
The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

author:Demon player

On April 16, 2024, the match of the fifth personality COA VII World Finals - Group Stage 5 begins, in the match of the day, AXIZ defeated AWG with a score of 2 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses (15:3), the following is the match report.

First half of the game: AWG Survivors vs. AXIZ Regulators

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

AWG's survivors chose the patient, the lucky one, the first mate, and the gardener, while AXIZ's supervisor, KaKaKa, chose the opera

Member. (BAN Adventurer, Antique Dealer, Lawyer, Air Force)

At the beginning, the opera singer chooses to chase after the lucky one and quickly knocks him out and sends him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the first mate and the patient took turns to save the lucky one, and then the lucky one was knocked out.

In the middle stage, the opera singer chooses to pursue the gardener and successfully knocks him down, and then the opera singer chooses to pursue the patient, knocks him down and sends him to the chair, then uses teleportation to continue the pursuit of the gardener, and after knocking down the gardener, teleports again, pursues the patient and eliminates him. The survivors deciphered the cipher machine.

In the opening battle, after the opera singer pursues the first mate and knocks him down, he chooses to teleport and knock out the gardener. He then went to the first mate position and knocked him down again, and the overseer completed four catches.

In the first half of the first game, AXIZ led with a score of 5:0.

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

Second half of the first game: AXIZ Survivors vs. AWG Regulators

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

AXIZ's survivors chose the gardener, first mate, air force, and lawyer, while the AWG's regulator, Brontal, chose the opera singer. (BAN Antique Dealer, Priest, Prophet, Mercenary)

At the beginning, the opera singer chooses to chase down the gardener and uses the flash to knock him out and send him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the air force used a flare gun to save the gardener, and then the gardener was knocked down again to send the chair, and after the second rescue of the first mate, the gardener was knocked out and eliminated.

After the mid-opera singer injured the lawyer, the cipher machine was deciphered.

In the opening battle, the opera singer knocks down the lawyer and sends him to the chair, finally completing the second catch.

The first game was tied 2:2.

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

First half of Game 2: AXIZ Survivors vs. AWG Regulators

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

AXIZ's survivors chose antique dealers, patients, first mates, and "psychologists" (BAN wax artists), while AWG's regulator, yukakina, chose opera singers. (BAN Toy Dealer, Aviator, Prophet, Mercenary)

At the beginning, the opera singer chooses to pursue the "psychologist" and knocks him out to the chair.

In the chair battle, the patient and the first mate take turns to save the "psychologist", and then the survivors decipher the cipher machine.

In the opening battle, the opera singer uses a flash to knock out the "psychologist", and the survivor completes the three runs.

In the first half of the second game, AXIZ led with a score of 3:1.

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

Second half of the game: AWG Survivors vs. AXIZ Regulators

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

AWG's survivors chose Prospectors, Mercenaries, Aviators, and Dancers (BAN opera singers), while AXIZ's regulator, Ryz, chose Dream Witch. (BAN Prophet, Acrobat, "Psychologist", Antique Dealer)

At the beginning of the game, the Dream Witch chooses to pursue the Aviator and cooperate with the Ranger to knock him down and send him to the chair.

In the chair battle, the mercenary rescued the pilot, and then the pilot was knocked down again to send the chair, and the dream witch successfully intercepted the mercenary for the second rescue, and knocked the mercenary down and sent the chair, and the aviator was eliminated.

In the middle stage, the dancer and the prospector take turns rescuing the mercenary, and after the mercenary is wounded, the survivor finishes deciphering the cipher machine.

In the opening battle, the Dream Witch knocks down the mercenary, then uses the flash to knock down the Prospector and the Dancing Girl in turn, and finally completes the four catches.

In the second half of the second game, AXIZ won with a score of 5:0.

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

In the end, AXIZ defeated AWG with a score of 2 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses (15:3) to win the game.

The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!
The Fifth Personality COA VII: AXIZ_Atto "Psychologist" slipped through three sets to help the team win!

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