
Winter external cold food remedy - green onion white tempeh soup

author:Specialist in nephrology and endocrinology

White onion and tempeh, commonly used kitchen ingredients for both tastes, are a therapeutic formula.

Shallot white: Commonly used kitchen ingredients, can also be used in medicine.

【Sexual taste】Spicy, warm.

【Return to the meridian】Return to the lungs and stomach meridians.

【Effect】Sweating and dissolving the table, dispersing cold and yang.

It is used for external wind chill, yin cold inner sheng, geyang on the outside, micro pulse, reversal, diarrhea, external application for the treatment of ulcers and boils.

Winter external cold food remedy - green onion white tempeh soup

Tempeh: Tempeh is a traditional Chinese seasoning for fermented soy products and can also be used in medicine.

【Sexual taste】Flat sex, salty taste.

【Efficacy】 and stomach, remove annoyance, detoxify, go to cold and heat.

As a home-cooked condiment, tempeh is suitable for defusing fish when cooking fish. Tempeh is also a taste of traditional Chinese medicine, cold and cold, afraid of cold and fever, cold and hot headache, nasal congestion sneezing, abdominal pain and vomiting should be eaten; chest is full of stuffiness, the heart is irritable people should eat.

Winter external cold food remedy - green onion white tempeh soup

At the beginning of the external sensation, there are symptoms of cold fever, nasal congestion, and no sweating, and drink a bowl of onion and white tempeh soup quickly, and sweat through the yang to disperse the cold. The cold evil bundle table is dredged by the white of the onion; and the tempeh also has the effect of dispersing the evil, and when combined with the white of the onion, the expression is more powerful. On the other hand, the divergence of Xin Wen is injurious, and tempeh has the effect of modulating, making this square stagnate without hurting.

Winter external cold food remedy - green onion white tempeh soup

Onion white tempeh soup is better given to children because it does not taste like medicine and is easy to accept.

Precautions: Onion white tempeh soup for external sensation must have symptoms of cold and fear of cold, if it is a single fever and not cold temperature disease, you can not use onion white tempeh soup.

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