
The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

author:The little driver said the game

I don't know when it started, it has become more and more difficult to fight against road tanks, and the appearance rate is getting lower and lower. Today's popular heroes with high scores against the road are Sun Ce, Sikong Zhen, Mi Yue, Hua Mulan, Ji Xiaoman, and Lao Fuzi...... Many of the once popular tanks now have either very low hits or a very low win rate. For example, the following:

1: Xiahoudun Win rate 44.3% Appearance rate 4.4%

Xiahoudun's skills seem to be relatively perfect, with shields, displacement, control, true damage, and endurance. It can be said that it can fight and carry, and team battles can cut C, and it can also bear injuries. But this win rate really doesn't dare to be complimented, and the winning rate is already at the bottom of the confrontation road at the top of the rankings.

The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

When Xiahoudun is in the lane, the biggest advantage is passive endurance, but when he encounters a slightly higher consciousness, it does not have a great effect. Once the passive play comes out, people will run away. And if you encounter a hero like Miyue, Xiahoudun can't beat it. Xiahoudun is more fragrant in the downwind game, and if it is a headwind game, the all-meat outfit is a little untenable.

2: White Rising Win rate 46.6% Appearance rate 1.7%

Bai Qi doesn't know how many seasons he has been cold, he used to have a good heads-up ability online, and he has a certain probability of counterattacking when he is beaten, and he also has a good battery life, and he can fight and resist. And now, the biggest feature is the group control of the ultimate. But if you are too weak online, it is difficult to develop and it is not interesting. Encountering this kind of general offensive flow of secret letters, Bai Qi has no chance to resist at all.

The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

As for the group control of the ultimate, it is directly cool when it meets Zhuang Zhou, so in the past few seasons, not many people have played in vain.

Three: Zhu Bajie Win rate 47% Appearance rate 2.3%

Zhu Bajie's advantage is that the amount of health lost will continue to exist in the form of residual blood, and dealing damage can convert residual blood into true health. Therefore, Zhu Bajie is a tank with a relatively strong endurance. At the same time, there is also good control, and the ultimate can trap some heroes who have no displacement.

The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

It's just that this kind of tank will be a little uncomfortable when it encounters Lu Bu, especially Lu Bu, who can play, with a little defensive equipment, Zhu Bajie will be more difficult to fight. And Lu Bu's true damage, for all tanks, is very lethal.

Four: Arthur Win rate 47.5% Appearance rate 3.8%

Arthur is a jack-of-all-trades hero, and he can't beat many heroes, but anyone can pass a few moves, and run away with one set. Since the passive can regenerate health, it is still good to fight a war of attrition. When you encounter a particularly strong opponent in a single position, don't stumble and focus on other lines.

The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

Remember, each game against the road hero is different, to play to their own advantages, Arthur's advantage is to run fast, can recover blood, after clearing the line, you can go to other lines to do trouble, do not die and do not return to the city, can also save a lot of time.

Five: Lian Po Win rate 47.7% Appearance rate 6.8%

Lian Po is a hero with a good consumption ability, 121 combos, you can quickly clear the line, consume the opponent at the same time, you can come back quickly. So it has a strong lethality against some crispy heroes. But if it's a half-meat hero and has endurance, Lian Po is a little uncomfortable. Because 121 can't do much damage, and he doesn't have a continuous output ability, he can only run after each set.

The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

If the opponent has endurance, after Lian Po CD is ready, people's blood volume will be full again. Therefore, if Lian Po plays a half-flesh battle on the line, it is difficult to play an advantage. One can only hope that the jungler will come over to help.

The winning rate of the high-segmented Xiahoudun is 45.3%, and the winning rate of Zhu Bajie is 47%, and the tank is getting harder and harder!

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