
How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

author:Gossip about human history

The Tang Dynasty was the pinnacle of the development of Chinese poetry, and a large number of outstanding poets emerged, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Wang Changling, Du Mu, Li Shangyin, Liu Yuxi, He Zhizhang, Gao Shi...... Wait a minute.

These poets, such as He Zhizhang, who lived for a long time, lived for 86 years, and Wang Bo, who lived for a short time, died young, and only lived for 26 years.

This article counts the 35 best poets of the Tang Dynasty, 2 of whom lived to be over 80 years old, 5 between 70 and 80, 9 between 60 and 70, 12 between 50 and 60, and 7 under 50 years old.

The cause of death is even more embarrassing: nearly a quarter of them died in depression because of their frustration in their careers; two of the four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty committed suicide by throwing themselves into the river; Wang Changling was killed by a jealous villain; and Chen Ziang was killed in prison by the traitor Wu Sansi on the charge......

Below, let's take a look at the 35 most famous poets of the Tang Dynasty, how old each lived and how they died.

1. He Zhizhang, 659-744, died at the age of 86.

He Zhizhang, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Yongliu", "Returning to the Hometown Doll Book" and other famous articles, leaving behind "I don't know who cut out the thin leaves, the spring breeze in February is like scissors", "The young and the old man who left home returned, and the hometown voice has not changed and the sideburns have declined." Children don't know each other, and they smile and ask where the guests come from" and other famous sentences.

He Zhizhang, Tang Gaozong was born in Yuezhou (Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou) in the fourth year of Xianqing (659), and died in his hometown in the third year of Tang Xuanzong Tianbao (744) at the age of 86.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

2. Li Yi, 746-829, died at the age of 84

Li Yi, whose representative works include "Listening to the Flute in the City at Night", "Glad to See My Brother and Say Goodbye", "Jiangnan Song", "Plugged Song", "Writing Love" and other famous articles, leaving "I don't know where to blow the reed pipe, and I look at the hometown overnight", "I knew that the tide had a letter, and I married the tide", "I have no heart to love the night, let him go down to the west building under the bright moon", "Fubo only wishes to return the body, why should Dingyuan be born into the customs...... There is still an arrow left to set the Tianshan Mountain" and other famous sentences.

Li Yi was born in the fifth year of Xuanzong Tianbao of the Tang Dynasty (746), and died in the third year of the Yamato of Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty (829) at the age of 84.

3, Luo Yin, 833-910, 77 years old, died at the end of his life

Luo Yin, a poet at the end of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Bee", "Self-Dispatch", "Peony Flower" and other famous works, leaving behind "After picking a hundred flowers into honey, who works hard for whom is sweet", "There is wine today and drunk today, tomorrow is sorrowful and tomorrow is sorrowful", "If the teaching and interpretation should be poured into the country, Ren is ruthless and moving", "Heaven and earth are all working together, and the heroes are not free" and other famous sentences.

In the seventh year of Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty (833), Luo Yin was born in Hangzhou New Town (Fuyang District, Hangzhou), and died in December of the third year of Kaiping (January 910 in the solar calendar, the lunar month of 909) at the age of 77.

4. Bai Juyi, 772-846, died at the age of 75

Bai Juyi, a realist poet of the Tang Dynasty and one of the three major poets of the Tang Dynasty, created classic works such as "Song of Long Hatred", "Pipa Xing", "Charcoal Seller", "Farewell to the Ancient Grass", etc., leaving behind "the same is the end of the world, why should we have known each other when we meet", "I wish to be a winged bird in heaven, and I am willing to be a branch in the earth" and other famous sentences.

Bai Juyi was born in Xinzheng, Henan Province on the 20th day of the first month of the seventh year of the Tang Dynasty (772), and died in Luoyang, Henan Province on August 14 (September 8) in the sixth year of Wuzong Huichang (846), at the age of 75.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

5. Wei Zhuang, 836-910, died at the age of 75

Wei Zhuang, a poet of the five dynasties at the end of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Bodhisattva Barbarian, Everyone Says Jiangnan is Good", "Qin Women's Yin", "Taicheng", etc., leaving "no half of the Jiadi Zhumen, Tianjie stepped on the bones of the Gongqing", "ruthless is the most Taicheng willow, still smoke cage ten miles of embankment", "riding a horse leaning on the bridge, full of red sleeves", "not old Mo returns to the hometown, and the hometown must be broken" and other famous sentences.

Wei Zhuang was born in Duling County (Xi'an), Jingzhao County, in the first year of Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty (836), and died in Chengdu at the age of 75 in August of the third year of Wucheng (910).

6, Li Shen, 772 ~ 846, 75 years old, died at the end of his life

Li Shen, whose masterpiece "Two Songs of Compassion for Nong", left behind "There is no idle field in the four seas, and the farmers are still starving to death", "On the afternoon of hoeing day, sweat drops of grass go down to the soil, who knows that the Chinese food on the plate, every grain is hard" and other well-known sentences.

In the seventh year of the Tang Dynasty (772), Li Shen was born in Wucheng County, Huzhou (Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province), and died in Yangzhou in the sixth year of Huichang (846) at the age of 75.

7, Liu Yuxi, 772-842, died at the age of 71

Liu Yuxi, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Burrow Ming", "Wangdongting", "Autumn Words", "Bamboo Branch Words", "Wuyi Lane" and other famous articles, leaving behind "Si is the Burrow, but Wu Dexin", "Thousands of sails on the side of the sinking boat, ten thousand trees in front of the sick tree", "The sun rises in the east and rains in the west, the road is sunny but sunny" and other famous sentences.

In the seventh year of the Great Calendar (772), Liu Yuxi was born in Jiaxing, and died of illness in Luoyang in the second year of Huichang (842) at the age of 71.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

8. Jia Island, 779-843, died at the age of 65

Jia Island, the Tang Dynasty's "bitter bard", a lifetime of poverty, bitter poetry, representative works include "The Hermit is not met", "Swordsman / Sword", "Title Li Ning Secluded Residence" and other famous articles, leaving "only in this mountain, the clouds are deep and do not know where", "The bird stays in the tree by the pool, the monk knocks on the door under the moon", "Ten years of grinding a sword, the frost blade has not been tried. Today, who has injustice?", "Two sentences for three years, one chant and two tears" and other famous sentences that have been passed down through the ages.

In the fourteenth year of the Great Calendar (779), Jia Dao was born in Fanyang County (Zhuozhou, Hebei), and in the third year of Huichang (843), Jia Dao died in the official residence of Puzhou.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

9. Meng Jiao, 751-814, at the age of 64, died of a sudden illness

Meng Jiao, the Tang Dynasty "bitter bard", and Jia Island is equally famous, known as "suburban cold island thin", representative works include "The Wanderer's Yin", "After Dengke", leaving "the line in the hands of the mother, the wanderer's shirt", "the spring breeze is proud, and the Chang'an flowers are seen in one day" and other famous sentences.

In the tenth year of Tianbao (751), Meng Jiao was born in Huzhou, and in the ninth year of Yuanhe, he died violently in Ruxiang County, Henan Province, at the age of 64.

10. Zhang Jiuling, 678-740, died at the age of 63

Zhang Jiuling, a poet in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Looking at the Moon and Huaiyuan", "Feeling the Encounter with Dan Tangerine in the South of the Yangtze River", "Feeling the Encounter with the Orchid Leaves and Spring Flowers" and other famous articles, leaving behind "The bright moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time", "The grass and trees have their hearts, why ask for the beauty to fold", "There is no distance between each other, and thousands of miles are still neighbors".

In the third year of Yifeng (678), Zhang Jiuling was born in Qujiang, Shaozhou (now Shaoguan, Guangdong), and died in his hometown of Shaozhou in the twenty-eighth year of Kaiyuan (740).

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?


Liu Changqing's representative works are "The Master of Furong Mountain in the Snow", "Changsha Passes Jia Yi's House", "Sending Lingche to the Venerable" and other famous articles, leaving famous sentences such as "Chaimen hears the dog barking, and returns to the people on a snowy night", "Where the lonely rivers and mountains shake down, what is the matter with the merciful monarch to the end of the world", "The lotus hat brings the slanting sun, and the green mountains return to the distance alone", "Independent three-sided quiet, and the sword knows by the sword".

There is a lot of controversy about the year of Liu Changqing's birth and death, and it is said that he was born between 709 and 725 and died between 786 and 790.

12. Gao Shi, 704-765, died at the age of 62

Gao Shi, a poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Don't Dong Da", "Yan Ge Xing" and other famous articles, leaving behind "Mo Chou has no knowers in the future, no one in the world knows the king", "The warrior army is half dead and alive, and the beauty is still singing and dancing" and other famous sentences.

Gao Shi was born in the fourth year of Chang'an (704) and died in the first month of the first year of Yongtai (765) at the age of 62.

13. Li Bai, 701-762, died at the age of 62

Li Bai, the great romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty, left many popular poems, representative works include "Silent Night Poems", "Near Wine", "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "Difficult to Travel", "Shu Road Difficult", etc., and was praised as "poetic immortal" by later generations.

In the first year of Chang'an (701), Li Bai was born in Changlong County, Mianzhou, Shu County (one said to have been born in Broken Leaves in the Western Regions), and died in Dangtu County (Ma'anshan City, Anhui) in the third year of Shangyuan (762), at the age of 62.

Regarding the cause of Li Bai's death, there is also a more romantic folklore: Li Bai drank and got drunk in a small boat, saw the moon in the river, tried to fish it and drowned.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

14. Wang Wei, 701-761, died of illness at the age of 61

Wang Wei was a famous poet and painter in the Tang Dynasty. Wang Wei is good at five-word poems, many landscapes and pastorals, representative works include "Acacia", "Mountain House Autumn Twilight", etc., known as "Poetry Buddha", leaving a "persuade the gentleman to drink a glass of wine, there is no reason to go out of Yangguan in the west", "Alone in a foreign land as a stranger, every festival to think of relatives", "The desert is lonely, the sun sets on the long river" and other famous sentences.

Wang Wei was born in the first year of Chang'an (701) and died of illness in July of the second year of the first year of the first century (761) at the age of 61. Wang Wei is said to be a believer in Buddhism and has been a vegetarian all year round, especially in his old age, so it may be that he died of malnutrition.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

15. Zhang Ruoxu, about 670-about 730, died of illness at the age of 61

Zhang Ruoxu, the representative work "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", enjoys the name of "the lonely article covers the whole Tang Dynasty", and the poems include "Who first sees the moon on the riverside, when does the river moon shine at the beginning of the year", "Life is infinite from generation to generation, and the river and the moon are only similar every year", "The spring river tide is even with the sea, and the bright moon on the sea is born together" and other famous sentences that have been passed down through the ages.

In the first year of Tang Gaozong Xianheng (670), Zhang Ruoxu was born in Yangzhou, and Tang Xuanzong died in the eighteenth year of Kaiyuan (730).

16, Wang Changling, 698-757, at the age of 60, was killed by Qiu Xiao, the assassin of Haozhou

Wang Changling, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Out of the Stopper", "Sending the Second Envoy of the Yuan Dynasty to Anxi", "Furong Lou Sending Xin Gradual" and other famous articles, leaving behind "Qin Shi Mingyue Han Shiguan, thousands of miles of Long March people have not returned", "Luoyang relatives and friends ask each other, a piece of ice heart in the jade pot" and other famous sentences.

In the first year of Wu Zetian's holy calendar (698), Wang Changling was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi.

In the second year of Tang Zhide (757), Wang Changling passed through Haozhou on the way back to his hometown and was killed by Qiu Xiao, the assassin of Bozhou. Lu Qiuxiao's motive for killing is said to be jealousy of Wang Changling's talent.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

17. Du Fu, 712-770, at the age of 59, died of overeating

Du Fu, a great realist poet of the Tang Dynasty, was called the "poet saint" by later generations, and created classic works such as "Ascending", "Spring Wang", "Three Officials" and "Three Farewells", leaving behind "Zhumen wine and meat stink, the road has frozen bones", "Reading more than 10,000 volumes, writing like a god", "Ander Mansion is ten million, sheltering the world's cold people are happy", "The dew is white tonight, the moon is the hometown of Ming" and other famous sentences.

Du Fu was born in Gongxian County, Henan Province in the first year of Xiantian (712), and died in Leiyang in the fifth year of the Great Calendar (770) at the age of 59.

Du Fu died on a small boat from Tanzhou (Changsha) to Yueyang, the cause of death is said to be overeating - due to the rebels, Du Fu was once trapped in a small boat, without food for five days, the local county order heard the news and sent beef and wine - Du Fu was very hungry before, hungry to eat, ate too much beef and drank too much wine at one time, resulting in indigestion and death.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

18, Han Yu, 768-824, died at the age of 57

Han Yu, a writer and poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works in poetry include "Zhang Eighteen Members of the Water Department in Early Spring", "Moved Left to Languan to Show Nephew Sun Xiang" and other famous articles, leaving famous sentences such as "The light rain in the heavenly street is as moist as a crisp, and the grass color is close but there is nothing", "Where is the home of Qinling in the clouds?

In the third year of the Great Calendar of the Tang Dynasty (768), Han Yu was born in Heyang, Henan (Mengzhou, Henan), and died of illness at his home in Chang'an in the fourth year of Changqing (824).

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

19, Song Zhiwen, 656-712, at the age of 56, was given death by Tang Xuanzong.

Song Zhiwen, a poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Crossing the Han River", "Du Da Yuling", "Sending Du to Judge", etc., leaving famous sentences such as "the hometown is more timid, and I dare not ask the person who comes", "A hundred feet without an inch of branches, and I am lonely and straight all my life".

In the first year of Tang Gaozong's Xianqing (656), Song Zhiwen was born in Fenyang, Shanxi;

Song Zhiwen offended Princess Taiping because of Princess Anle. As a result, Jingyun was exiled to Guizhou (Guilin) in June of the first year (710).

In July of the first year of Xiantian (712), Song Zhiwen was edicted by Tang Xuanzong to die in Guilin.

20. Wang Zhilian, 688-742, died of illness at the age of 55

Wang Zhilian, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Climbing the Stork Tower" and "Two Liangzhou Words", leaving behind famous sentences such as "want to be poor for a thousand miles, go to the next level", "why should the Qiang Di complain about the willows, and the spring breeze does not pass the Yumen Pass".

In the fourth year of Wu Zetian's vertical arch (688), Wang Zhilian was born in Jiangzhou (Xinjiang County, Shanxi), and died of illness in the first year of Tianbao (742) in the official residence of Wen'an County, Wen'an County.


Cen Shen, an outstanding poet in the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Bai Xue Ge Sends the Military Judge to Return to Beijing", "Every Envoy to Beijing", "Walking Horses and Rivers to Send the Division to the West", "Marching Nine Days to Si Chang'an Hometown" and other famous articles, leaving "Suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms", "meet immediately without paper and pen, with the king's words to report peace", "remote pity for the hometown chrysanthemum, should be open on the battlefield" and other famous sentences.

In the third year of Kaiyuan (715), Cen Shen was born in Xianzhou, Henan (Xuchang), and in the autumn and winter of the fourth year of the Great Calendar (769), Cen Shen died in Chengdu Hostel at the age of 55.

22, Wen Tingyun, 812-866, died of illness at the age of 55 (depression)

Wen Tingjun, the originator of the "Flower School" in the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Shangshan Morning Journey", "Wangjiangnan", "Two Southern Song Songs", "Bodhisattva Barbarian, Xiaoshan Overlapping Jin Ming Extinguished" and other famous articles, leaving behind "the sound of the chicken Maodian month, the traces of Banqiao frost", "over a thousand sails are not, the oblique veins and veins are long", "Ling Dice An Red Bean, into the bone lovesickness do you know?" and other famous sentences.

In the seventh year of Emperor Yuanhe of Tang Xian (812), Wen Tingjun was born in Taiyuan Qi (Qi County, Shanxi);

In the seventh year of Tang Yizong's reign (866), Wen Tingjun presided over the autumn examination and put more than 30 Jinshi poems on the list to show fairness and justice.

This move seriously angered Prime Minister Yang Shui, who wanted to operate in the dark, so Wen Tingjun was demoted to Fang Cheng Lieutenant and died soon after. The cause of death was distress and frustration, which is today's depression.

23. Wei Yingwu, 737-791, died at the age of 55

Wei Yingwu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty landscape pastoral school, his representative works include "Chuzhou West Stream", "Jian Luzhi", "Huaishang Xihui Liangchuan Old People" and other famous articles, leaving "the spring tide brings rain and comes in a hurry, and the wild ferry is unmanned by boat", "I have a scoop of wine, can comfort the wind and dust", "this is a farewell, where to meet", "after a farewell to the clouds, the flow of water for ten years" and other famous sentences that have been passed down through the ages.

In the 14th year of the Tang Dynasty (737), Wei Yingwu was born in Jingzhao Duling, and at the beginning of the 7th year of the Zhenyuan Dynasty (791), Wei Yingwu died in Suzhou.

24, Yuan Zhen, 779~831, at the age of 53, died of cardiovascular disease due to excessive drinking.

Yuan Zhen, the representative works have "Chrysanthemum", "Five Songs of Thought", "Xinggong", "Send Sadness", "Wen Le Tian Bestows Jiangzhou Sima" and other famous articles, leaving "once the sea is difficult for water, except for Wushan is not a cloud", "not a flower in the preference for chrysanthemum, this flower blooms more flowerless", "the white-headed palace maid is here, sitting idle and talking about Xuanzong", "I sincerely know that everyone has this hatred, and the poor couple mourns everything", "sit up in shock in the dying disease, and the dark wind blows the rain into the cold window" and other famous sentences that have been praised through the ages.

In the fourteenth year of the Great Calendar, Yuan Zhi was born in Luoyang, Henan;

In the fourth year of Taihe (830), he was demoted to Wuchang, frustrated in his career, and his heart was sad, and he borrowed alcohol to eliminate his sorrows all day long, inducing illness, and on July 22, the fifth year of Taihe (831), he suddenly fell ill and died a day later, at the age of 53.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

25, Meng Haoran, 689-740, at the age of 52, entertained Wang Changling to eat the characteristic river fresh of his hometown, induced old diseases and died

Meng Haoran, a famous poet of the landscape pastoral school in the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Spring Dawn", "Sujian Dejiang", "Passing the Old Man's Village", "Zhang Chengxiang on the Lindong Garden" and other famous poems, leaving behind "the sound of wind and rain at night, how many flowers fall", "the wild sky is low and the trees are low, the river is clear and the moon is near", "the steam cloud dreams ze, and the waves shake Yueyang City" and other famous sentences.

In the first year of the reign of the Holy Empress of Tianshun (689), Meng Haoran was born in Xiangyang.

In the twenty-eighth year of Kaiyuan (740 years), Wang Changling passed through Xiangyang, came to visit, and saw each other very happily, Meng Haoran was suffering from dorsal gangrene at that time, and was about to get better, so he invited Wang Changling to eat the local specialty delicacy "Hanshui Chatou bream", the two of them ate heartily, but unexpectedly induced Meng Haoran's dorsal gangrene (river fresh is hair), resulting in the recurrence of the old disease and died.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

26, Cui Hao, 704-754, died of illness at the age of 51

Cui Hao, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, represents the work "Yellow Crane Tower", which has the famous sentence "The people of the past have taken the Yellow Crane to go, and the Yellow Crane Tower is vacant here." The yellow crane is gone, and the white clouds are empty for thousands of years. ”

Cui Hao was born in the fourth year of Chang'an, the holy queen of Zetianshun, and died in the thirteenth year of Tianbao (754) of Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and died of illness.

27. Lu Zhaolin, about 635-685, died at the age of 50, could not bear the torture of illness and threw himself into the water and died

Lu Zhaolin, one of the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Chang'an Ancient Meaning", "Qu Chi He", "Zhan Cheng South", "Difficult to Travel" and other famous articles, leaving behind "If you have to become a star, why quit your death, and be willing to be a mandarin duck and not envy the immortals", "Which is more important than a hundred gold, a good and light bandit", "The husband should be like this, only what is the glory", "I am willing to cut the horse sword, and first cut off the head of the minister" and other famous sentences.

Lu Zhaolin, Tang Taizong Zhenguan nine years (635) was born in Fanyang, Youzhou (Zhuozhou, Hebei), the first year of the vertical arch (685), because of the torture of illness, cast Yingshui and died.

28. Du Mu, 803-852, died at the age of 50 (depression)

Du Mu, one of the most outstanding poets of the late Tang Dynasty, and Li Shangyin are collectively called "Little Li Du", and his representative works include "Qingming", "Bo Qinhuai", "Mountain Travel", "Red Cliff", "Quatrain of Huaqing Palace", "Jiangnan Spring" and other famous articles, leaving behind "the rain in the Qingming Festival, the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls", "The merchant girl does not know the hatred of the country, and still sings the backyard flowers across the river", "A ride on the red dust concubine laughs, no one knows that it is a lychee", "The candle has a heart and regrets goodbye, and weeps for people until dawn" and other famous sentences.

In the nineteenth year of Zhenyuan (803), Du Mu was born in Wannian County, Jingzhaofu (Chang'an County, Shaanxi Province), died in the winter of the sixth year of Dazhong (852), and died of serious illness (depression) at the age of 50.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

29, Liu Zongyuan, 773-819, at the age of 47, died of illness (depression)

Liu Zongyuan, a writer and poet of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works in poetry include "Jiang Xue" and "Fisherman", leaving behind good sentences such as "Lonely Boat Frog Weng, Fishing for Cold River Snow Alone", "Shan Nai A Landscape Green" and so on.

Born in Chang'an in the eighth year of the Tang Dynasty (773), he died in Liuzhou in the fourteenth year of Yuanhe (819) at the age of 47.

Cause of death: long-term debasement, extreme depression, poor medical conditions in remote areas, depression and death.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

30. Li Shangyin, 813-858, 45 years old, died of illness (depression)

Li Shangyin, one of the most outstanding poets of the late Tang Dynasty, and Du Mu are jointly known as "Little Li Du", and his representative works include "Untitled: It is Difficult to Say Goodbye When We Meet", "Jin Se", "Untitled: Last Night's Stars and Last Night's Wind" and other famous works, leaving behind famous sentences such as "Spring silkworms die to the end, wax torches turn to ashes and tears begin to dry", "The body has no colorful phoenix wings, and the heart has a little understanding".

In the eighth year of Yuanhe (813), Li Shangyin was born in Xingyang, Henan Province, and died of depression in Zhengzhou at the age of 45 in the last year of his middle school (858).

31. King Luo Bin, about 640-about 684, died at the age of 45, failed in the mutiny, and died in Runzhou by throwing himself into the Yangtze River

Luo Bing Wang, one of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", 7-year-old poetry, has the reputation of a prodigy, poetry masterpieces include "Song of the Goose", "Song of the Cicada in Prison", "Dijing Chapter", "Yi Shui Farewell", etc., leaving "white hair floating green water, red anthurium plucking clear waves", "and on 36,000 yes, rather know forty-nine years not. In ancient times, glory and fortune are like floating clouds, and life is inseparable from faith!", "No one believes in Gaojie, who is the expression of the heart" and other famous sentences.

Luo Bing Wang's best work may be his essay "Seeking Wu Cao for Xu Jingye", it is said that the peerless empress Wu Zetian herself read "A handful of soil is not dry, six feet of loneliness What is the support?", they were shocked, sighed: "There is such a talent, and it is not even a mistake for the prime minister!"

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

King Luo Bin, born in the fourteenth year of Zhenguan of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (640), died in the first year of the heir (684).

Cause of death: King Luo Bin raised an army with Xu Jingye to attack Wu Zetian, and after Xu Jingye was defeated and killed, King Luo Bin died in Runzhou.

32, Yang Jiong, 650-693, at the age of 43, frustrated in his career and died of depression

Yang Jiong, one of the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "From the Army", "Out of the Stopper", "Purple Horse", etc., leaving famous sentences such as "Rather be a centurion, better than a scholar", "Husbands are ambitious, meet meritorious deeds" and other famous sentences.

Yang Jiong was born in the first year of Yonghui (650) of Gaozong of Tang Dynasty and died in the second year of Ruyi of Wu Zhou (693) in Quzhou, Zhejiang. The cause of death was also career frustration, long-term hardship, and depression.

33, Chen Ziang, 659-700, 41 years old. Cause of death: Persecuted by Wu Sansi, arrested on fabricated charges, and unjustly died in prison

Chen Ziang, a poet of the early Tang Dynasty, his most famous work is "Song of Dengyouzhou": "I don't see the ancients before, and I don't see the comers after." Thinking of the world and the world, I was alone and wept. ”

Du Fu praised him as "a talented successor to Saoya, whose name hangs with the sun and the moon", Li Bai praised him as "the first person in the Tang Dynasty", Bai Juyi called him "Chen Fuzi", and was praised by later generations as the ancestor of Tang poetry and Tang Wenzong.

Tang Gaozong Xianqing was born in Shehong, Zizhou (Shehong County, Sichuan) in the fourth year (659).

In the first year of the Sacred Calendar (698), Chen Ziang was dismissed and returned to his hometown due to his father's old age, and his father died soon after.

During the period of mourning, the minister Wu Sansi instructed Duan Jianluo, the commander of Shehong County, to fabricate charges and persecute him.

In the first year of Wu Zetian's long vision (700), Chen Ziang died unjustly in prison at the age of forty-one.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

34. Li He, 790-816, died of illness (depression) at the age of 27.

Li He, a romantic poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, his representative works include "Yanmen Tai Shou Xing", "Thirteen Songs of the South Garden", "Horse Poems" and other famous works, leaving behind "the desert sand is like snow, the moon of Yanshan is like a hook", "the rooster is white in the world", "if the sky is loved, the sky is old" and other famous sentences.

In the sixth year of Zhenyuan Dynasty (790), Li He was born in Luoyang, Henan Province, and died of depression (depression) in the eighth year of Yuanhe (816).

35. Wang Bo, 650-676, at the age of 26, fell into the sea and died of palpitations

Wang Bo, a writer and poet of the Tang Dynasty, one of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", his representative works include "Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou", "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng", etc., leaving behind "the sea memory confidant, the end of the world is next to each other", "the autumn water is the same color as the sky, the falling glow and the lonely bird fly together", "when the old is strong, rather move the heart of the white head? poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds" and so on.

Wang Bo was born in the first year of Yongwei (650) in Longmen, Jiangzhou (Hejin City, Shanxi). In the third year of Shangyuan (676), he fell into the sea on the way back from visiting relatives in Jiaozhi County and died of palpitations.

How old did the 35 great poets of the Tang Dynasty live, Bai Juyi 75, Wang Bo 26, Li Bai and Du Fu?

More than 1,000 years have passed since the Tang Dynasty.

Today, although these great poets are long gone, their poetry lives forever in people's hearts like immortal souls.

In the future, their poems will continue to be handed down, and they will forever become the treasures of human culture and our common spiritual wealth.

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