
Li Xiang issued a letter to all employees: seek truth from facts, and change when you know your mistakes!

Li Xiang issued a letter to all employees: seek truth from facts, and change when you know your mistakes!

Cover News Reporter Li Jilong

Just now (on the afternoon of March 21), an employee letter titled "Li Xiang's Letter to Employees: How to Solve the Problems Faced by Li Auto" was revealed and rushed to the hot search. The cover news learned by contacting the official of Li Auto that the letter was the result of a calm internal review by Li Xiang, chairman and CEO of Li Auto, after MEGA experienced the setback of pre-listing cooling.

Li Xiang issued a letter to all employees: seek truth from facts, and change when you know your mistakes!

The letter specifically mentioned that Li Auto currently has two problems. The first is "the rhythm problem of the ideal MEGA", and the second is "the desire to pay too much attention to the sales problem".

Regarding the "rhythm of Ideal MEGA", Li Xiang said, "We mistakenly treat the operation of Ideal MEGA from the 0 to 1 stage (commercial verification period) as the 1 to 10 stage (rapid development period). Ideal MEGA and high-voltage pure electric must go through a similar 0 to 1 stage of an ideal ONE and extended range electric, and cannot have a business potential energy from 1 to 10 as soon as the ideal L series is launched, which is our misjudgment of the strategic rhythm of pure electric vehicles. The chaotic rhythm of the Ideal MEGA has also allowed the sales team to greatly reduce the time and energy of serving L series users, and the main model Ideal L8 does not even have a place in the store. ”

The solution given is, "We will patiently operate the ideal MEGA according to the rhythm from 0 to 1, focus on the core user groups, and focus on cities with strong high-end pure electric consumption capacity." Abandon the full-scale sales strategy, concentrate on large retail centers in top cities for product experience and test drives, and accelerate the construction of supercharging stations in these cities. When the stage from 0 to 1 is effectively completed, it will be promoted to more cities and larger user groups. ”

Secondly, regarding the "desire to pay too much attention to sales", Li Xiang said, "The essential reason is that we pay too much attention to sales and competition from top to bottom, so that desire exceeds value, so that the user value and business efficiency that we are best at have significantly decreased." The pursuit of desire makes us become the person we hate. ”

The solution given was to "lower sales expectations and desires and return to healthy growth." Focus on users rather than competition, focus on value rather than desire. Return to the improvement of user value that we do best, and return to the improvement of operational efficiency that we do best. At the same time, it strictly follows the three major codes of conduct of Li Auto: user value first, through co-creation, reaching a consensus and seeking truth from facts, and correcting mistakes. ”

Li Xiang issued a letter to all employees: seek truth from facts, and change when you know your mistakes!

"The March 2024 question is an enhanced version of our 2022 question. We are confident that with the joint efforts, we will focus on user value, focus on operational efficiency, patiently control the rhythm, and serve our users in a long-term and healthy manner through down-to-earth problem solving. ”

It is worth noting that the current sales performance of Li Auto is still strong, with sales growth of more than 60% year-on-year from January to February, and more than 1,000 units delivered in the first week of MEGA. At the same time, Li Auto officially revealed to the cover news that it is confident that Li Auto will resume stable sales growth, maintain profitability and operate healthily.

In addition, the ideal official also said, "The background of the original 800,000 target is to surpass BBA in 2024 and become the first luxury brand in the Chinese market, and Li Auto will let go of this obsession." ”

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