
Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

author:Yoko 娱乐


Every year during the graduation season, countless college students stand at the crossroads of their lives and face the major choice of employment. For them, the future is full of unknowns and confusion. After all, employment is the first truly independent choice in life, and without any experience to refer to, the road ahead always seems to be shrouded in fog.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!


Confused Graduation Season: The Dilemma of College Students' Employment Choices

According to statistics, the number of college graduates in mainland China is increasing every year, but the job market is not expanding. This contradiction between supply and demand makes college students feel pressured in the employment process. Not only do they have to face fierce competition, but they also have to face their own inner fears and insecurity. Many college students say they feel lost about their future career direction, not knowing what kind of job they should choose, and not knowing which industry their abilities and interests are suitable for.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

This confusion and confusion is not an isolated case, but a common occurrence among college students. They aspire to find a job that matches their interests and is stable for development, but in reality it is often difficult to achieve. As a result, many college students feel at a loss during the employment process, and even develop psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

In today's society, the phenomenon of involution is becoming more and more serious, not only in the learning stage, but also in the field of employment. In the process of employment, college students not only have to face fierce competition, but also have to deal with the double test of academic qualifications and ability.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

Academic qualifications are a stepping stone to the workplace, but it does not mean that having a high degree can easily find your dream job. Many companies pay more attention to the candidate's actual ability and work experience when hiring. Therefore, even if you have a high degree of education, it is difficult to stand out in the job market if you do not have the corresponding ability to support it.

However, the reality is that many college students struggle to balance their academic qualifications and abilities. On the one hand, they continue to work hard in pursuit of higher academic qualifications, but on the other hand, they neglect to cultivate and improve their actual abilities. This imbalance puts them at a disadvantage in the employment process and makes it difficult to find satisfactory jobs.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

In addition, the phenomenon of involution has also led to vicious competition in the job market. In order to raise the recruitment threshold, many companies often require candidates to have higher academic qualifications and more work experience. As a result, some candidates who would otherwise be qualified for the job are turned away because of their lack of academic qualifications or experience. This kind of competition not only exacerbates the employment pressure of college students, but also affects the employment environment of the whole society.

The Temptation and Risk of Iron Rice Bowls: A Discussion on Employment Choices of Central State-owned Enterprises

In today's increasingly competitive job market, central state-owned enterprises have become the first choice for many college students because of their stable welfare benefits and high social status. As the basic industry and important pillar of the country, these enterprises not only provide generous salaries and benefits, but also have a perfect promotion mechanism and broad development space.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

According to statistics, the recruitment of central state-owned enterprises attracts a large number of college students every year. They hope to gain a stable career development space and a good working environment by entering the central state-owned enterprises. In the eyes of many people, the central state-owned enterprises are like an "iron rice bowl", once entered, it means that the future life is guaranteed.

However, this stability has not come without a cost. The recruitment threshold for central state-owned enterprises is usually high, and candidates are required to have an excellent academic background and rich work experience. At the same time, the internal competition of central state-owned enterprises is fierce, and the promotion speed is relatively slow, which requires employees to have high comprehensive quality and ability to work under pressure.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

Despite the many attractions of central state-owned enterprises, for students from three-no families (no background, no resources, and no connections), they face many difficulties and challenges when entering central state-owned enterprises.

First of all, students from families often lack adequate support and help in the employment process. They have neither the support of family background nor the accumulation of social resources, and it is difficult for them to stand out in the fierce competition. This puts them at a disadvantage when applying for positions in central state-owned enterprises, making it difficult to get interviews or hiring opportunities.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

Second, there is often a certain amount of unfairness in the recruitment process of central state-owned enterprises. Although the state has been working hard to promote fairness and justice in employment, there are still some hidden thresholds and discrimination in reality. This makes it difficult for some students who have the ability but lack the background to work in central state-owned enterprises.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

In addition, the working environment and culture of central SOEs may not be suitable for all students. Although these companies provide stable benefits and good development space, their strict management systems and conservative corporate culture may also make some young employees feel depressed and uncomfortable. Therefore, when choosing a central state-owned enterprise for employment, students need to fully understand their own personality and ability characteristics, as well as whether the company's culture and values are compatible with themselves.

The wisdom of career planning: how to make a choice based on your own situation

When making employment choices, college students need to think carefully about their family background and personal abilities, and find a balance between the two. Although family background affects an individual's employment opportunities and development space to a certain extent, it is not a decisive factor. Personal ability, interest, and effort are equally important.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

Therefore, college students should fully understand their strengths and weaknesses when planning their careers, and clarify their career goals and development directions. At the same time, we should also actively improve our abilities and skills to enhance our competitiveness. When choosing an employment unit, it is necessary to weigh and choose according to your actual situation and needs.

In addition, college students should also maintain a positive mindset and an open mind. Don't go overboard with so-called "hot" jobs or "stable" jobs, but choose a career direction that suits you based on your interests and strengths. Only in this way can you achieve better development and achievements in your future career.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

In addition to central state-owned enterprises, there are many other types of employment options that deserve the attention of college students. With the continuous development and progress of society, new industries and fields are constantly emerging, providing more employment opportunities and development space for college students.

For example, the Internet, artificial intelligence, new energy and other fields are developing rapidly and need a large number of talent support. At the same time, some innovative enterprises and start-ups are also actively recruiting outstanding young talents, providing them with a broad development platform and rich career experience.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

Therefore, college students should broaden their horizons and pay attention to multiple employment options in the employment process. You can learn more about employment information and opportunities by participating in job fairs, internship practices, online recruitment, etc. At the same time, we should also pay attention to future development trends and market demand, and actively adjust our career planning and development direction.


Faced with an unknown job market, every college student is faced with choices and confusion. However, career planning is not something that can be achieved overnight, it requires us to start by understanding ourselves and gradually explore the path that suits us.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

Central SOEs may be a stable option, but they are not for everyone. We need to recognize our family background, personal abilities, and future career development plans in order to make the most suitable choice for ourselves. At the same time, we must also keep an open mind, pay attention to multiple employment options, and constantly broaden our horizons and opportunities.

Zhang Xuefeng said bluntly: Students from three-no families are not recommended to enter central state-owned enterprises, 2 reasons, Daigo empowerment!

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, let us face the choices and confusions of employment with wisdom and courage, and strive to plan a wonderful life of our own.

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