
Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

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Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

Editor: Lele Entertainment

The battle of ugly girls behind the stage

1. Concealment and Disclosure: The difference between inner cultivation

In this era of appearance first, Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan, two artists who have been labeled as "ugly girls", have shown completely different styles on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. This performance, which seems to be about music and acting, has actually become a contest about inner cultivation and skillful performance. Ren Suxi won the applause of the audience with her inner show and talent by hiding her shortcomings, while Huang Qishan was subjected to online violence due to her excessive performance and lack of other talents. Their stage battle is not only a showdown between the two artists, but also reflects the difference in social aesthetics and values.

The magic of music: The rise of Ren Suxi

1. The talented Ren Suxi

Ren Suxi emerged on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with his musical strength and amazing singing skills. She is not only an "ugly girl", but also a powerful singer who conquers the audience with her voice. Through soulful and tense singing, Ren Suxi successfully got rid of the shackles of appearance and expressed his love for the stage with talent and music. This kind of performance that breaks through the traditional aesthetics left a deep impression on her in the hearts of the audience.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

2. A turning point in the battle for the stage

In terms of musical strength and singing skills, Ren Suxi seems to occupy the commanding heights of the stage battle. Through her outstanding performance, she successfully shifted the audience's attention from physical appearance to music. This shift is not only a subversion of traditional aesthetics, but also a turning point in the redefinition of the elements of stage performance. Ren Suxi used the charm of music to lay a solid foundation for the repositioning of "Ugly Girl" in the entertainment industry.

Beyond Music: Wong Yee Shan's Challenge

1. The Limits of Talent: Wong Yee Shan's Dilemma

Comparatively speaking, Wong seems to be a little narrow outside of her musical prowess. Despite her undeniable singing skills, her choice of stage performance seems to have put her in a kind of limitation. Her over-dancing and adaptations of classic songs drew the audience's attention to her physical appearance rather than her musical performance. This dilemma of limited talent makes Huang Qishan seem powerless in this music battle.

2. Reflection on stage choices

Huang Qishan's performance triggered in-depth thinking about the stage choice of artists. In today's entertainment industry, the audience has higher and higher requirements for image and strength, and every performance of an artist on the stage may become the focus of judgment. Whether Huang Qishan's dancing and song adaptation on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala meet the expectations of the audience, and whether she finds a balance between tradition and innovation, these issues have also become challenges outside of her music.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

Revelations from the Musical Controversy

1. Balance between strength and innovation

In this musical battle, we see a balance between strength and innovation. Ren Suxi successfully repositioned the label of "ugly girl" through the display of musical strength, setting an example for powerful singers. Huang Qishan's choice reminds artists that they need to be more cautious in innovation, and they need to find a stage performance method that meets the needs of the audience on the basis of strength. This music battle is not only a test for individual artists, but also an inspiration for the future development of the entire entertainment industry.

2. Diversity of audience needs

The audience's demand for musical performances is diverse, they want to see both strength and innovation on the traditional stage. The musical rivalry between Yam Suxi and Wong Yee Shan also reflects the audience's desire for diversity in stage performances. The entertainment industry needs to listen more to the voice of the audience, find a balance between strength and innovation, and meet the needs of audiences at different levels.

The Future of Music: Strength Reigns?

1. The rise of powerful singers

This music battle may mark the rise of powerful singers. The audience's pursuit of musical strength has given artists who may not have an advantage in appearance more opportunities to show themselves. Ren Suxi won through strength, providing a positive case for the entertainment industry to break the prejudice of appearance. In the future, powerful singers may become more popular and become a major trend in the entertainment industry.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

2. Innovative exploration

However, innovation remains an indispensable element. The innovative performance of artists on the stage not only needs to find a balance in tradition, but also needs to constantly explore new possibilities. Wong's choice of stage may have sparked controversy, but it is also a reminder that the entertainment industry should not ignore its attempts at new forms of expression while pursuing strength. Strength and innovation need to complement each other to drive the future of music.

The shaping of unique temperament: Ren Suxi's inner strength

1. Charm beyond music

Ren Suxi won the hearts of the audience with his unique temperament. She did not hide her "ugliness", but showed it in front of the audience with a calm attitude. This kind of honesty and confidence makes it easier for the audience to accept her unique charm. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Ren Suxi successfully attracted the attention of the audience with the power outside of music, that is, his unique temperament, and integrated his inner cultivation with his external image.

2. The delicacy of the performance

In the solo performance, Ren Suxi's forbearance and warmth left a deep impression on the audience. She chose to sit quietly on a stool, and through her delicate expression and soulful voice, she broke the stereotype of traditional stage performance. This delicate presentation of inner cultivation makes the audience feel a spiritual resonance in the charm of music at the same time. Ren Suxi not only uses music to express emotions, but also shows her profound inner cultivation through the delicacy of her performance.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

Excessive Attention to Appearance: Wong Yee Shan's External Focus

1. Appearance problems

Relatively speaking, Huang Qishan has attracted too much attention in terms of appearance. The audience paid undue attention to her appearance, making her musical prowess seem to be overshadowed by her appearance. This kind of appearance trouble is not only a test for Huang Qishan as an individual, but also triggers a deep reflection on the aesthetic standards of the entire entertainment industry.

2. Highlight the stage performance

Huang Qishan's excessive dancing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and the adaptation of classic songs made the audience pay more attention to her appearance than music. The prominence of this kind of stage performance has gradually shifted the focus of the musical controversy from strength to appearance. In today's society, appearance has become a criterion for judging an artist's success, and Wong seems to overemphasize this in her stage performances, making it difficult for the audience to ignore the influence of her appearance.

The practical needs of both internal and external training

1. The realistic pressure of the artist

In the entertainment industry, an artist's appearance and strength are equally important. The audience's expectations for artists are not only limited to their musical strength, but also to their appearance. This kind of realistic pressure makes artists find a balance between inner cultivation and external image to meet the multiple needs of the audience. The musical dispute between Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan is a realistic reflection of this realistic need.

2. The artist's self-selection

The artist's choice in stage performance is not only affected by the needs of the audience, but also restricted by his own aesthetics. Ren Suxi successfully integrated his inner cultivation and appearance by choosing the way of stage performance, which was recognized by the audience. Wong may need to be more deliberate in her approach to stage performances, which reflects her musical prowess and avoids over-emphasizing her appearance. In the entertainment industry, the self-choice of artists has become the key to influencing the audience's cognition.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

The future of entertainment both inside and out

1. Aesthetic upgrade of the audience

With the development of society, the audience's aesthetic standards for artists are also constantly upgrading. They pay more attention to the inner cultivation of artists, and have higher requirements for musical strength and performance quality. In the future, the entertainment industry may usher in an era of both internal and external improvement, and artists who pay more attention to all-round development will be more popular.

2. The artist's self-breakthrough

In the future of entertainment, artists need more self-breakthroughs. It is not only necessary to continuously improve the strength of music, but also to find new possibilities in stage performances. The audience loves not only the music itself, but also an all-round performance. The musical battle between Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan reminds artists that they need to constantly break through themselves and find the most perfect form of performance in the hearts of the audience when pursuing both internal and external training.

2. Over-performance and controversial choices: Wong Yee Shan's subversion and rebellion

In contrast, Wong opted for a more controversial form of expression. Not only does she show her own characteristics in appearance, but she also breaks the mold by adapting classic songs. However, such a choice aroused strong disgust from netizens, who criticized her stage performance for being too ostentatious. On the traditional stage of the Spring Festival Gala, whether such a rebellious choice is appropriate has become a controversial topic.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

Fashion meets tradition

1. The Influence of Appearance Labels: The Collision of Aesthetic Concepts

In this Spring Festival Gala controversy, the appearance label undoubtedly has a profound impact on the images of the two artists. Through the clever use of his "ugly" label, Ren Suxi has successfully broken the shackles of traditional aesthetics and made people re-examine the importance of inner strength. Huang Qishan's excessive performance has aroused a strong antipathy to traditional aesthetic concepts, highlighting that appearance factors still occupy a place in the entertainment industry.

2. Artist's choice: a fusion of fashion and tradition

The choice of an artist on stage is not only about the individual, but also about the development direction of the entire entertainment industry. The dispute between Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan in the Spring Festival Gala is also a microcosm of the collision between fashion and tradition in the field of performing arts. In the context of the ever-changing trend of the times, the performance of artists on the stage is not only a display of themselves, but also a guide to the audience's aesthetic concept.

The end of the subversion and the future of thinking

1. Wong Yee Shan's Encounter: Subverting Tradition and Provoking Thinking

Huang Qishan's encounter on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala not only subverts the traditional aesthetics, but also triggers deep thinking about the artist's stage choice. She chose to adapt classic songs, trying to stand out on the traditional stage through personalized expressions. However, at the same time, the controversy also needs to be considered, what is the balance between tradition and innovation, and how to better integrate fashion elements has become a topic worthy of deep consideration in the entertainment industry.

2. Exploring the Future: A New Balance of Talent and Image

With the continuous updating of social concepts, how the entertainment industry will balance talent and image in the future is a topic worthy of attention. The dispute between Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan's Spring Festival Gala may be an opportunity to guide artists to pay more attention to their inner cultivation and prove themselves with strength.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

The revelation behind the controversy

1. The choice of an artist: strength or image?

This Spring Festival Gala battle is not only a showdown between the two artists, Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan, but also a reflection on the artist's choice on the stage. Which is more important on today's stage? This is a controversial topic, and it is also a real problem that the entertainment industry needs to face. In the wake of this controversy, perhaps artists will think more carefully about how to strike a balance between strength and image.

2. Changing social aesthetics: Diversity is the future

The transformation of social aesthetics is a gradual process, and this Spring Festival Gala controversy is only the tip of the iceberg. With the continuous development of the times, the perception of appearance and talent will also undergo profound changes. The performance of Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan may be just the beginning, and on the future stage, diversified aesthetic standards will be more prominent. This also provides more possibilities for the younger generation to express themselves, challenge traditional aesthetics, and at the same time, give more people the opportunity to be recognized in the entertainment industry.

In this Spring Festival Gala controversy, we have seen the different choices of artists on the stage, the audience's reflection on aesthetic standards, and the exploration of the entertainment industry in the transformation. The comparison between Ren Suxi and Huang Qishan is a contest of artist strength and image, and it is also a collision of tradition and fashion. And this controversy may not only bring us a short-term attention, but also a deep thinking about the future development direction of the entertainment industry.

Why is the "ugly girl" visionary: Ren Suxi's solo is highly praised, but Huang Qishan suffers from online violence?

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