
Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

author:Yin Xiao Chef

Homemade Hunan chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients required: 400 grams of red pepper, 120 grams of garlic, 20 grams of ginger, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt, 3 tbsp of white wine


1: Peel the garlic, peel the ginger, and wash the red pepper, garlic and ginger with water. Drain the water overnight in a ventilated area and crush the garlic and ginger separately with a blender

2: Remove the red pepper by hand or with scissors, use a sterilized and drained kitchen knife cutting board, cut the red pepper in half, and cut it into small pieces. Wear gloves when cutting

3, in both hands to hold the kitchen knife, with the smashing knife method, swing left and right, smash the red pepper, chop the red pepper into a clean container, put in the garlic crushed, put in the ginger, salt 2 teaspoons, sugar 1 teaspoon, height liquor 3 tbsp, stir well with clean chopsticks, put into a clean, anhydrous glass container.

Homemade chopped peppers

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients: 500g of red pepper, 50g of garlic, 20g of ginger, 2 tablespoons of white wine (height), 45g of salt, 10g of sugar

1: Spare raw materials, clean the red pepper, drain the surface water thoroughly, peel the garlic, clean it, and drain the water

2, dry the water of the pepper to the stem, cutting board and knife disinfection in advance, to ensure that there is no oil and no water, pepper with a knife chopped, do not have to chop too fine, ginger and garlic chopped into minced, the chopped pepper, garlic, ginger into a large oil-free and waterless container, add salt, sugar, stir evenly, store the container of chopped pepper clean, put into the boiling water pot after disinfection and drain the water in the bottle

3. Put the chopped pepper into a cool container; After filling, pour in the white wine, seal it in a cool and ventilated room temperature for one night, let it ferment, and then put it in the refrigerator for about a week

Homemade chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients required: 2 catties of medium red pepper, 1 ginger, about 30 to 40 grams of salt, appropriate amount of pepper powder, appropriate amount of chicken essence, 60 to 70 grams of rapeseed oil

1: Wash the peppers, remove the green stalks, dry the water with kitchen tissues or clean towels, cut the peppers into small pieces on the sticky board, and cut the ginger into small pieces.

2: Put the pepper and ginger together in the food crusher and whisk and crush, pour all the broken peppers into a large pot, add salt, pepper powder, chicken essence, and pour in the rapeseed oil

3: Stir-fry over medium heat until the water of the peppers has evaporated and dried, and then put them into a glass bottle for preservation after cooling

Meat diced chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients required: 500 grams of fresh chili, 200 grams of pork, 40 grams of green onion, 40 grams of ginger, 2 tablespoons of bean paste, 20 grams of sugar

1, the pepper to remove the stem wash and control the dry water, put into the blender, crush with a mixing knife, the pepper portion of the whole mixed many times after the use, each small amount of whipping will be more uniform

2, cut into small pieces of green onion, ginger slices also into the blender and whisk into puree, beaten shallot ginger puree to use, the pork in the case of not completely frozen into small cubes, the meat cubes add a little peanut oil mix well, in order to lock the moisture does not lose, low heat, add more peanut oil to the wok, after heating into the diced meat, stir-fry until the diced meat all change color can be put out for later

2, do not turn off the heat, after the meat is put in, the onion ginger puree is put in, stir-fry until there is a fragrance, put in the chili crushed stir-fry, to always use the low heat, if you feel that the oil is not enough, you need to add some more, the pepper sauce is very drinking oil, I added several times in the process of stir-frying, the process of frying peppers is very long, about half an hour, the specific I did not look closely, anyway, I have to keep frying on a low heat, until the color of the pepper changes from red to dark red, the color of the oil also becomes dark red, when you can smell the scorched spicy taste, it is almost the same

3, at this time can put in the fried minced meat, 2 spoons of watercress sauce, sugar 20 grams, continue to stir-fry over low heat until the aroma of chili sauce comes out, to this step I added some oil to the pot, after thoroughly cooling, put into a clean and waterless glass bottle to save and enjoy

Fresh meat chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Required ingredients: 500 grams of fresh red peppers, 300 grams of fresh lean meat filling, 300 grams of bean paste (that is, ordinary soybean paste), 80 to 100 grams of edible oil (soybean oil, salad oil and other vegetable oils are available), 150 grams of peanuts, 50 grams of sesame seeds, 40 grams of rice vinegar, 20 grams of sugar, 15 grams of salt, 50 grams of minced green onion, 50 grams of minced garlic, and an appropriate amount of cooking wine

1, wash the pepper, use a knife to draw a circle of the stem, and then squeeze the pepper into the pepper and then pull it out to remove the pepper peduncle;

2. Crush the pepper with a meat grinder or chop it into small pieces with a knife; Either way to avoid direct contact with chili peppers, especially chili juice, otherwise the hand will be particularly uncomfortable, the watercress sauce is ready, if it is very dry without any fluidity of the watercress sauce, it is best to dilute it with water first to a state with fluidity;

2, the onion and garlic are chopped into small pieces, according to their own preferences in the amount of onion and garlic, minced meat is also prepared, do not bring fat meat, that will be very greasy, cool after the surface will have solidified oil, so be sure to use pure lean meat, pork and beef can be;

3, the fried peanuts and sesame seeds are put into the plastic bag with a rolling pin to roll out into peanuts and sesame chips, do not use the blender (blender) to beat into the end, it is best to roll this hand with granules, the taste will be better, the wok is hot into the cooking oil into the meat filling, stir-fry color, along the side of the pot drizzle a little cooking wine to remove the meat smell;

4, then put in the minced onion and ginger stir-fry out the aroma, and then pour in the bean paste to fry the aroma, pour in the ground red pepper and stir well, turn the heat down after opening the pot, then put in the rice vinegar, when the sauce in the pot becomes thick (about 20 minutes or so) some of it, then taste the taste, then put in salt and sugar and stir well, turn off the heat, put in the rolled cooked peanuts and sesame seeds and mix well, the pepper sauce is ready, put the pepper sauce into the glass bottle while hot and cover the lid, cool and put it in the refrigerator for preservation, which can be used to mix noodles, bibimbap, make sauce and so on.

Cold mix with chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients required: red pepper, salt, chicken essence, garlic, soy sauce

1: Wash the peppers and remove the seeds. Spicy can be carried, put the steamer steamed, about 5 minutes can be;

2, put salt and chicken essence in the garlic mortar, add three cloves of garlic, knock into garlic paste, add steamed pepper, crush, pick out the skin of the pepper, pour out, drizzle with a little soy sauce;

Korean hot sauce

Ingredients required: 60 g glutinous rice flour, 50 g water, 50 g sweet noodle sauce or miso, 20 g sugar, 20 g paprika, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon wine, 1/2 teaspoon salt

1, mix the ingredients well, mix glutinous rice flour with water and knead into balls, divide into two equal parts and flatten, put the flattened glutinous rice balls into boiling water, cook until floating, cook for 2 minutes, add method 1 while hot, mix well, mix well.

2, and glutinous rice balls when too sticky, be sure to prepare a little more dry powder in advance, put some in your hands, and then, knead into a ball and flatten it and put it in the pot immediately, otherwise it will not work again.

3, when mixing these materials, if the glutinous rice cake and sauce are relatively thick, you can add some water to cook glutinous rice, in order to make them fully fused, it is best to mix by hand, but do not forget to bring gloves.

Ingredients required: 1 apple, 15g ginger, 1 head of garlic, chili noodles, shrimp paste.

1: Cut the apple, ginger and garlic into finely minced pieces.

2, mix the three mushrooms evenly, place for about 30 minutes, add chili noodles and mix well, add shrimp paste according to their own taste, the proportion is not so absolute, prepare more chili noodles, shrimp paste is to enhance the taste, the best to put, really can not find to break the sea rice into it can also be, once can do a little more, sealed in the refrigerator can be used for a year, bibimbap, cold noodles, kimchi can be used.

Homemade old dry mother chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients required: 100 grams of chili peppers, 250 grams of chicken thigh meat, 50 grams of oil, salt, sugar, appropriate amount of chicken essence

1. Make chili peppers. Dried red peppers soaked in hot water for about half an hour, add ginger and garlic and mash, chicken thighs are deboned and cut into small pieces, too much water volatilization is slow, it takes a long time to boil.

2, stir-fry chili: put oil in the pot, turn on the high heat to heat the oil, then turn off the heat, wait until the oil becomes warm and then turn on the medium heat, and then add the rice dumpling pepper to stir-fry.

3, under the chicken fast: wait until the rice dumplings bubble small bubbles, you can add the cut chicken nuggets, stir-fry.

4: Boil chicken peppers: After the chicken is quickly mixed with the peppers, adjust the heat to medium heat. Let them gradually release the moisture of chicken and peppers and simmer slowly. Add salt and sugar when the chicken is almost five minutes down. Be sure to stir-fry regularly, especially in the later stages, to prevent the peppers from being fried.

5, wait until the chicken is dry, add chicken essence and stir-fry a few times to start the pot, wait until the chicken pepper is completely cool, put in the bottle, can be stored for a month or even several months.

Guilin chili sauce

Xiang Meizi shared the method of 10 kinds of chili sauce, under the rice, mixing vegetables and mixing meat, and even wanted to eat for 30 days

Ingredients required: Fresh red pepper, garlic grains, tempeh, sanhua wine, salt

1: Wash the peppers and garlic grains, dry in a cool place, chop the peppers and garlic (about 2:1 weight ratio) and mix into the tempeh. The one with minced garlic is called garlic hot sauce, and the one with tempeh is called tempeh garlic hot sauce. Tempeh can be added or not, depending on each person's preference.

2, stir in salt (1 kg of pepper and garlic mixed with 1 or two salts), slightly rub and mix well, pour in Sanhua wine (1 kg of pepper with garlic added to 1-2 two wines) mix well, bottle, press tightly, pour in Sanhua wine to seal. Sealed and stored, you can eat it after two weeks, and it will taste better if you leave it for a longer time.

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