
The doctor said bluntly: If there are these two abnormalities in the lips, don't be careless!


In my career, I have discovered that the secret of health is often hidden in the subtleties of everyday life, such as a simple smile. Yes, you heard it right, it's the lips. Once, a patient came to me with a severely chapped lip. He thought it was just the dry weather, but upon closer inspection, we found a deeper problem. This incident made me realize that as doctors, we need to not only listen to what patients say, but also observe what they don't say.

The doctor said bluntly: If there are these two abnormalities in the lips, don't be careless!

On that day, the weather was sunny and the sun was shining outside the clinic. I was about to enjoy a quiet afternoon when a middle-aged man hurried into my office. Anxiety was written all over his face, and his hand unconsciously touched his lips. At first glance, his lips were not only chapped, but also unusually pale. He told me that this had been going on for months, and at first he didn't care, thinking it was just a lack of water or the weather. But recently, he began to feel tired, and dizziness for several days on a run made him restless.

I decided to do a full check-up. The results showed that he was severely deficient in iron and had developed anemia. But that's not all, further examination also revealed the real cause behind the paleness of his lips - the presence of an initial lesion in the stomach. This discovery surprised him, after all, he had only come to treat chapped lips.

This incident has taught me and my patients an important lesson: those seemingly inconspicuous problems can be warning signs from the body. Since then, I've paid more attention to observing every little detail of my patients, because every detail can hide critical health information.

Anomaly 1: Persistent pallor of the lips

In my career as a doctor, I have often come across unexpected cases that often start with small details. Just like that time, a patient came to the clinic with chapped lips, and we ended up discovering something more serious. It made me realize that every small change in my body can be a sign of my health.

Persistent pallor of the lips: more than just iron deficiency

Let's talk about the issue of pale lips. You might think that the occasional pale lips may just be due to cold or short-lived circulation issues. But if your lips remain pale for a long time, then this could be a warning sign that your body is sending you.

The doctor said bluntly: If there are these two abnormalities in the lips, don't be careless!

Possible causes of pale lips

Anemia: This is one of the most common causes. Anemia means that you have a reduced number of red blood cells in your blood, which causes your skin and mucous membranes, including your lips, to lose their normal rosy color.

Circulatory problems: If the blood is not flowing to your lips efficiently, then they may appear pale.

Nutrient deficiencies: In addition to iron deficiency, a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid can also lead to pale lips.

How do we deal with pale lips?

Healthy diet: Increase iron-rich foods such as red meat, legumes, green leafy vegetables, and nuts. At the same time, make sure to consume enough vitamin C to aid in iron absorption.

Supplementation: If problems persist despite dietary modifications, consider using iron or vitamin supplements as directed by your doctor.

Regular check-ups: If pale lips are accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty breathing, or rapid heartbeat, you should go to the hospital for further testing.

Abnormality 2: Abnormal spots on the lips

In our daily lives, the lips are not only an important medium for expressing emotions, but also reflect the health of our body. Let's focus on an often overlooked signal: abnormal spots on the lips. Yes, you heard it right, it's those inconspicuous-looking little spots on the lips. While most of the time they may be due to small wounds or allergic reactions, sometimes these spots can be a warning sign from our body.

Unusual spots on the lips

When we talk about abnormal spots on the lips, we are referring to those small spots that appear suddenly and are different in color from the surrounding lips. These spots can be black, white, or even red. Most people may think it's temporary, possibly due to trauma, sunburn, or dryness. However, there are cases where these spots can be an early sign of oral or skin cancer.

The doctor said bluntly: If there are these two abnormalities in the lips, don't be careless!

When to be vigilant

Persistence of spots: If these spots persist and darken or become larger over time, this can be a warning sign.

Changes in the texture of the spots: This is a cause for concern if the spots on the lips start to harden or if they feel noticeably different to the surrounding lip tissue.

Accompanying symptoms: If these spots are accompanied by pain, bleeding, or shedding, it could mean that they are more than just harmless pigmentation.

Practical advice

In the face of abnormal spots on the lips, the most important thing is not to judge and delay the treatment. Here are some practical steps:

Record changes: Once you notice unusual spots on your lips, start recording their size, color, and any accompanying symptoms. This information is invaluable to doctors.

Seek medical attention promptly: If the spot persists or if there are any concerns, make an appointment with a dentist or dermatologist as soon as possible.

Self-care: While waiting to see a doctor, practice good oral hygiene and avoid using any products that may irritate your lips.

The doctor said bluntly: If there are these two abnormalities in the lips, don't be careless!

Recommendations for prevention and daily care

The lips, a small part that we use every day but don't pay much attention to their health, are actually a small window into our health. Just like we often check if our car is fully fueled, the condition of our lips can also reflect some of the body's alarms. But don't worry, keeping your lips healthy doesn't have to be complicated, and by following a few simple steps, you can effectively prevent lip problems while also maintaining overall health from the side.

1. Stay hydrated

Drinking water may seem like a one-size-fits-all health advice, but it works. Keeping your body hydrated is essential to keep your lips moisturized. When your body is dehydrated, your lips are the first to tell you "I'm thirsty". So, remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your lips hydrated and away from chapped.

2. Good eating habits

Eat healthy and your lips are naturally beautiful. Make sure your diet is rich in vitamins C and E, which are very important for the health of your skin and lips. Vitamin C enhances the skin's antioxidant capacity, while vitamin E forms a protective film on the surface of the lips to prevent dryness. Eat more fruits and vegetables and less greasy and spicy foods, which will not only keep your lips healthy, but also make your skin smoother and more refined.

3. Use lipstick regularly

Choose a lip balm that works for you and make it a habit to use it regularly. Lip balm can help lock in moisture in your lips and prevent them from drying out, especially during dry or cold seasons. Remember to choose a lipstick that contains natural moisturizing ingredients such as beeswax, shea butter or olive oil, and avoid products that contain fragrances or chemical additives, which may cause allergies or further dryness.

4. Avoid licking your lips

Many people subconsciously lick their lips with their tongue when they are dry, hoping that this will bring a short-term moisturizing sensation. However, this can actually make the situation worse because the saliva evaporates and takes more moisture away, making the lips drier. So, whenever you feel like licking your lips, you might as well drink some water or apply lipstick.

5. Exfoliate regularly

Just like the skin, the lips also need to be removed from dead skin regularly to keep them soft and healthy. You can use a soft toothbrush to gently brush away dead skin on your lips or use a homemade lip scrub that contains sugar. But keep in mind that this process needs to be gentle, as over-exfoliation can lead to lip damage.

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