
The five questions that hepatitis B mom most want to know the authoritative answers are all here

author:Bright Net

Medical guidance: Zhang Qiuzhen Meng Anqin Chief Physician of Ezhou Central Hospital in Hubei Province

The epidemic of hepatitis B in China is relatively serious, and millions of newborns enter this rank every year, most of them from mother-to-child transmission.

Mother-to-child transmission refers to pregnant women with hepatitis B or carrying hepatitis B virus in their bodies, who transmit hepatitis B virus to fetuses or newborns during pregnancy or childbirth, also known as vertical transmission, which is the most important and threatening mode of transmission of hepatitis B virus.

Therefore, in the obstetrics and gynecology specialist clinic, hepatitis B pregnant women often come to consult on marriage, childbirth, breastfeeding, father-infant transmission, sexual life and other issues. What are the common concerns and urgent needs of these hepatitis B virus-infected mothers and expectant mothers?

1. Can a carrier of hepatitis B get married?

Q: When I checked my body last year, I found that I was a hepatitis B virus carrier, and I wonder if I can get married in the near future?

A: Hepatitis B patients should consider two aspects when getting married, one is how to avoid passing the hepatitis virus to their spouses, and the other is in what kind of physical condition it is better to get married.

During the relationship, the other party should be urged to go to the hospital to check the markers of the hepatitis B virus. If the anti-HBS is positive, it means that there is already resistance to the hepatitis B virus and will not be infected with the hepatitis B virus; if the hbsag is positive, it means that the other party is also infected; if the hepatitis B virus markers are negative, it means that the other party has neither been infected nor resistant, and it is not appropriate to marry immediately, and can generate resistance by injecting the hepatitis B vaccine to avoid infection.

Some patients want to get married after the treatment of HBSAG or HBEAG is negative, and there is currently no drug that can cure hepatitis B, so this idea is unrealistic.

Patients with acute hepatitis or chronic hepatitis in the active phase should not marry immediately. Acute hepatitis has a shorter course and can be married six months after cure. Patients with chronic hepatitis should marry after 1 year of stable condition and completely normal liver function. Only positive and normal liver function carriers such as hepatitis B virus markers such as hbeag can get married whenever they want, but care should still be taken to prevent overwork-induced hepatitis.

2. Can a person infected with hepatitis B virus have children?

q: I am a hepatitis B patient, I have been married for 2 years, and now I am very eager to add a small baby, but my family is afraid of infecting the child, what should I do?

A: As long as the liver function is normal, the liver has no inflammatory activity, and there are no clinical symptoms, both the carrier and the patient can become pregnant.

If the condition is in the active period, the body feels unwell, and the liver function is abnormal, it is not suitable for pregnancy. If cirrhosis has progressed, it is best not to get pregnant, and decompensated cirrhosis is definitely not suitable for pregnancy.

Whether pregnant women carry hepatitis B virus or whether they will be transmitted to infants or newborns depends first and foremost on how well pregnant women carry hepatitis B virus and how genetically defective they are maternally. If the pregnant woman is hepatitis B "big three yang", hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is also positive, the probability of neonatal infection can be as high as 90%; if the pregnant woman is hepatitis B "small three yang", hepatitis B virus DNA is also negative, the probability of neonatal infection is only about 30%, which is why in the family with hepatitis B family aggregation tendency, some people have hepatitis B and some people can not get hepatitis B.

There are three main ways of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B: First, intrapartum transmission, the most likely and common infection during childbirth. The second is intrauterine transmission, when the fetus is in the mother's body, the virus enters the fetus through the placenta, and the infection caused by this way is about 5%. Third, the close contact between the baby and the mother after delivery can also cause the spread of hepatitis B virus.

Therefore, interrupting transmission is the key to the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B. After the birth of the newborn, the first injection of a high-efficiency immunoglobulin in the anterolateral muscles of the thigh, and then after half a month, according to the 0, 6, 1 (that is, within 12 hours, 1 month, 6 months after birth) program injection of hepatitis B vaccine, more than 95% of newborns can be protected from vertical transmission of the previous generation, and a healthy child can be obtained. In addition, when the newborn is 2 months and 7 months old, blood should be drawn to check the "two-and-a-half" and hepatitis B virus DNA to find out whether the baby's vaccination is successful.

3. Can a hepatitis B woman breastfeed her child?

q: I have hepatitis B and am about to be bonsai, can I breastfeed my child? Will it be transmitted to the child? Can I take care of my child myself?

a: In the past, it was advocated that children had produced enough anti-hbs in the body after 7 months to breastfeed, and the optimal period of breastfeeding had been missed at this time. In recent years, relevant expert studies have shown that as long as the combined immunization multiple blockade is carried out, women carrying hepatitis B virus can breastfeed their babies. It has also been suggested that within 24 hours of the birth of a newborn, the first dose of the vaccine can be obtained. Breastfeeding is fine as long as the mother's nipples do not rupture and bleed, but mothers should wash their hands with soap and running water before feeding to reduce the chance of contact transmission.

As for whether the mother and the child can be roomed together, if the mother is in the acute or chronic acute attack period of hepatitis B, it is not possible to live in the same room with the newborn, but in the convalescent period or the mother with the hepatitis B virus can generally be.

4. Does hepatitis B virus spread from father to baby?

Q: The boyfriend found hepatitis B "big three yang" in a recent physical examination, and he said that his illness was transmitted by his father. I heard that hepatitis B virus can also be transmitted from father to child, is this true? How to interrupt transmission?

a: Hepatitis B patients have hepatitis B virus in their sperm, and through insemination, visceline cell infection can occur. Prevention of father-infant transmission is mainly to inject the woman with hepatitis B vaccine, so that the body produces antibodies, then the male sperm carries the hepatitis B virus into the woman's body, because the antibody protection, will not produce fertilized eggs with hepatitis B virus, but also to avoid the spread of the father and baby. It should be pointed out that the woman should be injected with the hepatitis B vaccine before she is pregnant, and after the injection is completed, it should be checked whether the blood has produced antibodies, and if not, it is still necessary to inject until the antibodies appear.

5. Is the hepatitis B virus carrier sexually transmitted?

Q: 3 years ago, I had hepatitis B. Recent blood tests have found that the hepatitis B surface antigen HBSag is still positive. I was afraid of passing it on to my husband through sexual contact and didn't know what to do.

a: China's infectious disease experts have done a survey, husband and wife life rarely leads to each other to get hepatitis B, but the probability of hepatitis B spreading vertically to the next generation is very high.

Why is the incidence of hepatitis B in spouses so low? This is because adults have a sound immune system, and when the hepatitis B virus enters the body, the body's immune system immediately mobilizes to recognize and clear the hepatitis B virus. More than 80% of infants infected with hepatitis B virus in 1 month will turn into chronic hepatitis B virus carriers, leaving a bane, but adults infected with hepatitis B virus, only about 6% will appear chronic, the general body's immune system will actively clear the virus, leaving no bane, while the surface antibodies are positive.

More than 70% of hepatitis B is transmitted vertically through parents in China, but there is little vertical transmission in Europe and the United States, and the chance of sexual transmission in Africa and the Americas has increased significantly, reaching more than 40%. Therefore, the base point for the eradication and eradication of hepatitis B in China must be placed on cutting off vertical transmission, and it is of great significance to universally vaccinate against hepatitis B.

Add to healthy meals

Ginseng wheat berries dough fish soup

Ingredients: 10 grams of American ginseng, 15 grams of Wheat Dong, Huai Yam and Goji berries, 6 red dates, 3 slices of ginger, 1 turtle (about 1250 grams), 250 grams of shuifa sea cucumber.

Directions: First slaughter the turtle, wash it, chop it into large pieces, put it in boiling water and blanch it slightly, fish it out and rinse it to clean the blood foam; wash the sea cucumber and cut it into large pieces; split the red dates and pit them. Then, together with the other ingredients washed, put them in a stew bowl, add 2500 ml of water, a little white wine, simmer in water for 2 hours, and season with salt.

Efficacy: This soup is peaceful, not dry and not greasy, has a good spleen and lungs, nourishes the liver and kidneys, tonifies sperm and blood, calms the mind and other effects, suitable for the general population to take (pregnant women, children are not suitable), especially suitable for hard-working men to take. It can also be used for the adjuvant treatment of various diseases caused by the weakness of the five internal organs and the insufficiency of qi, blood and sperm. (Professor Lan Senlin, Department of Internal Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine)


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