
More than 40 nurses in a hospital were dismissed en masse! Nursing was included in the state-controlled profession! What should medical staff do under unstable factors?

author:Yimaitong Urology
More than 40 nurses in a hospital were dismissed en masse! Nursing was included in the state-controlled profession! What should medical staff do under unstable factors?


Not only supernumerary nurses, but even supernumerary doctors are also facing the stormy waters of the Red Sea of their profession.

Source: Yimaitong Author: Ye Zhengsong This article is authorized by the author to be published by Yimaitong, please do not reprint without authorization.

More than 40 nurses in a hospital were dismissed en masse! Nursing was included in the state-controlled profession! What should medical staff do under unstable factors?

"They didn't sign a contract with us, they didn't give us insurance, they fired us for no reason, we wanted an explanation. On April 12, a nurse at a dental hospital in Inner Mongolia told the media about her predicament.

In March 2020, she passed the written test, interview and other layers of screening, and she officially took up her post in April of that year. According to the nurse, in the following six months, the hospital successively recruited more than 50 nurses, all of whom had a bachelor's degree or less.

In August 2023, the nurses were suddenly notified by the hospital that they needed to sign a resignation form with a property company. Soon after, they finally signed a formal contract with the hospital, but it was only for three months – July to September, October to December.

According to her, at the end of last year, the institute issued a recruitment announcement for record-filing personnel, recruiting 75 people from the society, and the academic requirements are bachelor's degree or above. At the beginning of this year, with the expiration of two short-term contracts, the nurses who had been recruited with a bachelor's degree or less were forced to leave one after another. They can't think about it, and it's even more difficult to calm down.

On April 13, the hospital involved issued a statement on the matter.

The hospital said that the more than 40 nurses reported by the media were the labor dispatch contracts signed by the hospital and the property company through labor dispatch, and the company signed labor contracts with the labor dispatch personnel, paid wages, and handled various related matters such as insurance benefits and benefits, and clarified the employment period.

On December 31, 2023, the contract expired, and the labor relationship was terminated normally. Hospital employment is in the form of "labor dispatch + short-term labor contract", which is in line with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

More than 40 nurses in a hospital were dismissed en masse! Nursing was included in the state-controlled profession! What should medical staff do under unstable factors?

Source: The hospital's official WeChat account

The hospital's response is obviously different from the dismissed nurse's statement, but it also has its truth. Because, generally speaking, hospitals use non-staff personnel, and there are two channels:

1. The hospital shall sign a contract directly with the non-staff personnel.

Under this form of employment, the salaries and social security of non-staff personnel are directly paid by the hospital. There are certain risks in this employment method, and if the hospital's personnel department is not strict in checking, it is easy to cause labor disputes. This is because the Labor Law stipulates that an employee can sign an indefinite contract with the employer after signing two consecutive contracts or after working for the employer for 10 years. Once this situation occurs, although the identity of non-staff personnel cannot be changed, they can continue to work in the unit, and many hospitals are unwilling to see this situation appear, so this kind of employment method is relatively rare.

2. The hospital signs a contract with the labor service company, and the labor service company dispatches personnel to the hospital.

This method is used in general hospitals when recruiting non-staff personnel on a large scale. Under this method, the non-staff personnel are registered in the labor service company and actually work in the hospital, and the salary is paid by the hospital to the labor service company, and the labor service company then pays the individual, and the individual needs to pay a certain amount of management fee to the labor service company every month. Since the hospital is contracted with a labor company, the hospital is not a direct employer of non-staff personnel, which can avoid labor and legal disputes. Therefore, at present, general hospitals prefer to recruit non-staff personnel in this way.

Therefore, judging from the current insistence of the hospital involved and the dismissed nurses, it is undoubtedly "the public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is reasonable".

At present, some nurses have applied for labor arbitration. The relevant case is about to go to trial, the truth is about to surface, and we are looking forward to a happy ending.

Ministry of Education: Nursing will be included in the national control major

Recently, the news of the dismissal of supernumerary nurses has been on the hot search many times. Reminiscent of the recent inclusion of the Ministry of Education in the "state-controlled" enrollment of nursing majors, it is speculated that nursing staff may have been oversaturated.

On March 19, the Ministry of Education released the 2024 Catalog of Undergraduate Majors in Ordinary Colleges and Universities. Combined with the changes in the needs of economic and social development and the layout of majors, the Ministry of Education has dynamically adjusted the scope of state-controlled majors, and adjusted three majors such as nursing to state-controlled majors (referred to as state-controlled majors).

According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education, under normal circumstances, there are two types of majors that will be included in the state-controlled majors: one is that there are many colleges and universities that currently offer this major, and the market demand has been saturated, and the other is the major involving special industries such as national security or life and health.

In this regard, some people in the industry interpreted: on the one hand, this shows that the state attaches great importance to the quality of nursing professional talent training, and on the other hand, it also reflects the country's refined management of human resource allocation for key positions in the medical and health industry.

It can be seen that the education and training of nursing will be subject to stricter supervision and standardization requirements. Caregivers will also face higher barriers to entry and continuing education requirements.

Not only nurses, but also supernumerary doctors began to be dismissed

In recent years, uncertainty has intensified in all walks of life, and as a doctor, I know this very well. Therefore, health care workers need to be on high alert for stability and everything else within their profession.

In the past, the number of patients has been steadily increasing, and nurses, as indispensable front-line workers in the medical industry, are naturally the sweethearts of medical institutions. Nowadays, in the post-epidemic era, with the economic downturn, the number of patients has decreased, especially some specialized hospitals such as dental hospitals, which have fallen off a cliff and their business income has declined.

What is the most feared thing in the workplace? It's not necessarily that you don't work hard, it's not necessarily that you're not good, it's a pity that there are still people who are more cost-effective than you.

Even if it hasn't been "optimized" for the time being, don't be too lucky. If nothing else, the nurse industry will definitely "drip down" in the future. What does that mean? The number of people entering the industry has doubled, and the number of hours people working is increasing, but the income is not necessarily increasing. Therefore, the author is not surprised by the collective dismissal of more than 40 nurses in the dental hospital.

In fact, not only supernumerary nurses, but even supernumerary doctors are also facing the stormy waves of the professional Red Sea.

Recently, Mr. Cai, a citizen of Fuzhou, dialed "120" for help because the elderly at home had a fever. Dr. Yao, who arrived at the scene with the ambulance, was a little unhappy when he learned that the old man only had a fever: "Will you die if you have a fever of 38.5 °C? ”

It is reported that this Dr. Yao is a supernumerary doctor in a certain campus of the First General Hospital of Fuzhou City, and because of his "work problems," he made disrespectful remarks to patients.

According to an insider, the hospital has recently dismissed many non-staff personnel, and Dr. Yao is one of them. A person familiar with the matter said, "Maybe because he was going to be fired by the hospital, he was dissatisfied and worked with emotions." ”

In other words, Dr. Yao acted like this because he was facing dismissal and therefore went to work with emotions.

It can be seen that the next round of deterministic slow variables is not only nurses, but also doctors, especially obstetricians, who are oversold and laid off. The direction of the overall medical reform is to find its own way out. It's an iron rice bowl, and all of them will be shattered.

What should medical staff do in the event of instability?

The sad question of reality is, what will medical staff do but do medical care, and what can they do without medical care?

Although there are a very small number of successful cases of medical staff resigning to sell steamed buns, setting up barbecues, and opening restaurants, they have completed a gorgeous turnaround. But after all, it is only a minority, most of the medical staff, they usually open their eyes every day, only patients, no time to think, no energy to expand and learn other skills, it can be said that medical staff have dedicated their all to the hospital, dedicated to the medical industry. It's not that hospitals can't do without them, it's that they can't do without hospitals.

The medical industry is like a lock, locking not only the individual medical staff, but also their connections and development redundancy.

Therefore, the author once again reminds my colleagues that in front of the deterministic slow variables, if we cannot be vigilant and fail to lay out in advance, we may pay the price of stability for our immediate stability.

People have no foresight, but they must have near-term worries. I sincerely advise all of you, whether you are in or out of the staff, not to be institutionalized. Never be a caged bird who covets comfort, always maintain the ability to learn, research, select, and master one more skill in case of emergency. If you want to be a salted fish, totally fine. But I still advise you, don't be too salted fish, and maintain the most basic respect for your work and the most vigilant awe for stability.

In the workplace, the relationship between employees and "bosses", there is no good or bad, no right or wrong, just the original cost performance and now find a substitute.

So, to be honest, in today's professional environment, you must lower your expectations and set the right mindset. If you work hard and don't get your expectations, or even get fired, then you must learn to change your situation.

Life has infinite possibilities, and the workplace is often bright. Leave, maybe have a different face.

Remember that sentence: There was originally a road in the world, but there were fewer people who dared to walk, and gradually the road was overgrown with wild grass, and then the road was gone.


Cover image source: Visual China

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