
In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

author:Doctor's Miscellaneous

Mr. Li, aged 58. After entering the spring, he frequently experienced fatigue, especially after daily activities, and even after maintaining sufficient rest, he still felt tired, which caused Mr. Li to have poor spirits all day, and he had muscle cramps in his legs when he slept at night, accompanied by thirst, but the symptoms were not relieved after the increase in water intake, which seriously affected his quality of life, and decided to seek medical help from a local hospital.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

We inquired about his eating habits and learned that he had recently consumed less vegetables and fruits, and that the patient often stayed up late and was overworked, and we conducted a physical examination of the patient, and the patient's posture was normal, his blood pressure was 140/90 mmHg, slightly above the normal range, and his heart rate was 78 beats per minute, and there was no abnormality, but when the patient's leg muscles were palpated, the muscle tension was slightly higher, suggesting that there may be an electrolyte imbalance.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

The blood test showed that the serum potassium level was 3.2 mmol/L, which was below the normal range, and the patient developed a state of low potassium level.

Prolonged QT interval on ECG suggests increased myocardial cell excitability, which may be related to hypokalemia;

Based on the patient's clinical presentation and physical examination findings, as well as laboratory tests, the diagnosis is transient hypokalaemia due to spring fatigue and electrolyte imbalance intake, which may be accompanied by mild renal impairment and ECG abnormalities.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

Given that the patient's symptoms are mainly focused on decreased physical strength, muscle cramps, and ECG abnormalities, combined with the results of serum potassium and urine tests, it is recommended that the patient adjust the diet, supplement the appropriate amount of potassium salt, monitor blood pressure and renal function, regularly review the serum potassium level and ECG to ensure that it returns to normal, and if symptoms persist or worsen, further evaluation should be made for underlying renal problems.

Through this case, we can find that we need to pay attention to potassium supplementation in daily life, especially for people who are often overworked.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

What are the benefits of potassium supplementation in the spring?

Adequate potassium supplementation has important health benefits, especially in the spring, when potassium has a positive impact on the maintenance of normal physiological functions and health.

Potassium is one of the essential trace elements for maintaining heart and blood vessel health. It balances electrolytes in body fluids inside and outside cells, helping to regulate the heart's beating rhythm and maintain normal blood pressure levels.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

In the spring season, the temperature rises and it is easy to dehydrate, moderate intake of potassium can help cell function, help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, effectively prevent hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and is conducive to the health of the cardiovascular system.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

Potassium participates in the activation and metabolic reaction of a variety of enzymes in the human body, which helps to maintain the acid-base balance in the body and the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluids.

Moderate intake of potassium can help regulate the acid-base balance in the body, promote the excretion of metabolic wastes, maintain the metabolic balance in the body, and help maintain the stability of the human internal environment.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

Potassium is an important nutrient for maintaining muscle function and helps maintain normal muscle movement and function. Spring is the season for more outdoor activities, and moderate potassium intake can help regulate muscle tone, reduce the risk of cramps and muscle fatigue, and improve athletic performance.

Potassium also helps maintain normal signaling between muscles and nerve cells, which is beneficial for the body's coordinated movement and strength.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

Potassium helps to maintain the conduction of nerve impulses, promote the normal transmission of nerve signals, spring is a season of vitality and exercise, potassium supplementation can not only promote the coordination of the body's limbs, but also help improve the activity and reaction speed of the human nervous system, help to improve people's attention and energy state, improve thinking ability and cognitive function, help to relieve anxiety and tension, and effectively improve the body's spirit.

Spring potassium supplementation has many benefits for the human body, we should ensure that we consume enough potassium in our daily diet to maintain the health and vitality of the body, let's take a look at high-potassium vegetables in detail.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

These 3 dishes are marketed in large quantities and contain 10 times more potassium than bananas

Banana is a more common high-potassium fruit, each 100 grams of banana contains 256mg potassium content, it is easy to ingest fruit in daily life, very suitable for supplementing the body's potassium content, potassium supplementation is not only through the intake of fruits, but also through the intake of vegetables to supplement, so as to be more comprehensive, our ordinary people's daily potassium intake is 2000mg per day, from the fruit intake alone is not satisfied.

In addition, Fan Zhihong, a professor at China Agricultural University, said that when the daily intake of potassium content is 3600mg, it is helpful to prevent metabolic chronic diseases, which shows that potassium supplementation is very important in daily life, and there are 3 kinds of vegetables with very high potassium content, which is higher than most fruits, but the content is 10 times that of bananas.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet
  • 1) Mouth:

Mushroom is a common edible mushroom ingredient, which is not only delicious, but also nutritious, and is known as the best nutritional product among mushrooms. Mushrooms are rich in protein, dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, and the potassium content of mushrooms is also relatively high, which helps to supplement the body's potassium, containing 3106mg of potassium per 100 grams, which can be easily met by ingesting mushrooms for a day.

The vitamins and minerals rich in mushrooms have antioxidant effects, which help to enhance the body's immunity, improve the body's immunity, and reduce the occurrence of colds and other diseases. The content of selenium in the mushroom is second only to Ganoderma lucidum, selenium has a certain anti-cancer effect, supplementing the trace element has a certain effect on preventing cancer, and the mushroom is also rich in vitamin D, daily supplementation of this substance is conducive to protecting bones, and the appropriate amount of vitamin D supplementation in the elderly has a good effect on preventing osteoporosis.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet
  • 2) Purple greens:

Rich in potassium, containing 1769mg of potassium per 100 grams, an appropriate amount of supplementation to improve the body's mental strength, has many helps, and seaweed is rich in iodine, which helps to maintain normal thyroid function, promote metabolism, prevent thyroid disease and other problems, and it contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, which is helpful for the body to regulate blood lipids.

Not only that, the viscous polysaccharides contained in laver will interfere with the digestion of nutrients in the body, so laver can interfere with the absorption of fatty substances and sugars ingested by the body, which can also effectively prevent the body from ingesting too many of these substances, which will lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet
  • 3) Tremella:

It is a common edible mushroom ingredient rich in a variety of nutrients, and is considered a nourishing ingredient, white fungus is widely used in cooking various soups and desserts in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish qi and nourish yin, moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

Tremella is rich in dietary fiber and colloidal substances, which has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and is suitable for regulating throat discomfort and cough that are susceptible to spring problems, and helps to relieve respiratory discomfort.

The protein and vitamins in Tremella can provide rich nutrients, help to enhance the body's immunity, promote metabolism, and maintain the body's health. Tremella fuciformis is rich in colloidal substances that help improve skin elasticity and radiance, which is conducive to beauty and beauty, maintaining skin health and youthfulness, not only that, but also has a high potassium content, with 1588mg of potassium per 100 grams, which can easily help the body replenish potassium.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

Mushrooms, seaweed and white fungus, as a large number of ingredients on the market in spring, in addition to containing high potassium, play an important role in human health. Moderate consumption of these ingredients in the daily diet can help maintain the health and vitality of the body, especially for some people.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

These people need to take care of potassium supplementation

(1). People who sweat profusely

Sweating is an important way for the body to dissipate heat, especially in high temperature environments or during strenuous exercise, sweat is rich in electrolytes, including sodium and potassium, and excessive sweating will lead to an increase in the loss of potassium in the body, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of potassium ions in the body. Potassium is an important electrolyte that plays an important role in maintaining normal cell function and physiological metabolism.

Potassium ions are involved in many physiological processes such as nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and heart beating, and are essential for maintaining the body's normal electrolyte balance and internal environment stability. The loss of potassium caused by heavy sweating, if not replenished in time, can lead to a decrease in potassium levels in the body, resulting in a condition of potassium deficiency, called hypokalemia. Hypokalemia can lead to a range of health problems such as muscle weakness, arrhythmias, or digestive problems, and can even be life-threatening.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

For potassium loss caused by heavy sweating, timely potassium supplementation can help the body quickly restore normal electrolyte balance, relieve fatigue and restore physical strength, and improve the body's adaptability and resistance. For people who sweat a lot, especially those who work in hot environments or exercise intensively, it is very important to supplement enough potassium in time.

Potassium intake can be increased through food intake of potassium-rich foods, or oral supplements can be chosen, and the appropriate amount should be paid in the process of potassium supplementation to avoid other adverse effects caused by excessive intake. If there are related health problems that require supplementation, it is recommended to supplement under the guidance of a doctor.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

(2). Patients with high blood pressure

Potassium plays an important role in maintaining stable blood pressure, and when potassium levels in the body are low, it may lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Potassium is involved with other electrolytes in the balance of water and minerals inside and outside the cells, and maintains the normal work of the neuromuscular system, for the patient to balance the electrolytes in the body can reduce the risk of increased blood pressure, while reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, it also helps to maintain the normal contraction and relaxation function of the heart, keep the heart rhythm stable, and help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

Potassium intake should be adjusted according to individual circumstances and doctor's recommendations, as excessive or insufficient potassium intake can cause adverse health effects.

In the process of potassium supplementation, patients with hypertension should pay attention to a reasonable diet, avoid excessive intake of high-sodium foods, and closely monitor the potassium level in the body to avoid adverse reactions.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

(3). People with long-term vomiting or diarrhea

Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea causes the body to lose a lot of water and electrolytes, including potassium. Potassium is one of the important elements in maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, and long-term loss of large amounts of potassium can cause electrolyte imbalances.

Supplementing with the right amount of potassium can help restore the balance of water and electrolytes in the body and maintain the normal physiological functions of the body.

Loss of water and electrolytes caused by long-term vomiting or diarrhea may cause hypokalemia, which can lead to muscle pain, fatigue, arrhythmia and other symptoms, and even life-threatening in severe cases.

Long-term vomiting or diarrhea may disrupt the normal balance of intestinal flora, affecting nutrient absorption and digestion, while moderate amounts of potassium can promote intestinal health, maintain normal intestinal function, and help reduce the frequency of diarrhea attacks. By supplementing potassium scientifically and reasonably, it can help people with long-term vomiting or diarrhea recover faster and prevent related complications.

In the spring, potassium should be supplemented! These three vegetables are on the market in large quantities! The potassium content is 10 times that of bananas, and you should eat more spiritual head and feet

In spring, potassium should be supplemented, mushrooms, white fungus, seaweed, these 3 vegetables are listed in large quantities, and the potassium content is 10 times that of bananas.

The above-mentioned Mr. Li due to unreasonable diet and overwork, resulting in electrolyte loss, low potassium content in the body, fatigue and muscle cramps and other symptoms, through the examination we found that it is caused by hypokalemia, this case reminds us to pay attention to the daily life of a reasonable diet, long-term sweating people should pay attention to potassium supplementation.

Literature References:

1. Li Xiaoxin, Zhang Chao. Hypokalemic hypertension and potassium ions. CJMEZZ, 2018, 38(10): 871-873.

2. Cao Bo, Peng Xiaoping, Ma Yipeng. Research progress on the imbalance of potassium ion regulation in the body. Chinese Medical Journal, 2013, 93(8): 582-584.

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