
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it

Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it
Finally, someone has sorted out the best time and place for a year of travel, and friends who like to travel have collected it

"You know what? I've finally figured out the best time of year to visit every place!" I excitedly shouted to my friend Xiao Yang, my eyes shining with anticipation.

Xiao Yang's eyes widened and he looked at me in disbelief: "Really? This is a big project! Tell me about it, what are the good places?"

I smirked and pulled out a well-crafted tourist map from my bag with the best time to visit each place. I pointed to the markers on the map and began to speak.

"Look here, this is the ancient city of Lijiang in Yunnan, and in spring, the sea of flowers there is in full bloom, and it is beautiful. In autumn, the ancient city and the autumn leaves complement each other, which has a unique flavor. ”

Xiao Yang listened with relish, and he nodded: "Lijiang is indeed a good place, I have always wanted to see it." ”

I continued to point to another marker on the map: "Look here, this is Lhasa in Tibet, and the best time to visit is in the summer. At that time, the sky was blue and the sun was shining, and you could feel the mystery and magnificence of it for yourself. ”

Xiao Yang's eyes flashed with yearning: "Lhasa, I have always dreamed of being able to set foot on that holy land and feel the religious atmosphere and natural beauty there. ”

While looking at the map, we discussed the attractions of each place. From the icy and snowy world of the north to the tropical atmosphere of the south, from the bustling cities of the east to the vast grasslands of the west, each place has its own unique charm and the best time to visit.

Suddenly, Xiao Yang pointed to a marker on the map and asked, "What about this?

I smiled and explained, "This is Kanas Lake in Xinjiang, and the best time to visit is autumn. At that time, the lake was as green as jade, and the surrounding mountains were covered with golden fallen leaves, which was like a beautiful picture. ”

After hearing this, Xiao Yang's eyes flashed with a hint of yearning: "Wow, it sounds so beautiful! I have always wanted to go to Xinjiang to see and feel the exotic customs there." ”

I patted him on the shoulder: "No problem! When we have the opportunity, we will go to Xinjiang together to explore and feel the beauty and mystery there." ”

Our conversation became more and more lively, as if we were already in those beautiful places and felt their charm. We discussed our travel plans and imagined the future journey, filled with anticipation and excitement.

In the days that followed, Yang and I began to prepare our travel plans. We consulted a lot of information and learned about the customs and travel strategies of various places. We discussed the itinerary and discussed the details of the trip. Each discussion made us look forward to the future of our trips.

Finally, on a sunny morning, we embarked on our journey to Lijiang. Along the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside the window, chatted about the interesting things of the trip, and our hearts were full of joy and anticipation.

After arriving in Lijiang, we were fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. We wandered through the alleys of the old city and felt the history and culture there. We admired the beautiful flowers in the sea of flowers and reveled in that sea of flowers. There we spent an unforgettable spring.

Next, we headed to Lhasa. Standing in front of the Potala Palace, we felt the sacredness and solemnity there. We visited the Jokhang Temple and got a taste of the profound heritage of Tibetan Buddhism. There we spent a summer full of mystery and emotion.

After that, we went to Kanas Lake in Xinjiang. The beauty of the place made us linger and we felt as if we were in a beautiful picture. We admired the turquoise of the lake and the golden yellow of the mountains, and felt the magic and magnificence of nature. There we spent an unforgettable autumn.

Every trip was rewarding and we felt the local customs and natural beauty of different places. We also gained friendship and growth through our travels.

Now, whenever I see that elaborate tourist map, I am reminded of that good old time. That map not only records the footprints of our travels, but also bears witness to our friendship and shared memories.

"Xiao Yang, do you remember that tourist map?" I asked with a smile.

Xiao Yang nodded: "Of course I remember! That's our travel book!"

We looked at each other and smiled, our hearts filled with warmth and emotion. We know that map will always be with us as we travel and grow in the future.

Tourism not only allows us to appreciate the beauty of nature and the charm of humanity, but also allows us to gain friendship and growth. Every trip is a baptism and sublimation of the soul, which makes us love the world more and cherish the people around us more.

So, if you love to travel, do it! Sort out the best time of the year to visit each place, bring your backpack and friends, and explore this beautiful world together! Trust me, it will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

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