
Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Mr. Lee, a regular visitor to our hospital, is in his 70s this year, but he still looks energetic and vigorous.

Every time he came to the hospital for a follow-up visit, we would be curious to ask him about his health secrets.

He always smiled and said:

Indeed, Mr. Li's physical condition is very good, and all indicators are maintained at normal levels.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

He told us,

It wasn't until he retired that he began to focus on his physical health, choosing walking as his main form of exercise.

He wakes up early every morning and walks around the neighborhood a few times.

When the weather is good, he will also organize some like-minded friends to go hiking in the suburbs.

For decades, no matter the wind or rain, he has never stopped.

As doctors, we often encounter some patients who have various problems in their bodies due to lack of exercise.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

Walking, as a simple and easy-to-use exercise without side effects, is one of the effective means to prevent and treat these problems.

But there is also a point in walking, don't hear it, prepare to walk 20,000 steps tomorrow;

Don't worry, let's see how to walk correctly.

1. Walking is a "longevity medicine", which can prolong life by 6 years.

The Journal of the American Association of Medical Directors did a large-scale study:

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

During the 13.8-year follow-up period, 19,789 deaths were recorded.

Walking 90-720 minutes per week was associated with a 27%-31% reduction in mortality and a 6-year increase in life expectancy compared to the non-walking group.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

In addition, the Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention has also done an experiment:

You see, even if it is for the effect of losing weight and lowering blood pressure, we should insist on walking every day.

Second, what are the specific effects of walking on the body?

This seemingly inconspicuous walk can actually be of great benefit to our physical and mental health.

1. Good for the heart

Every time we walk with our legs open, the blood has to flow back up to the heart.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

In this way, the workload of the heart is lightened and the blood circulation is smoother.

Not only is it easy to control blood pressure, but the risk of heart disease is also reduced.

2. Good bones

When walking, our legs and feet have to bear the weight of the whole body, and this repeated pressure stimulation is like massaging the bones;

It can promote bone absorption of nutrients, strengthen bone toughness and density, and prevent osteoporosis.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

3. Good for the brain

You think, when we walk in stride, our breathing and heartbeat will increase, so that the blood circulation will be smoother;

The brain also gets more oxygen and nutrients, and the mind is naturally more agile.

Fresh air, beautiful scenery, and chatting with friends and family;

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

It can make our mood happy, and the brain can be relaxed and rested.

4. Good for regulating emotions

If you're tired and bored one day, you might as well go for a walk and let nature heal your soul.

However, if you are depressed and stressed for a long time, walking alone may not be enough;

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

At this time, you have to talk to a professional and consult.

3. If the elderly want to walk without hurting their knees, keep in mind 5 key points

1. The speed should be appropriate

The speed of walking is very crucial. For the elderly over 60 years old, it is not advisable to walk too fast, so as not to cause discomfort due to poor breathing and rapid heartbeat.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

Generally speaking, it is advisable to use a speed of 80-100 steps per minute to achieve the effect of exercise and ensure safety.

2. The posture should be correct

The posture of walking is equally important. Keep your chest up and your head up, tuck your abdomen and raise your buttocks, and swing your hands naturally.

When the leg lands, the heel should land lightly on the ground at an angle that shows the sole of the shoe forward.

Not only does this pose help to keep your body balanced, but it also works more muscle groups to achieve more results with less.

3. The ground should be stable

Choosing the right pavement is also key to walking.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

Try to choose a flat, hard surface, such as a walking path in a park, a school playground, etc.

Avoid walking on rough mountain roads or soft sand to avoid falling or exerting too much energy.

4. Time should be controlled

You can take a walk for about 30 minutes a day, so you don't have to walk continuously for a long time.

In addition, the morning and evening are the times when the air is fresh and the environment is beautiful, which is suitable for outdoor activities for the elderly.

5. Dress comfortably

Choose comfortable, breathable, non-slip shoes and clothing.

Walking is a good medicine for longevity! Doctors remind: when you reach the age of 60, keep in mind the "5 elements" when walking

Shoes should have some cushioning performance to reduce the impact on the feet and knee joints;

Clothing should be loose and sweat-absorbent to facilitate physical movement.


《Associations of Various Physical Activities with Mortality and Life Expectancy are Mediated by Telomere Length》.2023.09.01

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