
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".

author:Jingyuan financial media

On May 19, the Baiyin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism and the Jingyuan County Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism held the theme publicity of "Travel in China, Happy Life" on the theme of "Travel in China, Happy Life" and the Yellow River Chorus in Jingyuan County Cultural Industry Center.

Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".

The event kicked off in the song "Singing the Motherland" of the choir of the art troupe of the County Cultural Center, the song and dance "Our Life is Full of Sunshine", the saxophone ensemble "Aliez", "The Most Beautiful Song to Mother", "Ode to Joy" and other classic tracks appeared one by one, "Loyal to the Country" and "My Name is China" sang the love for the motherland with joy and pride, and the event ended in the collective chorus "My Motherland and Me", and the atmosphere of the event was warm.

Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".

It is understood that on the occasion of "5.19 China Tourism Day", A-level tourist attractions, travel agencies, cultural centers, libraries, museums and other tourism-related units in Jingyuan County have carried out cultural and tourism resources publicity and promotion activities through cultural performances, exhibition board publicity, distribution of promotional materials, hanging banners, electronic display screens, and activities to benefit the people, so as to encourage the masses to widely participate in tourism activities, guide tourists to enhance their awareness of civilized tourism, strengthen tourism safety precautions, and accelerate the high-quality development of tourism.

Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".
Jingyuan County launched a series of publicity activities with the theme of "5.19 China Tourism Day".

In recent years, Jingyuan County has actively promoted the integration of culture and tourism and implemented the strategy of "promoting tourism with culture". Relying on unique natural resources, through the model of "characteristic industry + rural tourism", it has successfully launched 7 national landmark characteristic cultural tourism products such as "Jingyuan wolfberry" and "small mouth jujube". Jingyuan County has not only created diversified theme tourism routes such as Yellow River style tours, red education tours, ecological sightseeing tours, Silk Road cultural tours, and leisure picking tours, but also is committed to the all-round tourism experience of ecological tourism, cultural experience, and leisure vacation with the development concept of "scenery everywhere, service at all times, and comfort for everyone". This series of efforts has realized the deep integration of culture, tourism and characteristic industries, and injected new vitality into the vigorous development of cultural tourism in Jingyuan County.

Source: Jingyuan Cultural Tourism

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