
One of the most difficult liquors in the world to understand ,liqueurs'

author:Wine circle clairvoyance

Speaking of liqueurs alone, everyone may not be very familiar with them, but the wild grid that is loved by young people, the famous Long Island iced tea, the most common Baili sweet wine in Western restaurants, and so on, all have liqueurs.

So what exactly is liqueur?

Liqueur, also known as Lijiao, can be called dessert wine after dinner, which is transliterated from the French word ligueur. The raw materials are distilled liquor as the base wine, such as brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, agave, etc. at the same time to prepare a variety of perfumed items, sweetened alcoholic beverages.

Legend has it that the first bottles of liqueur were produced for medical purposes, and in the early seventeenth century, alcoholic beverages made by monks of French monasteries with spirits plus herbs or fruit extracts were used to treat various diseases. After the age of discovery began, plants produced in the New World and Asia were introduced to Europe, and the ingredients used to make liqueurs became colorful.

Nowadays, liqueurs with a variety of flavors and vibrant colors have spread around the world, are loved by the public, and are called "liquid gemstones" by wine lovers.

Why is it the most difficult wine to understand?

Because it is not only rich in flavor and bright and colorful, but also has many types, raw materials, and many producing countries, different wines have different base wines, different spices, and different brewing time.

For example, it is commonly used in Titian and Flavor ingredients, including fruits, vanilla, spices, herbs, bark, seeds, nuts, eggs, cream, bees, coffee, chocolate and so on. A liqueur often adds dozens or even hundreds of ingredients. The main producers of liqueurs are not only France, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, England, but also Russia, Ireland, Denmark, the United States, Japan and other countries.

Wikipedia, a rough list of 224 varieties of liqueurs, and its alcohol content is mostly inconsistent between 15-55 degrees. With such a wide variety and flavours, it is no wonder that it is called "one of the most difficult liquors in the world to understand".

Liqueur is difficult to understand lies in its raw materials, preparation, flavor, degree, type, etc., and in China, there is also a wine that is difficult to understand, it is clear and transparent, but it is made of five kinds of grains, it is fragrant, but it presents a harmony of flavors, it is luscious and mellow, inheriting thousands of years of traditional skills. It is Wuliangye, like liqueur, for Wuliangye, it is difficult for us to explore its source, only because the more we explore, the more fascinated, the more like.

In fact, many times we will fall in love with a wine, not because we understand it, but because of our innate senses and emotions. Pin ligus feel sweet, familiar and fresh, taste Wuliangye, feel comfortable, harmonious and happy, perhaps, this is also the only secret we love a wine, and drink and sigh, do not seek much understanding!

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