
#你只管做自己, everything in the world comes and goes has its time#You just have to be yourself, like the stars twinkling in the night sky, and you don't need to worry about the light being obscured. The coming and going of all things under heaven,

author:Gangnam Mingyue

#你只管做自己, everything in the world comes and goes has its time#

Just be yourself, like the stars twinkling in the night sky, without worrying about the light being obscured. Everything in the world comes and goes according to the laws of nature, and they have their own timing.

The ups and downs of life are just the flow of time, and they are like the changing seasons and have their own rhythm. You just have to go at your own pace and enjoy every moment, because every moment is unique.

Don't be swayed by the eyes of others, and don't be swayed by the wind and rain of the outside world. Your worth does not lie in the praise or belittlement of others, but in your true and firm belief in yourself.

You just have to be yourself, believe in your choices, and stick to your own direction. All things in the world come and go, have their own meaning of existence, and together they constitute the color and richness of this world.

In this rapidly changing era, being yourself is the most beautiful scenery. Let time prove your worth, and let all things witness your growth. Just be yourself, because you are unique.

#你只管做自己, everything in the world comes and goes has its time#You just have to be yourself, like the stars twinkling in the night sky, and you don't need to worry about the light being obscured. The coming and going of all things under heaven,
#你只管做自己, everything in the world comes and goes has its time#You just have to be yourself, like the stars twinkling in the night sky, and you don't need to worry about the light being obscured. The coming and going of all things under heaven,
#你只管做自己, everything in the world comes and goes has its time#You just have to be yourself, like the stars twinkling in the night sky, and you don't need to worry about the light being obscured. The coming and going of all things under heaven,

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