
The gap between consumption and expectation: tourists spend 128 yuan to experience a thousand-person banquet, but only eat peanuts and edamame!

author:Quzhou small gossip

In Baoting, Hainan, on April 12, a unique banquet of 1,000 people attracted many tourists. However, one tourist's experience has led us to think deeply about our travel consumption and expectations. According to the tourist, he spent 128 yuan to experience the local banquet of 1,000 people on March 3, and he thought he could taste a rich meal, but he didn't expect that the table was full of peanuts and edamame.

The gap between consumption and expectation: tourists spend 128 yuan to experience a thousand-person banquet, but only eat peanuts and edamame!

First of all, as a local specialty, this banquet for 1,000 people undoubtedly has a certain appeal. However, for tourists, they are not only looking forward to experiencing the local culture, but also to satisfy their taste buds. However, when the dishes on the table were all peanuts and edamame, that expectation was undoubtedly hit hard.

The gap between consumption and expectation: tourists spend 128 yuan to experience a thousand-person banquet, but only eat peanuts and edamame!

First of all, we need to take into account the richness of the local cuisine. Although peanuts and edamame are a Hainan specialty, if they are the only dish on the table, it obviously cannot satisfy the taste needs of most tourists. In addition, the preparation of dishes needs to take into account the differences in the tastes of many tourists, and it is not easy to do this. If a chef prepares only a few dishes, it is likely that most people will not be satisfied.

The gap between consumption and expectation: tourists spend 128 yuan to experience a thousand-person banquet, but only eat peanuts and edamame!

First of all, we need to be aware of the balance between supply and demand in tourism consumption. When providing tourism services, businesses need to take into account the expectations and needs of tourists and provide corresponding services and products. At the same time, tourists also need to understand and accept the possible differences and shortcomings, and look at tourism consumption rationally.

The gap between consumption and expectation: tourists spend 128 yuan to experience a thousand-person banquet, but only eat peanuts and edamame!

In addition, the regulatory authorities of tourist attractions should also assume responsibility. They need to strengthen the regulation of travel service providers to ensure that the services and products they provide comply with relevant standards and norms. At the same time, they also need to guide tourists to consume rationally and avoid excessive consumption and waste.

The gap between consumption and expectation: tourists spend 128 yuan to experience a thousand-person banquet, but only eat peanuts and edamame!

In general, this tourist spent 128 yuan to experience the incident of a thousand-person banquet but only ate peanuts and edamame, which reminds us of the balance between supply and demand in tourism consumption. When providing tourism services, businesses need to take into account the expectations and needs of tourists and provide corresponding services and products. At the same time, we also need to guide tourists to look at tourism consumption rationally and avoid excessive consumption and waste. Only in this way can we make travel a beautiful experience, not a burden and a disappointment.

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