
Phoenix nod + leopard tail sweep: poke the beginning and end of reading comprehension

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Phoenix nod + leopard tail sweep: poke the beginning and end of reading comprehension

Concept + Question Type + Method + Training = Reading Comprehension Bootcamp Member KE

Editor|Teacher Shaoming

April 17, 2024

The things that are not covered in Chinese class: the secrets of reading comprehension texts


The beginning is hard to guess, and the end is hard to understand

Did you know? Just like eating steamed buns to taste the filling, when reading an article, the essence is often hidden in the two "dumpling skins" at the beginning and the end.

When many babies are doing Chinese reading comprehension, facing the introduction at the beginning and the sublimation at the end, they are like gnawing on buns without filling, and they can't find the north, so they can only stare and scratch the blind. This is really in response to the sentence: "The beginning is difficult to guess, and the end is difficult to understand".


Dig deeper into the reasons one, two, three

(1) "Dragonfly reading" is the first reason - many students are accustomed to quick skimming, and lack in-depth chewing on the beginning and end of the article, and the important clues at the beginning and end are naturally ignored.

(2) "Dogmatic answering method" is also a difficult problem - some students think that they only need to memorize formulas to solve reading questions, but they ignore the in-depth grasp of the author's intention and the main idea of the article, which is precisely the key to the beginning and the end.

(3) The tight pace of teaching and the insufficient explanation of the intensive reading and appreciation of articles in the classroom are also important factors for this phenomenon.


Head and tail cooking

In response to this problem, Mr. Shaoming boiled a pot of soup stock for the "head and tail cooking method":

1. "Phoenix nodding" reading method: When reading the beginning of the article, be as keen as the phoenix nodding, and look for the author's "throwing bricks and attracting jade", such as questioning, quoting, depicting scenes, etc., which are all clues to the author's layout and planning.

2. "Leopard Tail" Analysis: Treat the ending as accurately as capturing a leopard's tail, pay attention to how the author closes the whole text, whether there is a summary of the full text, deepens the emotional expression of the theme, or leaves endless suspense.

Make these two tricks into a mantra:

Feng nodded, grasping the clue;

Leopard tail sweep, realize the main purpose.

Of course, let's give more specific guidance for each step so that novices can master both reading comprehension skills:


Feng nodded visually

[Phoenix Nodding Reading] and "Leopard Tail Analysis" are visual expressions, corresponding to the beginning and end of the article, respectively.

This method means that when reading an article, you should first pay attention to the beginning of the article, that is, the position of the "phoenix nod". This section often contains key information such as the author's way of introducing the topic, the setting of the environment, and the topic clues.


Read the opening paragraph: Read the opening paragraph carefully, word by word, noting how the author opens the topic and whether he uses metaphors, symbols, or other figures of speech.

Look for topical clues: Analyze the language at the beginning to identify words or sentences that may indicate the core idea of the article or the topic to be discussed.

Summarizing: Try to summarize the main intent of the opening paragraph and what it might do for the whole text in your own words, in context.

Exercise 1:

In the first paragraph, "the spring breeze blows the south bank of the Green River, the new sprouts break through the ground, and all things recover" is a specific description of the vibrant scene of spring, and it can be inferred that this paragraph is using the new force of spring as a metaphor for the growth and vitality of youth.

Exercise 2:

The beginning describes the story of the grandfather telling the story at night, and through this scene, we can speculate that the article may discuss the inheritance of family, the transmission of life wisdom, or the nostalgia for childhood memories.


Leopard tail visualization

Leopard tail parsing: This method emphasizes the understanding of the end of the article, like a powerful wave of a leopard's tail, which can give a strong end to the whole article and deepen the main idea.


In-depth interpretation of the closing paragraph: You also need to read the last paragraph of the essay carefully, noting the transitions, summaries, echoes of the previous text, or deepens the topic.

Excavate the theme sublimation: Determine whether the ending makes a summary statement on the main content of the article, or puts forward new insights, and whether it sublimates the connotation of the topic.

Connect the whole text: Think about the intrinsic connection between the end and the beginning and the main text, and see how the end responds to or reinforces the theme.

Exercise 1:

The end of the autumn harvest is mentioned as a reference to the growth and harvest in the process of youth, and this transition from the seasons of nature to the stages of life helps to understand that the focus of the text is to affirm the importance of the experience of adolescence for individual growth.

Exercise 2:

The end of the essay expresses that although the storyteller is no longer there, the story still lights the way like a star, which is a strong symbol that reminds the reader that the ending is deepening the theme of the long-term impact that the grandfather gave through the story on the protagonist's life.


At last

This solution is highly feasible because it emphasizes the cultivation of reading strategies and mindsets, rather than mechanical answering skills.

As long as students persist in practice, I believe that they can not only improve their Chinese reading comprehension scores, but also cultivate their independent thinking and critical reading skills.

Phoenix nod + leopard tail sweep: poke the beginning and end of reading comprehension

As long as the method is right, the effect is immediate


At last

This set of "farming thinking model" uses the living farming scene as a metaphor to concretize abstract reading comprehension strategies, which helps students better understand and master.

Through practice, we expect that most students will be able to effectively identify the role of data and stories in reading comprehension, and will have clearer ideas when answering questions, and their scores will be significantly improved.

Phoenix nod + leopard tail sweep: poke the beginning and end of reading comprehension

Why do I lose points for Chinese reading comprehension?

1. Don't know how to learn

2. Don't know where to start

I'll write a copy of "How to Open Reading Comprehension Meetings" and ask me to share it with you!