
Singapore, South Korea, Japan, which country to choose to work abroad?

author:External Recruitment

No matter where we work, most of us ordinary people go abroad for one purpose, and that is to make money. It's not easy to go anywhere to work, make a hard-earned money, and no matter what position, what job, it's almost impossible to get a high salary easily. So before going abroad, you have to figure out if you can stick with it and if you can work hard before you decide whether to go abroad or not.

1. Singapore

Singapore is the first choice for migrant workers, and Singapore's social security is very good and the environment is beautiful. It is also a Chinese country, with more than 70% Chinese, and the Chinese environment is also a comfort to many people who are in a foreign country.

However, the official language of Singapore is English, so in some jobs, employers have different levels of English requirements for workers, and those with English proficiency have a wider range of options than those who do not speak English.

Singapore, South Korea, Japan, which country to choose to work abroad?

Singapore has a huge demand for human resources, and a large number of workers are needed in all walks of life.

There are also work permits for various types of jobs in Singapore, depending on the academic qualifications and abilities. If you don't have skills and don't have a high degree of education, you can choose general workers, such as chefs, vegetable washers, apprentices, nail and eyelash art, massage, etc

Singapore, South Korea, Japan, which country to choose to work abroad?

If you have technical and academic qualifications, there are a variety of clerks, teachers, programmers, and management positions. Ordinary engineering positions can reach 1W+, but the cost of Xinjiapi is also very large.

2. South Korea

South Korea, as our close neighbor, is the first choice for many ethnic Koreans to work, because our North Korean friends have language advantages, and South Korea also has jobs that do not require Korean, such as E-7 visa, you can go to work in duty-free shops, and the monthly income is not less than 2W.

Singapore, South Korea, Japan, which country to choose to work abroad?

The recent popular China-South Korea employment program is an E-9 visa, which allows Chinese workers to work in South Korea's manufacturing, fishing, agriculture, construction and service industries, with an average salary of 1.5W, and a total salary of about 65W for a three-year contract.

3, Japan

Japan is a long-established country for overseas labor, Japan and China are neighbors with a strip of water, and many characters in Japanese characters are the same as kanji, so it is relatively easy to adapt, for example: Japanese sewing workers (technical intern trainees), training is required: 3 months, lathe workers (technical intern trainees), comprehensive income is about 20,000-30,000, and practical experience is required.

Singapore, South Korea, Japan, which country to choose to work abroad?

Overall, which country do you prefer more?

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