
The Lord of Hundred Vegetables | Materia Medica

The Lord of Hundred Vegetables | Materia Medica

The Lord of Hundred Vegetables | Materia Medica

Sunflower greens. Data map

"Compendium of Materia Medica" quotes "Wang Zhennongshu" cloud: Kwai and yang grass. Its vegetables are easy to grow, there are many suburbs, and there are all kinds of fertile and barren land. For the master of a hundred dishes, prepare four seasons of food. It is abundant and drought-tolerant, sweet and non-toxic. It can prevent scarcity and thrift, it can be a wax, its withered fir can be a cluster, and the roots can cure diseases, and the salt is not abandoned. The essential products of honest vegetables and vegetables, and the benefits of people's livelihood.

This is called the easy-to-live vegetable of Kwai sunflower, not only the suburbs are common, and the land where it grows is not tired of being thin, the rhizomes are lush and drought-resistant, the taste is sweet and non-toxic, it can be eaten at all times, the famine year is enough to prepare for emergencies, fresh food can be made into pickled vegetables and dried vegetables, after drying, it can also be braided into drying utensils, roots and seeds can be used to treat diseases, it is really discarded without a trace, it is really the master of a hundred vegetables, worthy of the top quality of the dish, and the people's livelihood is profitable.

"Wang Zhen's Book of Agriculture" is a masterpiece of local agriculture. The local agricultural civilization is fully developed, and the Yuan Dynasty, which is "wide and unprecedented", although it originated from the nomadic grassland and the country is not long, it has produced three outstanding agricultural works: "Agricultural Mulberry Collection", "Wang Zhen Agricultural Book" and "Agricultural Mulberry Food and Clothing Summary", and especially "Wang Zhen Agricultural Book" is the most famous.

In this notorious work on agriculture, Aoi is ranked first in the genus of vegetables. In fact, this is also the consensus of the ancients. The interpretation of Kwai in the ancient dictionary "Shuowen" is a simple and straightforward dish. In other words, when it comes to vegetables, it is none other than Aoi. Therefore, there is a saying that "the ancients must say sunflower when they eat vegetables".

Kwai has other names, such as dew sunflower, slippery cabbage, and guarded foot. "Erya Wing" cloud: Kwai people, also also. The sunflower leaves pour into the sun, not to shine on their roots, but to wisdom to push it. The ancients picked sunflower must be exposed, so it is called dew sunflower. Today's people call it a slippery dish, and they say that it is also sexual. Wang Zhenyang's grass clouds and clouds, when it is also said by the sunflower leaves. As for the famous exotic plant sunflower introduced by missionaries to China during the Wanli period, it was named after the sunflower because of its tilting sun.

Li Shizhen described that the ancient sunflower species were common food, with two kinds of purple stems and white stems, and the white stems were the winners. Large-leaved small flowers, purple and yellow flowers, its smallest name is duck's foot sunflower. In fact, it is as big as the top of the fingers, the skin is thin and flat, and the real inner child is as light as an elm pod seed. Those who plant in April and May can keep children. Okra is planted in June and July, and winter mallow is planted in August and September, and is harvested every year. The first month of the replanting is spring flower. However, the roots of the stay are also born in spring.

It can be harvested all year round, and it is enough to prepare food for four seasons. And okra Yuner only indicates the season of this sunflower, not another vegetable.

The local is known as the country of poetry, and the ancients often chose the familiar objects around them when they wrote poems. As a well-known vegetable, Kwai has been frequently seen in thousands of years of classics. Known as the earliest, "Poetry ▪ and Harvest in July" has "July Hengkui and Shu". The famous article "Fifteenth Military Expedition" of Han Yuefu has "Chung Gu holds the soup, and the sunflower picks the soup". Anonymous's "Picking sunflower does not hurt the roots, and the wounded roots do not grow." Don't be ashamed of the poor to make friends, and you can't be ashamed of the poor", borrowing Aoi to talk about things. Lu Ji of the Jin Dynasty and Bao Zhao of the Southern Dynasty all have poems with the theme of garden flowers, and there is no lack of detailed description, "abundant strips and spring bloom, autumn decline after falling leaves", "under the Wei Rui and the path, on the uneven and covered domains", Bao Zhao's Fu is from the diet to the treatment of diseases: "is the soup is the soup, the pile of the basket." Crunchy, smooth and fragrant. Eliminate drenching and water, moisten the stomach and intestines. The great poet Li Bai's "Title Sunflower Leaves" has "Shame that you can defend your feet, sigh that I travel far away to the roots", and Du Fu's "Show from Sun Ji" has "Washing rice and drawing less water, drawing more well water." Don't let go of the sunflower, let go and hurt the sunflower root", Bai Juyi's "Cooking Kui" is even more picturesque: "Yesterday I didn't eat at night, and now I am hungry." Poor kitchen what to have, cooking rice to cook okra. The red grains are fragrant and soft, and the green grains are smooth and fat". And Su Shi's famous work "Xincheng Road" also said that "the people of Xilang should be the happiest, boiling sunflower and burning bamboo shoots for spring ploughing".

In many poems, not only depicting Aoi's daily role in eating, but also involving various subtleties such as guarding the feet and not hurting the roots, and even moistening the stomach and intestines, revealing the intensity of Aoi's familiarity in the lives of the ancients.

However, this is none other than the first vegetable Kwai in the Ming Dynasty, which followed Li Shizhen after the Yuan Dynasty, but the scenery is no longer beautiful: people no longer eat it, and there is no one to plant. Therefore, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" specially moved it from the vegetable department to the grass department, that is to say, it has fallen from the main vegetable of all kinds of vegetables and the top brand of vegetables that must be said to be eaten to the point of withdrawing from the vegetable genus, as if it has transformed into a weed.

With the changes in ancient and modern food lineages, the reason why some varieties have such ups and downs as sunflower is because there are more cost-effective varieties to replace them. The so-called beneficiaries of people's livelihood are, of course, the trade-offs after weighing many interest elements from the taste and nature of planting, which is the royal road full of fireworks.

And even in the peak era when sunflower was the master of all kinds of vegetables, while acknowledging that its seedling leaves were very sweet for vegetables, doctors sternly pointed out its shortcomings: sunflower leaves are especially cold and profitable, and should not be eaten more. Sexual slippery and not beneficial. Although its nature is cold, if it is eaten hot, it makes people hot and stuffy. The eclipse of the moon in the four seasons will cause chronic diseases. Tianxing eats it after illness, which makes people blind. Frost sunflower is eaten raw, and five kinds of water are used to drink, and water is spitted. Whoever takes a hundred medicines, avoid eating his heart, and his heart is poisonous. Those with yellow-backed purple stems should not eat it. Do not eat carp and millet and millet to harm people. Anyone who is bitten by a rabid dog will never be eaten, and eating it will happen immediately.

It is not beneficial, it is a chronic disease, it makes people blind, it is not allowed to eat with a variety of ingredients, and even its heart is poisonous, all kinds, it is unimaginable, so many edible dead holes, actually come from a top vegetable, quite a bit desperate to eat it.

Fortunately, Li Shizhen warmly reminded that garlic must be used to eat sunflower, and no garlic should not be eaten. In the eyes of many foodies who are unhappy without garlic, using garlic is nothing more than adding a little garnish to the meal, but it turns out to be a must-have for emergency relief.

And under the main treatment column of the medicine, Aoi has won a lot of reputation. For example, the luscious sunflower leaves, Sun Simiao said: the vegetable of the spleen. It is suitable for the spleen, good for stomach qi, and smooth the large intestine. Su Song said: It is advisable to guide stagnation, pregnant women eat it, and slippery tires are easy to give birth. Zhen Quan said: Boiling juice is good for the small intestine, and yellow disease is treated. Dried leaves are the end and burnt ash to treat gold sores and bleeding. Wang Ying said: In addition to the heat, cure the sores, scatter pus and blood, women take it down, children are hot and poisonous, and it is suitable to eat. And the root and the son are much the same.

The former sage said that slippery is used to nourish the knack, so the astringency symptoms of the spleen, stomach, and large intestines can be taken care of by the sunflower known as slippery vegetables. The treatment of sores and the dispersion of pus and blood is roughly the same principle.


Editor-in-charge: Xing Renyan

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