
The four departments promote the digital transformation of the whole city

author:Jingyuan financial media

Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Data Administration, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Natural Resources on Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting the Digital Transformation of Cities in the Whole Region

Development and Reform Data [2024] No. 660

To all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, the Development and Reform Commission, the data management departments, the departments (bureaus) of finance, and the departments in charge of natural resources:

Cities are a comprehensive carrier to promote the construction of digital China, and promoting the digital transformation and intelligent development of cities is the key to building new competitive advantages for cities in the future, and it is also an inevitable requirement to promote the modernization of urban governance systems and governance capabilities. These Opinions are hereby formulated so as to thoroughly implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the construction of a digital China, to use data integration, development and utilization throughout the entire construction of the city's digital transformation, to better serve the city's high-quality development, efficient governance, and high-quality life, to support the development of new quality productive forces, and to promote the construction of Chinese-style modern cities.

1. General requirements

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, coordinate development and security, give full play to the role of data as a basic resource and innovation engine, comprehensively reshape the technical architecture of smart cities, systematically reform urban management processes, and promote the deep integration of industry and city, comprehensively improve the integrity, systematization and synergy of the city's digital transformation, continuously meet the people's growing needs for a better life, and provide a strong impetus for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. By 2027, the digital transformation of cities across the country will achieve remarkable results, and a number of livable, resilient, and smart cities with their own characteristics will be formed that are horizontally and vertically connected, and will strongly support the construction of digital China. By 2030, the digital transformation of cities across the country will make a comprehensive breakthrough, the people's sense of gain, happiness and security will be comprehensively improved, and a number of Chinese-style modern cities with global competitiveness in the era of digital civilization will emerge.

2. Promote the digital transformation of cities in all fields

(1) Establish a common foundation for urban digitalization. Build an intelligent hub for urban operation and governance with unified planning, unified architecture, unified standards, and unified operation and maintenance, create a common urban support platform for online and offline linkage and service management coordination, build an open, compatible, universally empowered, safe and reliable comprehensive basic environment, promote the integrated deployment of digital resources such as algorithms and models, and explore the establishment of sharing and collaboration mechanisms such as common components and modules. Encourage the development of intelligent analysis, intelligent scheduling, intelligent supervision, and auxiliary decision-making based on artificial intelligence and other technologies, and comprehensively support the construction and development of digital transformation scenarios for empowered cities. Encourage localities with the capacity to promote the functional integration, coordinated development, and application empowerment of basic platforms such as urban information models, spatio-temporal big data, basic land and space information, and real-life 3D China, to provide a unified spatio-temporal framework for urban digital transformation, to explore and promote the construction of digital twin cities in an orderly manner according to local conditions, and to promote the implementation of digital twin scenarios with virtual and real symbiosis, simulation deduction, and iterative optimization.

(2) Cultivate and expand the urban digital economy. We will further promote the deep integration of digital technology with primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and encourage platform enterprises to build multi-level industrial Internet service platforms. Develop smart agriculture in accordance with local conditions, accelerate the large-scale application of the industrial Internet, promote the digital transformation of productive services such as finance and logistics, and life services such as commerce and trade, cultural tourism, and health care, and improve the level of "cloud and data empowerment". Deepen the construction of digital transformation promotion centers, and promote the coordinated development of urban digital transformation and the integration and innovation of large and medium-sized enterprises. Develop emerging digital industries in accordance with local conditions, strengthen the integrated application of key digital technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, advanced computing, future networks, satellite remote sensing, and 3D modeling in urban scenarios, accelerate the transformation of technological innovation achievements, and build digital industrial clusters with international competitiveness. Cultivate and expand the data industry, develop a number of data vendors and third-party professional service institutions, and improve the ability to support and serve the application of data elements.

(3) Promote the integrated development of new industries and cities. Innovate digital scenarios for the integration of production space and living space, strengthen the analysis of big data on the development and utilization of urban space, promote digital empowerment of suburban new cities, and realize multi-centered, networked, and group-based urban development. Promote the "digital renewal" of cities, accelerate the intelligent upgrading of urban micro-unit infrastructure such as blocks and business districts, explore the use of digital technology to innovate application scenarios, and stimulate the service level and digital vitality of industry-city integration. Deepen the opening up of urban scenes, promote urban production, and enhance industrial cohesion. Accelerate the sharing of innovation resources to help promote the city through production, develop virtual parks and cross-regional collaborative innovation platforms, and enhance the employment attraction of the urban digital economy.

(4) Promote precise and refined urban governance. Strengthen the convergence and coordination of major strategies and policies such as urban digital transformation and urban renewal, spatial optimization, industrial development, rural revitalization, and social credit. Improve the urban operation management service platform, deepen the construction of "one network and unified management", promote the data integration of all links in the whole process of urban planning, construction, management, operation and maintenance, strengthen the monitoring of urban vital signs, and promote the empowerment and business linkage of urban physical examination and urban renewal data. Relying on the intelligent hub of urban operation and governance, it integrates functions such as state perception, modeling and analysis, urban operation, and emergency command, and aggregates public safety, planning and construction, urban management, emergency communication, traffic management, market supervision, ecological environment, and people's emotional awareness, so as to achieve comprehensive situation perception, intelligent trend research and judgment, collaborative and efficient disposal, agile dispatch response, and rapid switching between normal and emergency. Explore an integrated smart governance system at the grassroots level, accelerate the return of high-frequency data to the grassroots level in compliance with on-demand compliance, and form an application service system that can effectively precipitate and quickly share grassroots data, so as to promote business collaboration and linkage between the upper and lower levels. Strengthen the establishment of a credit system for urban natural persons and legal persons, advance the aggregation, processing, and application of credit information, and explore the establishment of closed-loop management of credit pledges, incentives for trustworthiness, punishments for untrustworthiness, and credit restoration for urban digital service providers in accordance with laws and regulations. Explore the construction of a "city code" based on the unified urban identification system, promote the "map + code" mechanism for housing construction and major projects, and form a service governance system of "multiple codes in one and one code interconnection".

(5) Enrich inclusive digital public services. Improve the efficiency of "all-in-one network", take convenience and benefit enterprises as the guide, explore the value-added reform of government services, expand the breadth and depth of enterprise-related services, promote the transformation of government services from "can do" to "easy to do", increase the streamlining of links, optimize and reengineer processes, and further promote the "efficient completion of one thing" to basically cover the high-frequency matters of urban public services. Support local governments in establishing mechanisms for pluralistic participation and public supervision, and respond to public concerns in a timely manner. Explore the establishment of a "one-card" for residents' services using social security cards as a carrier. Promote the integration of digital technology and public services such as education, medical care, housing, employment, and elderly care, promote the sharing of high-quality public resources across time and space, and improve the coverage and balance of service resources. Strengthen the digitalization of affordable housing and the transformation and construction of urban villages. Promote the digital transformation of barrier-free facilities and public services for the elderly and the disabled, and actively give full play to social and market forces to help key groups cross the digital divide. Promote the creation of low-cost, high-experience, interactive community, and home-based smart elderly care service scenarios. Popularize the intelligence of digital life, accelerate the construction of new scenarios such as smart catering, smart travel, digital home, door-to-door economy, and instant retail, and create a new landmark for urban digital consumption. Strengthen the digital application of the protection and inheritance of urban historical and cultural heritage, use digital technology to dig deep into the city's characteristic cultural resources, enrich the supply of digital cultural creativity, digital content and other services, and develop smart tourism.

(6) Optimize a green, smart and livable environment. Improve the level of coordination of ecological and environmental supervision and governance, build a smart and efficient digital monitoring system for the ecological environment, strengthen cross-departmental ecological governance business integration and data linkage, and support the construction of beautiful cities. Enhance the public service capacity of urban geographic information, accelerate the improvement of the intelligent level of the basic information platform of land and space, build a monitoring network for the implementation of land and space planning, and support the analysis and decision-making of natural resources and land space planning. Actively develop green and smart collaborative models, encourage qualified areas to promote the integrated digital and intelligent management of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in provinces, cities and counties, carry out monitoring and analysis of carbon emissions in key industries and regions, and build zero-carbon smart parks and green intelligent buildings in industrial parks and business districts. Establish a multi-party carbon inclusive mechanism, and explore the construction of individual enterprise carbon accounts, carbon footprints and other data space applications. Advocate low-carbon lifestyles such as green travel and digital consumption, and guide the coordinated transformation of residents' digital and green lives.

(7) Improve the level of urban security and resilience. Strengthen the security management of urban physical space and the situational awareness of security risks, strengthen the means of releasing early warning information on urban security risks such as emergency broadcasting, improve the classification and disposal process of urban normal events and emergency events around the "efficient handling of one thing", break down the segmentation and information barriers of urban management, and build a full-chain and full-link linkage emergency response system to achieve flexible adaptation and rapid recovery. Strengthen the security management of urban digital space, improve network security monitoring, early warning and emergency response mechanisms, build a security management system for urban network operation, and improve the resilience of communication networks. Accelerate the advancement of the establishment of urban data security systems, strengthen security oversight of the entire process of data collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, and disclosure in accordance with laws and regulations, implement systems for categorical and hierarchical protection of data, and consolidate entity responsibility for data security. Strengthen the protection of personal privacy. Promote the construction of a resilient system for the credible circulation of urban data, and complete mechanisms for real-time monitoring and early warning of data security, notification of data security incidents, and emergency response in the field of data element circulation.

3. Enhance support for urban digital transformation in an all-round way

(8) Build and improve digital infrastructure. We will further implement the action of strengthening the foundation of urban cloud networks, accelerate the construction of new radio and television networks, promote the construction of gigabit cities, and explore the development of digital low-altitude infrastructure. Promote the construction of urban computing power network as a whole, realize the efficient matching of urban computing power demand with the efficient supply and demand of computing power resources of national hub nodes, and effectively reduce the cost of computing power use. Build infrastructure for data circulation and utilization, and promote the credible and controllable flow of data between government departments, between government and enterprises, and between industrial chain links. Accelerate the digital transformation and intelligent operation of public facilities such as urban buildings, roads and bridges, gardens and green spaces, underground pipe galleries, water conservancy and water affairs, gas and heating, and environmental sanitation, and coordinate the deployment of ubiquitous and resilient urban intelligent perception terminals. Promote the deep coupling of integrated energy services with energy-using scenarios such as smart communities, smart parks, and smart buildings, and use digital technology to improve the green and low-carbon benefits of integrated energy services. Promote the integration of new energy vehicles into the new power system, and promote the coordinated development of urban intelligent infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles.

(9) Build an empowerment system for data elements. Accelerate the establishment of systems such as for data property rights, circulation and transactions, income distribution, and security governance, and promote the efficient circulation and use of data elements. Accelerate the improvement of provincial and municipal government affairs data platforms, and integrate and build a national integrated government affairs big data system. Linking government data resources to promote the "on-demand sharing and enjoyment" of business data in key urban scenarios. Promote the opening of public data in an orderly manner. Establish a data resource management system that is dynamically updated, classified and graded, establish and complete mechanisms for data quality assessment and evaluation, promote the implementation and evaluation of national standards for data management, and carry out data quality assessments on a regular basis.

Fourth, optimize the urban digital transformation ecology in the whole process

(10) Promote the innovation of appropriate systems. Encourage cities to carry out appropriate changes in management service methods, management service models, and management service concepts, establish and improve relevant systems and norms, and improve rules and regulations and operational process systems. Explore the central and local governments to promote digital transformation and institutional innovation. Promote the improvement of laws and policies on public data management and authorized operations, and refine and improve supporting measures. Promote the construction and application of standards, accelerate the development of standards and specifications for urban digital transformation planning and design, data interoperability, digital twins, operation and maintenance, promote standard compliance testing and certification, and promote the standardization and high-quality development of urban digital transformation.

(11) Innovate the operation and maintenance model. Accelerate the establishment of urban data resource operation, facility operation, and service operation systems, explore new government-enterprise partnership mechanisms, promote the establishment of urban digital operation ecosystems by governments, enterprises, scientific research think tanks, and financial institutions, create a long-term social operation mechanism with diversified participation, supply and demand docking, and value-driven, explore the establishment of a result-oriented operating budget and assessment mechanism, and increase government procurement of services. Coordinate and advance the authorized operation of urban public data. Explore the establishment of a unified and standardized urban operation and maintenance system, and build an operation and maintenance mechanism that integrates systems such as urban operation and governance intelligent hubs with departmental business needs and feedback from citizens and enterprises, and iteratively optimizes them. Support the innovation and integration of various regions and standardize the operation and maintenance management mechanism, and gradually form a closed loop of unified cataloging, configuration, and operation and maintenance of various digital resources.

(12) Promote the coordinated development of digitalization. Promote the integrated development of digital agglomerations in urban agglomerations, promote the optimization of the layout of digital infrastructure in urban agglomerations such as the Yangtze River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, strengthen the sharing and utilization of data elements, the inclusive sharing of digital services, and the efficient coordination of digital governance. Promote cooperation between the east and west of the digital economy, carry out activities such as jointly building digital industrial parks and providing assistance for digital consumption, and strengthen the replication and promotion of advanced planning concepts, construction experience, and management models. Bridging the digital divide between urban and rural areas, promoting the coordinated construction of smart cities and digital villages, promoting the sharing of urban and rural digital facilities, the integration of data resources, the mutual promotion of industrial ecology, and the sharing of public services. Carry out international cooperation on city-wide digital transformation, support the establishment of digital partnerships, and vigorously develop digital trade.

5. Safeguard measures

(13) Strengthen organization and implementation. Give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint conference system for the development of the digital economy, and earnestly strengthen organizational leadership, comprehensive coordination, and policy safeguards. All localities should strengthen leadership, promote the implementation of various policies and measures, and key tasks, and put an end to digital "image projects". Encourage all localities to strengthen financial support through various funding channels under the premise of complying with laws and regulations and controllable risks. Strengthen the construction of digital talent teams and improve the digital literacy of citizens. Promptly summarize the innovative measures taken by various localities to promote the digital transformation of cities, sort out and form experiences that can be replicated and promoted, strengthen exchanges, share results, and promote them nationwide in a timely manner.

National Development and Reform Commission

National Data Agency


Ministry of Natural Resources

May 14, 2024

Source: National Development and Reform Commission