
A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Dr. Chua's Health Talks

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"You know what? Li Dawei, a 45-year-old bank clerk, said to himself half a year ago while washing dishes in his small kitchen.

One day, six months later, he walked into the hospital, expecting the doctor to tell him that all his perseverance had translated into noticeable health improvements. The atmosphere in the hospital is always tense, but Li Dawei's heart is unusually calm.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

He sat in the waiting area, his mind full of wolfberries that he had soaked in water and drank every day for half a year. He believed that these tiny rubies must have brought him a different state of health.

Li Dawei's name was called, and he walked into the examination room, and the doctor was Dr. Zhang, a middle-aged man who looked amiable.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

"Mr. Li, I know that you have been eating goji berries every day for half a year, hoping to improve your blood sugar and kidney function in this way. Now I'm going to tell you that your blood sugar levels have indeed dropped and your kidney function has shown a slight improvement. ”

When Li Dawei heard this, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, but Dr. Zhang's next words surprised him a little.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

"But, Mr. Li, what I have to tell you is that while goji berries are good for health, it alone is not enough to achieve significant improvements in blood sugar and kidney function. Dr. Zhang said, adjusting his glasses.

"You know what? In your case, the most important thing is actually your lifestyle change. For example, have you noticed your eating habits, sleep quality, and physical activity? These factors have a much greater impact on blood sugar and kidney function than you think. ”

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

Dr Teo went on to explain in detail the impact of lifestyle on health, and each point was very specific. He mentioned that a reasonable diet should contain rich dietary fiber and low sugar, rather than relying solely on certain foods or drugs.

Regular sleep and moderate physical activity can effectively help the body regulate blood sugar and protect kidney health. After saying this, Dr. Zhang looked at Li Dawei, as if waiting for his reaction.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

Li Dawei was silent for a while, then took a deep breath, "Doctor Zhang, I seem to understand a lot when I hear you say this.

I originally thought that eating goji berries every day would solve all my problems, but now it seems that I still need to start with my own lifestyle habits and make comprehensive adjustments. ”

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

Dr. Zhang nodded and smiled with satisfaction, "Yes, Mr. Li, health is comprehensive, and we need to maintain it from many aspects. Goji berries are beneficial, but more importantly, they form a good lifestyle habit. ”

"I recommend that starting today, you can gradually adjust your diet and increase physical activity while getting enough sleep. ”

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

In the following time, David Lee followed Dr. Zhang's advice and embarked on his journey of lifestyle change. At the same time, he also began regular physical activity, walking for at least half an hour a day and ensuring seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

After a few months, Li Dawei not only further improved his blood sugar levels, but also greatly improved his kidney function indicators, and the whole person looked refreshed and energetic.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

David Lee was very happy and realized that health really needs to be paid attention to and improved from every detail of life. While it is human nature to look for "miracle cures" for various ailments, in reality, the most effective methods are often the most basic and simple lifestyle changes.

The secret of health is not always hidden in a particular food or medicine, more often than not, it requires us to find the answer in the details of our daily lives.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

In our pursuit of health, do we rely too much on a particular food or supplement and neglect the overall lifestyle adjustments?

These lifestyle changes can not only help us lower blood sugar and improve kidney function, but also enhance immunity and improve overall quality of life.

A 45-year-old man insisted on eating wolfberries every day to lower blood sugar and nourish his kidneys, how was his health after half a year?

What do you think about eating wolfberry to lower blood sugar? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

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