
A person's greatest ability is to lift himself up

author:I love sticky bean buns

Of course, I'm going to tell you a real emotional story, some details may be changed, but its warmth and touching are real.

My name is Li Xiaoyang and I am 28 years old. Growing up, I have always been an introvert with a slight inferiority complex. The family background is average, my father is an ordinary office worker, and my mother does housework at home. Although the home is warm, it always lacks a sense of comfort.

When I was a child, I was always teased by my classmates, I always stammered when I spoke, and I lived like a wooden man. After graduating from high school, I didn't continue my education, but chose an ordinary job and lived a dull life mechanically every day.

Until one day, I met her, Wang Xiaolin. She was my college classmate, a sunny, enthusiastic and cheerful girl. We met by chance on the street, and she saw me, like seeing an old friend who hadn't seen me for a long time, and took my hand and chatted happily.

"Xiaoyang, long time no see, how are you?" her voice was full of care and warmth.

"I... I'm okay. I replied with some awkwardness.

"You're welcome, let's go have a cup of coffee! I've been quite busy at work lately, so I have a chance to take a break. She laughs.

A person's greatest ability is to lift himself up

From that day on, we often ate together, chatted, and even went to the movies together. With her by my side, I gradually opened my heart and learned to be honest with my heart. She always gave me the most sincere comfort and encouragement when I was most lost.

"Xiaoyang, you are really great, you have to believe in yourself. She said to me.

Under her guidance, I started trying to do things I hadn't thought of before, such as attending social events, connecting with colleagues, and even trying to jump on some dance floors to release my stress. I found that life can be so colorful, as long as you dare to try and do it, you can discover more possibilities.

However, just when I thought everything was going to get better, I suffered a setback. I needed to go on a business trip to an unfamiliar city because of my work, but this business trip made me encounter some difficulties, and the pressure of work made me feel exhausted and depressed.

"Xiaoyang, what's wrong with you? She asked me on the phone.

"It's nothing, it's just that some things at work are annoying. I replied reluctantly.

"yes, I see. But you have to remember that no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face them bravely, believe in yourself, and I will always support you. Her voice was firm and warm.

A person's greatest ability is to lift himself up

With her encouragement, I began to actively deal with problems at work, no longer afraid of difficulties, but dared to challenge myself and strive to overcome all difficulties. In the end, I successfully completed the business trip, which not only won the praise of my boss, but also made me more confident to face the challenges ahead.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a few years have passed. The relationship between Xiaolin and I has also been sublimated during this time, and we support each other and grow together. She made me understand that a person's greatest ability is nothing else, but to be able to lift himself up, persevere in pursuing his dreams, and constantly surpass himself.

Nowadays, I am no longer the introverted and inferior young man, I have learned to be brave, I have learned to be strong, and I have learned to face all the challenges in life. I know that as long as she is by my side, I will be able to overcome any difficulties and meet all the challenges ahead.

"Xiaoyang, I love you. "I said to her affectionately on a warm evening.

"I love you too, Xiaoyang. She replied softly, her eyes filled with happiness and emotion.

Yes, a person's greatest ability is to learn to lift himself up, bravely face all difficulties in life, and constantly pursue his dreams until the moment of success. And with her by my side, I believe that I will be able to realize my dream and live a happier and more fulfilling life.

A person's greatest ability is to lift himself up