
The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

author:Pavilion said

Audrey Lamy is a French actress and comedian, a native of the south of France, who is still active on television at the age of 43.

Audrey's sister is also an actress, and her cousin is a French politician with a prominent family.

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

After Audrey became famous, she once bought a holiday home in the south of France. Just recently, she was scolded crazy by French netizens for a burglary case in which her belongings were damaged!

Because, she actually chose to stand on the side of the criminals and think about them...

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

A year and a half ago, Audrey's villa in the south of France was visited by thieves who lost 18,000 euros worth of designer bags and jewelry.

Her housekeeper told her the bad news over the phone, but luckily the house was unoccupied at the time, and it was just a simple damage to her belongings.

Audrey was "shocked" to hear the news because she had never encountered anything like it.

But the good news came quickly: the local police were able to help and the 3 thieves of the burglary had been found!

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

It is not known whether the stolen goods were recovered, but Audrey was not the only victim, the gang had already visited 15 other houses before the theft of Audrey's home, which was clearly organized crime.

The police department was very happy that the criminals were caught, and in the process of handling the case, Audrey wrote a letter of charge and sent it to them, so that they could prosecute this group of criminals.

But unexpectedly, after the criminal was arrested, Audrey heard the news, but her attitude changed drastically, saying that she didn't want to sue the three thieves!

Could it be that Audrey knows these people?

Definitely. The three young criminals are illegal immigrants from Bosnia, who have crossed the ocean and are in the dark in France, with nothing to do with Audrey's life.

Even if the black is in France, several people still make a living by burglary, and they don't want to adapt to the country at all.

It's just such a few social scourges, why did Audrey suddenly give up the prosecution?

The answer is also simple: Audrey thinks these three people are "too miserable"...

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

Homeless, unemployed, without money, away from family, precarious... If Audrey had cooperated with the prosecution, the three would have been deported immediately.

Considering the "difficulty" of these three illegal refugees, Audrey decided: let this matter go with the wind...

She dropped the prosecution, and she didn't attend this month's trial as if she didn't know about it.

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

The district prosecutor had no choice but to prosecute, but because Audrey, a key person, did not participate in the whole process, and finally the human and material evidence against the three criminals was very scarce, and the court only sentenced the lead thief to one year in prison and banned from entering French territory for 10 years.

It is unclear whether the French police did anything else to deal with the two men because of their illegal immigration status, but there is no doubt that Audrey's non-prosecution and inaction eventually led to the release of the two men into French society.

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

French netizens saw Audrey's kindness and ran directly to her ins to scold her:

"Thank you for not filing a complaint against your burglars, so they will be able to create new victims who may not be as wealthy as you. (They have already burglarized 15 houses before and thanks to you, they will continue to steal without any problem)"

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

"Where is your home address full of shopping?"

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

"I absolutely cannot understand your decision not to file a complaint. There's no reason to go to someone else's house to get something to treat yourself, there's no reason to take something that doesn't belong to you. In your next burglary, you'll have some responsibility that will surely affect people who need help more than you do... Humanitarianism does not mean that some people commit illegal acts against others, you are completely detached from reality. ”

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

"Audrey Lamy is a person who has been involved in helping the country decline. ”

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

"I'll never go to see these movies of yours again. ”

"Have you considered past and future victims?"

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

"Not bad Stockholm syndrome, not complaining just to keep yourself in the mindfulness circle?

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

"Attention undocumented people = you can go to her apartment for self-shopping and she won't complain because she's understanding you. ”

The French actress's home was burglarized, but she let the thief go and gave up the prosecution?

Will the two acquitted people change their mistakes and thank Audrey for their great kindness to their freedom?

Or do you think that the rich people in France are stupid and have a lot of money, and they have to be "classed" by them, anyway, these rich people will not embarrass them in the end if they lose some money??

Time may tell Audrey an answer...

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