
ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

author:Not bald programmer
ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

OpenAI held a developer conference last November, and CEO Sam Altman wanted software makers to build further on top of ChatGPT.

OpenAI says it will soon launch a marketplace where both developers and non-techies can create custom features for chatbots and earn money by sharing them with the world.

ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

The reaction to the news was mixed, with some hailing the birth of a new platform while others were skeptical.

But in any case, OpenAI's app store is part of a broader strategy to stay ahead of the competitive AI space.

Just as Apple and Google's YouTube did well, OpenAI now wants to incentivize developers and creators to contribute fresh content to its platform so that it can continue to deliver new experiences that engage users.

GPT New Ecology

Today, OpenAI's app store has long been born.

The GPT store, as it is called, is available for those who subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for $20 per month.

Users of the free ChatGPT will not be able to access the App at this time.

OpenAI calls these apps GPT. In some ways, they've become popular: OpenAI claims that more than 3 million users have created custom versions of ChatGPT since GPT became possible.

ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

Now that almost anyone can create and publish GPTs on the web, they may multiply at a much faster rate after verifying their profile by displaying their name or linking it to a legitimate website.

Just like on platforms like the iPhone or YouTube, OpenAI's platform is designed to add new, compelling features and experiences to familiar interfaces.

OpenAI's marketplace has a search feature that helps people discover new GPT apps, such as an established mobile app store.

It will also promote GPT, which some companies deem noteworthy, and publish the most popular leaderboards.

ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

But OpenAI's plan to pay app makers is not yet perfect.

This means that developers large and small working on GPT applications are believing that the terms will be advantageous.

With no clear monetary return, OpenAI currently relies on the incredible hype surrounding ChatGPT to attract builders to its platform.

Unknown prospects

Even though the word GPT strips away "chat," OpenAI's application model is all about making ChatGPT's text interface a place where you can stay and accomplish all sorts of things.

ChatGPT can also act as a kind of translator or assistant for the GPT app.

ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

When we asked AllTrails GPT for a suggestion for a two-hour hike in Berkeley, California, ChatGPT responded by asking how strenuous the hike should be and if the trail should be dog-friendly.

ChatGPT then asks permission to call AllTrail's API and hands off the query to AllTrails, which then collates and displays the returned recommendations.

ChatGPT App Store could be a one-size-fits-all app!

In terms of content, GPT is also limited by the policies and guidelines that OpenAI has already put in place.

When asked to design a birthday party invitation with political overtones, Canva's GPT replied, "Sorry, I can't assist with this request." Let's focus on creating something positive and appropriate. ”

It's unlikely that well-known companies will push the boundaries of OpenAI's content policies, but some GPT makers and their users will, and OpenAI will now need to consider a new level of content moderation.

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