
Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

author:Philosopher of the trade

I guess the fighters who participated in the counterattack against India in 1962 would not have imagined that in the next nearly 100 years, the situation on the Sino-Indian border would not be without guns...

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

No matter how big the matter India provokes, they will not shoot it, and the Sino-Indian border has turned into a confrontation of cold weapons, and it is the 21 st century, and it is still necessary to rectify cold weapons.

In fact, India understands that with the strength of the PLA today, the only thing that can reduce the gap with the PLA is the use of cold weapons...

It is very difficult for this cold weapon to gain an advantage, especially in the face of a rogue country like India. PLA fighters are at a disadvantage.

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

Because, on the Sino-Indian border, the soldiers want to patrol, and this patrol is a small detachment, so India may play this trick, that is, secretly ambush hundreds of people! Cold weapon confrontation, the number of people is the absolute advantage!

If it is a hot war, the fighters will call for drones, artillery fire, and helicopter gunships to support, but cold weapons confrontation, this drone, artillery will not work.

It doesn't matter, this is not difficult for the Chinese.

First of all, the formation of the "West Sea Fleet" Pangong Lake between China and India is a large lake with a relatively large area, with more than 20 small boats with heavy firepower, which can form an absolute "sea to control land"

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

Second, in the construction of the two bridges, in the past, India was provoked by a small force on the left bank, and a large number of people were ambushed on the right bank, and the cross-strait transportation was inconvenient, so it was very difficult for the PLA to move quickly.

Third, modern sensors, relying on modern sensors, India's personnel activities can be monitored, and it is not easy to ambush.

The problems that technology and infrastructure can solve are small problems, so in the end it comes back to the PLA soldiers.

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

Helmets, body armor, armor, wading clothing, cold protection, oxygen absorption, these problems can be solved, the only problem, how should this weapon be organized? The long rod blade in the picture above is the product of temporary emergency...

The armaments and weapons of the People's Liberation Army are the responsibility of universities known as the "Seven Sisters of the Defense Industry", such as the sculpture of Northwestern Polytechnical University:

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

Forge swords for the country, but everyone has not studied cold weapons for hundreds of years...

We still have to gain a little experience from the ancients, after all, the ancients were experts in cold weapons, and the mace was finally selected from the eighteen weapons of the ancients!

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

The mace is a weapon that is very ferocious! If you come across it, you will definitely lose flesh and be able to break through armor! Its spikes can stab, tear, rip, cut, and it can be hit by a mace, it hurts abnormally, and it looks horrible.

So the PLA placed an order:

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

And gave the mace very specific parameters;

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

Spikes 80 mm, solid steel, can be stabbed, heavy, the tip of the tooth is 30 mm long, and then there is the galvanized pipe, the reducer pipe, and the long rod should have an insulating layer to prevent electric shock.

The tail spine is 90 mm and has a spacer to isolate vibrations.

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

The mace is relatively long and can prevent close proximity, so that a small group of PLA fighters, even if they are ambushed by a large number of Indian troops, is not easy to suffer.

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

In addition, the officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army also borrowed from the military formation of the Qi family army back then, in the era of cold weapons, the military formation was actually very important, even if the formation was injured, it could not be messed up.

Military | The PLA finally attaches importance to India once and procures weapons specifically for India!

With the weapons at hand, perfect helmets and armor, and a modern surveillance system, every conflict on the Sino-Indian border in the future must make India lose a place!

Only in this way can India be honest.

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