
What are the benefits of doing more pull-ups and how do I do pull-ups in a standard way?

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

There are many options for fitness movements, and the muscle groups and effects of different movements are also different. Today, I want to talk about the pull-up action.

Pull-ups are a deceptively simple but challenging body workout, and it's a golden compound that works the muscles of the upper limbs and gives you multiple benefits.

What are the benefits of doing more pull-ups and how do I do pull-ups in a standard way?

So, what are the benefits of practicing more pull-ups?

First of all, pull-ups are a multi-joint exercise that can exercise multiple muscle groups at the same time, including latissimus dorsi, biceps, triceps, trapezius, etc., which helps us improve our physical fitness more comprehensively and enhance the body's explosiveness and endurance.

Secondly, since pull-ups require body suspension and stretching, it can also effectively improve the flexibility and coordination of the body, as well as improve overall physical fitness, laying a solid foundation for various activities in daily life.

Third, pull-ups can also improve our heart and lung function. During the pull-ups, we need to take deep breaths continuously, which can help us better take in oxygen, improve cardiorespiratory fitness, and enhance the body's endurance.

What are the benefits of doing more pull-ups and how do I do pull-ups in a standard way?

So, how do you do pull-ups standardly?

First, keep your body steady, keep your feet off the ground, hold the horizontal bar with both hands, and keep your arms straight and your body in a natural drooping state.

Then, we need to contract our back and arm muscles and pull our body up until our chin is above the height of the horizontal bar. During this process, we need to keep our body stable and avoid shaking or twisting to avoid injury.

Finally, we need to slowly lower our body and return to the starting state, ready for the next pull-up. The number of exhausted units each time, and multiple sets of training are performed.

What are the benefits of doing more pull-ups and how do I do pull-ups in a standard way?

PS: If you can't complete a standard pull-up workout, you can make it easier to do a low pull-up (reverse row) to reduce the weight load, or use elastic bands to assist in training. Stick to it for a while, slowly build up muscle strength, and then try standard pull-ups.

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