded the wife for being ruthless, but as more details were revealed, the truth of the matter was far more complicated than what we saw.

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Here's the thing

Let's talk about this video first, in the video, the wife is quietly waiting for the electric kettle to boil water on the left hand side of the man, while the husband is sitting next to him and seems to be waiting for his wife to pour water!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

But what the husband never expected was that the wife not only did not pour the water into the teacup, but instead poured her head on her head!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

To tell the truth, what was the wife thinking while she was quietly waiting for the water to boil? Was it a long-planned plan, or was it an improvisation?

Because at the beginning, there was only the scene where the wife splashed water, and netizens blew up after watching it, accusing the wife of being a "poisonous woman" and "ruthless". But is it really that simple? Apparently not!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Full video exposure

Later, the full video was exposed, and it turned out that half an hour before the water splashing incident, the husband actually beat his wife in the living room! The wife was pressed on the sofa and had no power to fight back, but the husband punched one punch after another like a sandbag. This picture is simply unbearable!


At this time, the anger of netizens turned to her husband again. What kind of man is this? He actually did this to his wife, who shared his bed! Moreover, it is said that this is not the first time. This kind of domestic violence will never be tolerated!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w
"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Wife and child "Younger Brother Demon"

However, the other side of the matter also surfaced -- a husband's friend broke the news that his wife wanted to buy a house for his younger brother for 1 million yuan, and this money was actually taken from his own family! This "brother-in-the-devil" wife, are you also going too far? The husband disagreed, and the two quarreled, which eventually turned into domestic violence.

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Now it's okay, one is domestic violence, the other is pouring boiling water, and the conflict between the couple has completely exploded. But in the final analysis, this is not only a family conflict, this is domestic violence, it is a money dispute, and it is a double test of morality and law!

status quo

Now, the husband is lying in the hospital with extensive burns and may need a skin graft.


And what about the wife, who hid back in her mother's house and refused to agree to the divorce. This plot is more bloody than the TV series!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

With the exposure of the full video, the discussion among netizens is becoming more and more intense!

Whatever the reason, you can't do that!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Although I saw the picture of a husband abusing his wife, there are still many netizens who feel that splashing boiling water is unforgivable!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w
"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

There are also people who think that men and women are actually just ruthless, but they are very light!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Some netizens shared that similar things happened in their villages!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

However, some netizens feel that after understanding the cause and effect, they can understand the suppressed anger of the woman after being beaten!

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

What should I do?

Do you think that both of them are at fault? Domestic violence is absolutely intolerable, and pouring boiling water is equally unforgivable. But the problems behind this are even more thought-provoking - family conflicts, money disputes, these are all problems that each of us may encounter.

"Splashing boiling water" incident reversal: The full video was exposed, and his wife was beaten up for trying to buy a house for her younger brother for 100w

Therefore, we have to say that family harmony is not as simple as lip service. Between husband and wife, if there is a problem, you have to communicate well, don't do it if you don't agree. The issue of money must be clear, and we cannot ignore principles because of family affection.

At last

I would like to advise those who are experiencing family conflicts to calm down and talk about it. Don't let impulsiveness ruin your happiness, and don't let your family become a breeding ground for violence.

Remember, home and everything prospers, but only if there is no violence, no greed, only mutual respect and understanding. Such a family can get better and better and truly prosper!

If this is true, which side are you for?

What do you think about this matter, please leave a message in the comment area, and let's discuss it together.

Remember, stay rational and don't let your emotions sway your judgment. We'll talk next time!

Photo: Tu Nan right right

#妻子遭家暴后用开水浇丈夫视频曝光##律师: A woman splashing her husband with boiling water is domestic violence or sentenced ##夫妻##夫妻相处, what is she most afraid of##夫妻那些事##情感##头条创作挑战赛#

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