
Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Duan Luojun

In the spring, regent 138****8047 planted a rose eggplant, also known as roselle.

Others wonder why it is so difficult to buy this kind of flower tea in the supermarket?

In late summer and early autumn, this rose eggplant finally blossomed, the powder was permeated with red, and the flowers of okra were very similar, brewing a cup of flower tea, slightly fragrant and slightly sour.

Brewing a pot of flower tea and going to an autumn date is the way to open in September, and moreover, enjoying the process of sowing seeds to blossoming, which is something that cannot be experienced when buying ready-made flower tea in the supermarket.

What about you? You are welcome to share your story with Autumn, and the Hourly News Client Friends group invites everyone to come together to the #Find Autumn campaign.

The event starts from now until the winter festival, ends in autumn, and begins in winter. Each calendar month, we select a select number of readers to give out a prize. (See the end of the article for the way to participate)

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good Friend Katya

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens
Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good Friend of the Spring Tree Twilight Cloud

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good Friend Of All

Xiaohe Road's Huangshan Luan brings autumn colors.

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens
Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Friends of good photographers Yingxue

When the Huangshan luan tree blossomed, it ushered in the beginning of the school season of the reading lang.

Early in the morning, the children carry school bags, escorted by adults to the school, the school gate on duty teachers and students also waited here early, a "classmate early", a "good teacher", kind and friendly.

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good Friend micro

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good friends two baby mom

An orange tree on the top of the building, under the careful care of Grandpa, hung with green fruits and sat waiting for a good harvest.

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good friend to the sun

Visiting the ancient city of Jiande Yanzhou, I was amazed by the yellow ginkgo biloba leaves under the city wall, and quickly picked up the camera and clicked.

Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

Good Photographer 138****8047

Seeds planted in the spring do not bloom until autumn, and this flower is called roseshade, also known as roselle.

This flower can be made into tea to drink, the water color is red, very beautiful, the taste is a little sour, very delicious.

You see, doesn't this flower look very similar to the flower of okra? Although there are dried flowers for sale in supermarkets, isn't it the process of sowing seeds to blossom that you enjoy?


Xiaobian threw out the traces of autumn that readers have found now, and welcomes everyone to come together to find autumn, keep 2021, the most beautiful look of autumn, and the autumn life you found.

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Find autumn share (11) | brew a pot of flower tea, go to an autumn date, this is how September opens

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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