
Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise

author:Yamashiro Former Guest

Contributor: Working hard to work hard (Disclaimer: This article is not my own experience, it is the real experience of the contributor)

China is obviously a very good country, but for some reason it is not like this in the eyes of other countries, and I have always been puzzled by this, until the arrival of the Indian sister flowers, I have a general brow.

I met the Indian sisters during a trip, because they had a good time, and when they parted, I invited them to come to China to play together.

I don't understand who would have thought that they would have great resistance to coming to China, and that their families would also express strong opposition when they learned about it.

Later, in an in-depth conversation, I learned what happened, and I was angry and paid out of my own pocket, and under the persuasion of my mother, I brought the two Indian sisters to China for a visit, and only then did they see the real China, and after returning to China, they told their families, "China is really amazing! I want to settle in China!"

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise


I am a social animal, I live a life of 996 on weekdays, and I don't have a girlfriend, and the most social interaction on weekdays is company gatherings, and slowly I became an older young man.

For this reason, my parents had a headache, they asked me to contact more people, more social circles, so that it was easy to find a partner, seeing that my friends around me were married and had children one by one, I was also envious, and immediately chose to take leave to travel.

Because I heard that there may be a big encounter in travel, I also wanted to try it, so I asked my colleagues to see where to travel.

My colleague suggested that I try it in India, which is equivalent to testing the water for them, and if it was really fun, they also asked for leave to play, I thought it was a good idea, and I signed up for a tour without saying anything.

When I arrived in India full of anticipation, my illusion was shattered by a choking smell as soon as I got off the plane, and the whole tour group began to talk about it.

The tour guide had prepared us mentally before we set off, but even so, we were shocked and couldn't have imagined that the environment in India could be so bad.

Our airport is not very fragrant, but at least it is clean, and the whole gives people a very comfortable feeling, but the airport in India is filled with a pungent smell for some reason.

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise

You say it doesn't clean it, there are aunts who clean it, you say it's a pile of garbage, and there is no such scene, so why does it have such a strong smell.

It wasn't until I got out of the airport that I realized that it wasn't the airport that smelled, I could only say that the airport was pickled.

The smell was in the air all over India, and the streets were littered with piles of garbage, and our first stop was the capital of India.

The capital is one of the most important faces of a country, and the capital of India is such an environment, let alone other places, until that time, I finally knew why bloggers who came to India to shoot videos, before eating Indian food, would say "Brothers, clean and hygienic!"

This is not a mantra, but a prayer, and the food made in that environment, people who can not have diarrhea after eating it are all iron stomachs!

I couldn't, the day after I arrived there, I started to have a fever due to gastrointestinal problems, vomiting and diarrhea, so I hardly went to play and rested in the hotel.

After getting used to the environment, our trip to the Indian capital came to an end, so my impression of the Indian capital, in addition to the flies flying all over the sky, was the smell, which I often felt lingering on the tip of my nose and lingering for a long time.

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise


Our second stop was to the countryside in India, and they all said that life is stressful now, and everyone longs for rural life, in the exclusive courtyard, making barbecues, drinking tea, and life is extraordinarily beautiful.

But the premise of this is that the surrounding environment of the small courtyard should be good, just like the rural life in India, forget it, the small rivers and ditches on the side of the road are polluted, the rivers emit an unpleasant smell, and there are not animal feces or human feces everywhere.

Later, in conversations with locals, I learned why there was still human feces on the road.

In the small village we visited, there were no toilets, some families had their own toilets, and some families did not even have toilets.

As a result, if they want to go to the toilet, they have to go to the bushes, and some children will go directly to the ditch if they can't help it.

After listening to them, my whole body was numb, what age is this, how can this place be more ancient than ancient China, what makes me most unacceptable is that the status of women in that place is low.

I knew that male power in India was very serious, but I didn't expect that women's power was so low, and this trip to India not only didn't let me encounter sexual encounters, but I didn't want to travel.

Before I came out, I heard from my colleagues that foreign countries are so good, but now it seems that the golden nest and silver nest are not as good as their own kennels, no matter how good foreign countries are, they are not as good as our big China.

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise

After I returned to the company, I told my colleagues what I had seen and heard, originally I wanted them to avoid pits, but when I said this, I directly mentioned their interest, and they said that they would go again after a long vacation.

I said, "I'm not going, I'm going to you, I don't want to suffer a second sin." ”

They asked me to be a tour guide, I had to go, so we started a trip to India, this time we didn't sign up for a tour group, but did our own guide.

It was also this trip that made me know that if I want to travel in the future, I should not follow the group as much as possible, or have more fun by myself, because this time I came out with my colleagues, I found that although India is dirty and messy, there are still many interesting places and interesting people, and the most important thing is that I met my own "sexual encounter" in this trip.

This time, my colleagues and I made our first stop to the Ganges, where I met a pair of sisters who sold fruits, they were not only good-looking, but most importantly, the sister could also speak a little Chinese, which I was very surprised by.

At this time, my colleagues also felt that we should invite a person who was familiar with the local area to be a tour guide, otherwise there were many pits that we didn't know, and we were more afraid that we would make taboos without knowing it, which would lead to unjustified beatings.

After we put forward this idea like my sister, my sister said that she could be a tour guide, and she didn't need money, and the problem was to bring her sister, and the expenses incurred in the middle needed to be borne by us.

Then we calculated that it was much more cost-effective than hiring a guide, and immediately agreed, and so Nasha and Pasha joined our tour team.

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise


At first, I just thought my sister was good-looking, nothing more, and nothing else, but in the process of traveling, I gradually developed a liking for my sister Nasha.

But I haven't opened my mouth about this relationship, because I know that this is unrealistic, long-distance relationships are extremely difficult, let alone long-distance relationships, and I believe that Nasha's parents will not agree.

I kept my feelings hidden, and it wasn't long before the trip came to an end, and I had the whim to invite the two sisters to visit China, and we would be their guides.

Of course, there must still be selfishness in this, but the two sisters shook their heads frantically as if they had heard something terrible.

I was very surprised by this, obviously I was kind, and I felt that I was going to abduct them, so I patiently explained that I really just had good intentions, and thanked them for taking care of us for so many days.

Nasha said, "We appreciate your kindness, but we won't go to China, it's too terrible, and the people there are not friendly!"

I was even more confused, how could it be that my colleagues also expressed great incomprehension, could it be that they had already been to China, and that a lot of unpleasant things had happened there?

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise

I hurriedly asked Nasha, but Nasha said, "We haven't been there, but our parents told us that China's development is very backward, the people there are very poor, and there is a high probability that we will encounter robberies after we go, and the Chinese we meet in our country are not very good-tempered, and often smash things and eat overlord meals, we still don't go!"

I was completely stunned after listening to Nasha's speech, is this China? Why do Indians have such an impression of China, what is even more outrageous is that it is absolutely impossible to smash things, eating overlord meals, and my colleagues and I are very angry about smearing China.

For this reason, I spent a day giving Nasha science about the current China, and I took Nasha to inquire about those commonly known as shops or stalls that were smashed by the Chinese or ate overlord meals.

They all said that they were Koreans or Japanese impersonations, and at first they said they were Chinese, but when the police came, they found out that they were not.

At this point, Nasha realized how much she had misunderstood China, and I sent another invitation to the two sisters, but Nasha said that even if she agreed, her parents would not agree.

We immediately decided to do her parents' work, but fortunately, Nasha's parents' thinking was not so feudal, and after chatting with me all afternoon, there were finally signs of relenting.

Later, after I promised that I would bear all the expenses of the two sisters, Nasha's father finally nodded in agreement, and we set out on a journey to China.

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise

I'm going to have to get them to change their minds about China, and some people will say, "You're working in vain, have you managed so many people?"

But I think that little things add up, and I can change a little bit by relying on my own strength, and the two Nasha sisters have been playing in China for two weeks, and the money I have saved has also been depleted.

I took them to Beijing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Yunnan and other places, where they ate a variety of local delicacies and even experienced a taste of China's night market culture.

The two sisters were shocked from beginning to end, they couldn't imagine that the actual China was so different from the China they knew, and they said that this time it was not in vain.

Before returning to China, the two sisters not only apologized to me and China, but also said, "China is simply beautiful, completely different from the China we remember, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely come back!"

My sister Pasha even said that if it is possible, she will settle in China in the future, and I think this cost is very worthwhile to get such affirmation.

There was a perfect encounter on this trip, but there was no final result, but I have no regrets about it, I feel that their views on China are more important than my love!

Indian sisters came to China for tourism, and their families were worried about insecurity, and after returning home: China was a surprise

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