
Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

author:Meticulous look at history



During the Republic of China, Qingdao's high-end haircuts and hygienic haircuts, as well as fashion hairdressing

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

During the Republic of China, the cover of the pictorial "Liangyou" was born in Shanghai in 1926, and the founder was Mr. Wu Liande. As a large-scale comprehensive pictorial, it was well received by the public as soon as it appeared. When it was first published in February 1926, it sold 7,000 copies. Subsequently, the influence of the pictorial "Liangyou" continued to expand, not only with a large number of readers at home, but also with a high reputation abroad, especially by overseas Chinese. unfold

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

【Old photo】1915, old Beijing, Nanchizi South Exit. #老照片# #历史影像# #北京老照片# #民国老照片#

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Eat bread in large gulps and drink soup in large bowls. This makes people hungry. .

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Porcelain lantern painted with enamel flowers and six ladies. China, Qing Dynasty, 1725-1750

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

In 1979, Hua Guofeng visited France. Reviewing the guard of honor with French President d'Estaing

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Beijing, 1956. Figure 1, Qianmen Street, Figure 2, Langfang Headlines. Figure 3, Beijing Hotel. Figure 4, Dongdan. Figures 5 and 6, Street View. The main brand of buses of that year was Skoda

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Qing Dynasty army soldiers wore uniforms to show their strength and prestige in the streets

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

In 1963, Chiang visited the USS Constellation, the aircraft carrier of the U.S. Seventh Fleet. I don't know what kind of emotion I felt during the visit

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Picture 10: Elderly couple posing with foreign tourists in 1981

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Shenzhen through the lens of photographer Ian Berry in 1992

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

This is a photo of the scene of the Qing Dynasty people using manpower to move, and I really admire the people of that era, who can carry such a behemoth by one person, really for a living.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

The flagger's thighs are split and lavishly washed.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

The bride replied shyly

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

The story of three-dimensional parking: In the mid-twenties of the last century, Americans were plagued by nowhere to park. So, we began to experiment with three-dimensional parking. In the early 1930s, the experiment was successful. In the 1940s, the technology of automobiles on the stairs gradually matured, and led to the emergence of various types of three-dimensional parking buildings. Peaceful!

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

1905/1906, Qingdao. Shot by the Germans . .

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

1947, 1947, American Life magazine picture. The Nationalist Army in the Chinese Civil War . . Part II. Figure 9, the picture of playing with the kitten is very moving

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

This one is really too weird

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

In 1900, Li Hongzhang represented the Qing government in negotiations with the Western powers.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Traffic kiosks on the streets of Shanghai, 1983

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

A collection of past feelings in yellowed old photos: Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 1986

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Fujian in 2002

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Old photo: Chengdu taken by a foreigner in 1985 by Dutch photographer Aad van der Drift

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

The Giants may really exist, and the two men are more than 2 meters tall

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

An ice cube mask introduced by a brand company in 1931. Freezing skin starts with ice cubes, which is probably useless, and now it is no longer visible.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Mary Louise Cruise, born in 1964, is a mixed-race child whose father is an Indian and his mother is white. When she became an adult, she changed her name to Little Feather to show her Indian roots. Since then, she has often been seen in Indian human rights activities.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

Japanese photographer Koichi Saito took a photo of Zhejiang Province in 1983, when there were not many tourists in the West Lake Scenic Area, and the tricycle carrying passengers drove lonely on the white causeway. A couple on a motorboat, the bride wears a white wedding dress, and the groom wears a straight suit, which was still rare in the early eighties, and Shaoxing old wine needs to be shipped and sold all over the country. Figure 1-4: Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province Figure 5-9: Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

In the late Qing Dynasty, a group photo of a woman from a wealthy family, everyone was also wrapped in small feet.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

People living in West Berlin showed their children to their grandparents living in East Berlin in 1961, when the Berlin Wall split Germany in two

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

A collection of old photographs from the past: Port Arthur, 1910.

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

The picture shows Japanese soldiers in the battle of Shanghai

Folklore and Tradition in Old Photos of the Republic of China: Historical and Cultural Treasures You Don't Know

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