
Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

author:Uncle Water

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

We often buy a variety of supplies in our lives, and with these supplies, we can also improve our quality of life. However, not all items can be purchased, and some items may seem ordinary, but if they are used regularly, they will also have a certain effect on our body. In particular, the risks of these 5 things should not be underestimated. If you have one at home, be sure to dispose of it as soon as possible.

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

All kinds of plastic bags in the refrigerator.

When many people freeze food, they will not remove the plastic bag on the surface of the food, but directly put the plastic bag in the refrigerator. As everyone knows, the surface of plastic bags often contains some bacteria and dirt and other substances, and if you freeze it with a plastic bag, it may contaminate other food, and even become a breeding ground for bacteria. For the sake of our health, we must remove the plastic bag on the surface of the food in advance when freezing food.

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

Non-stick pans with peeling coating.

I believe that many families will have a non-stick pan in their kitchen, and the dishes made with the non-stick pan are not only delicious, but also in excellent condition. However, after using it for a period of time, you will find that the coating on the surface of many non-stick pans will fall off, and you must know that these peeling layers also contain a lot of heavy metal substances. If these substances are ingested for a long time, they will affect your health and increase the risk of cancer.

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

All kinds of expired data cables.

Data cables can be said to be the most commonly used items in many families, in addition to the original data cables, almost every family will have several spare data cables. However, the data cable also has an expiration date, and if you find that the data cable at home is expired, you must clean it up in time. Because these expired data cables are likely to have a variety of problems such as wire exposure and poor contact, if they continue to be used, they may cause electrical short circuits and even cause fires.

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

Mop not clean.

Mops are a must-have in every home, and they play an important role in cleanliness and hygiene. However, many mops may not be clean after being used for a long time, which will not only leave water stains, dust and other substances on the ground, but also may pollute the ground. If you have this kind of mop at home, you must clean it up as soon as possible, after all, the mop is not a valuable item, just buy a new one.

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

Wooden chopsticks that have become moldy.

Chopsticks are one of the most commonly used tools in our lives, and there are many types of chopsticks sold in the market, including stainless steel chopsticks, aluminum alloy chopsticks and other materials, but compared to these chopsticks, the most commonly used is wooden chopsticks. Wooden chopsticks are not only cheap and durable, but also cost-effective, but they also need to be replaced regularly during the process of using them.

Doctor: Don't leave these "5 things" to death, and dispose of them as soon as possible at home, it is by no means superstition

Some people may wonder: why should chopsticks be replaced regularly? This is because the raw material of wooden chopsticks is wood, which is prone to mold and deterioration during use. If the wooden chopsticks have become moldy, they may emit an unpleasant odor, and may also be contaminated with harmful substances such as aflatoxin, which will also affect our health in the long run, and will also increase the incidence of diseases.

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