
is obviously the same person, and after performing "Flowers", he matched Tong Yao, and he almost didn't recognize him when he changed his look

{"info":{"title":{"content":"明明同一人,演完《繁花》再给童瑶作配,换个造型差点没认出来","en":"is obviously the same person, and after performing \"Flowers\", he matched Tong Yao, and he almost didn't recognize him when he changed his look"},"description":{"content":"明明同一人,演完《繁花》再给童瑶作配,换个造型差点没认出来文|木然编辑|三元正在热播的几部剧集,让大家充分见识到了实力派...","en":"Obviously the same person, after acting in \"Flowers\", he matched Tong Yao, and almost didn't recognize the text when he changed his look|Mu Ran Editor|Sanyuan's several popular dramas have fully seen the powerful faction..."}},"items":[]}

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