
How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

author:Brother Tao who loves life

Spring April is the best time of the year, this time is a good time of spring, outdoor flowers are in full bloom, green grass is green, the sun is very good, the temperature is not high, it is a good scenery of the year.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

Today I would like to introduce to you a unique delicacy in spring, often planted on the side of the house and roadside, generally blooming in April and May every year, and the flowering period is generally about 10-15 days, it is the locust flower.

Acacia flowers are also known as acacia flowers, and acacia flowers in a broad sense refer to the flowers and buds of leguminous plants, but generally the open flowers are called "locust flowers", also known as "locust stamens", and the flower buds are called "locust rice". In April, the green branches of the locust tree are hung with bunches of white and elegant locust flowers, exuding a faint fragrance that makes people feel refreshed. Sophora flowers are beautiful and equally delicious, and they are a taste that cannot be missed in spring.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

The blooming locust flowers are small and delicate, and the fragrance is tangy. Acacia flowers not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have rich nutritional and medicinal properties. In daily life, proper consumption can protect blood vessels, lower blood lipids, supplement nutrition, enhance physical fitness, and live a healthy spring.

In spring, when the body's yang energy is gradually rising, moderate consumption of acacia flowers can help clear the dampness in the body, regulate intestinal function, and help relieve physical discomfort in spring. In addition, acacia flowers are also rich in anthocyanins and vitamin C, which have significant effects on antioxidants and beauty.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

In spring, when the locust flowers are in full bloom, people often pick fresh locust flowers and use them to make various delicacies. If you want to eat locust flowers, take advantage of the current season to taste them.

In addition to being beautiful and delicious, the acacia flower is also good in its allegorical flower language. The flower language of acacia is beautiful and crystalline, dusty and vulgar, and the love of spring. People's yearning for purity and beauty, yearning for beautiful love.

As the saying goes, "a locust tree in front of the door is not a treasure, or a fortune", so the acacia flower is a symbol of a mascot, praying for a good home and longevity.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

There are many ways to eat acacia flowers, acacia flower buns, acacia flower dumplings, acacia flower pancakes, scrambled eggs of acacia flowers, acacia flower porridge, etc., no matter how to eat, the color is attractive, and the taste is excellent, the perfect combination of the faint floral fragrance and the food, makes people have endless aftertaste, and one bite is the taste of spring.

April is the best time to eat locust flowers, pick locust flowers home to make food, more expensive than eggs, fragrant elm money, an endless enjoyment, so beautiful!

Today I would like to recommend to you several delicious ways to eat acacia flowers, taste the taste of spring, and nourish people and maintain health.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

The first type: steamed locust flowers

Fresh acacia flowers are steamed and eaten with flour, which can be used as a dish or as a staple food, which is delicious and delicious.

Ingredients: some acacia flowers, flour, sesame oil, green onion, ginger and garlic, salt, light soy sauce

Method: 1. Remove the flower stalk of fresh locust flowers, break them into one by one, soak them in water, and add a little salt, so that they can clean the impurities or dust on them

2Then rinse several times, drain and place in a large bowl

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

3. Stir an appropriate amount of oil, add some flour and mix with chopsticks, so that each locust flower is coated with a layer of flour.

4. Boil hot water in a pot, put in the acacia flowers, and steam over high heat for about 10 minutes

5After steaming, shake it with chopsticks and set aside

6. Prepare the sauce, chop the green onion, ginger and garlic, put it in a bowl, add salt, sesame oil, light soy sauce, vinegar, mix well, and put some chili oil if you like to eat spicy

7You can pour the sauce into it and mix it evenly to eat, or you can eat it with dipping sauce.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

The second type: scrambled eggs with sophora flowers

Sophora flowers are fried with eggs, the most classic way to eat, the most delicious way to eat, the fragrance of acacia flowers and the deliciousness of eggs are fused with each other, it is a simple and delicious home-cooked dish.

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of acacia flowers, 3 eggs, green onion, ginger, salt,

Method: 1. Select fresh acacia flowers, rinse them in water, and add a little flour to soak

2Then rinse a few times and drain

3. Beat the eggs into a bowl, mix evenly, put them in a pot with hot oil, scramble them into eggs, and set aside

4Heat the oil in a pan, add the chopped green onion and ginger when the oil is hot, and stir-fry until fragrant

5Add the cut locust flowers and stir-fry evenly to make the locust flowers slightly softer

6. Then put in the eggs, stir-fry evenly, before getting out of the pot, add salt, delicious commission.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

The third type: acacia flower buns

Sophora flowers are eaten with meat fillings wrapped in buns, the taste is fragrant, the taste is unique, delicious and delicious, everyone likes to eat.

Ingredients: appropriate amount of acacia flowers, pork belly, green onion and ginger, salt, pepper, sesame oil, light soy sauce

Method: 1. Make the dough in advance, take out the fermented dough, and divide it into uniform small dough for later use.

2Prepare the filling. Clean the fresh locust flowers, blanch them in hot water, pick them up, drain the water, chop them and set aside.

3Finely chop the pork belly, put it together with the acacia flowers, add salt, chopped green onion and ginger, salt, light soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, and mix well

4. Press the dough flattening, roll it out into a bun skin, put the mixed stuffing on it, wrap it into a bun, and make it in turn

5. Boil hot water in a pot, put in the buns, and steam over high heat for about 15 minutes

6. Steamed buns, fat circle, fragrant. Wait 3 minutes before lifting the lid and taking it out. Ready to serve.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

Fourth: Sophora tea drink

It can be drunk with fresh locust flowers soaked in water, or it can be drunk with sun-dried locust flowers. The brewed tea, with a faint floral fragrance, can clear away heat and fire, purify the stomach, and is an ideal health tea drink in spring.

As a reminder, when soaking in water with fresh locust flowers, choose fresh locust flower petals that are bright in color and have not changed color or withered.

When soaking in water, you can add a little honey or rock sugar to it, and the taste is even more different.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

After reading the above introduction, do you have a deeper understanding of the acacia flowers, and take advantage of the ripening season of the acacia flowers, let's hurry up and taste it.

The locust flower is the messenger of spring and a beautiful gift from nature. Tasting acacia flowers, the unique taste and nutrition, not only bring pleasure to the taste buds, but also inject fresh vitality into the body, adding a touch of spring color to our table, and also adding a lot of color to our health.

How many of the 4 delicious ways to eat acacia flowers have you eaten? The old people in the family said to eat more acacia flowers in spring

Love life, love Brother Tao, everyone has seen this, hard work everyone, first of all, thank you for your love, thank you for your continued support and reading! I will do a good job of every dish of my own food, share food and health knowledge with you, thank you again for the love of fans! Let's see you tomorrow.

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