
Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

author:Little orange looking for food

Hello everyone, I am a little orange! Winter is the season to eat sweet potatoes, every year when we go back to our hometown during the New Year's holiday, we will go to the field to eat "kiln sweet potatoes", the sweet potatoes that have just been baked are fragrant and sweet, even eating three or four are not greasy, the key is that children also love to eat. Moreover, sweet potatoes are also very nutritious, rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, and have many health benefits when eaten every other day. However, within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these again, don't take them as a deaf ear, I only found out today!

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

Sweet potatoes have the effects of laxative detoxification, weight loss, physical fitness, blood vessel protection, etc., and can also prevent constipation, strengthen the body and promote longevity, which is very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people. However, sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, and it is not advisable to eat a large number of foods such as oats, potatoes, celery, persimmons, crabs, pumpkins, etc., which will react with the ingredients in sweet potatoes, aggravate the impact of sweet potatoes on the digestive system, and may induce constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, stomach acid and other adverse reactions, so remember not to eat these foods again within an hour of eating sweet potatoes.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

In short, when enjoying the delicious taste of sweet potatoes, we also need to pay attention to the timing of pairing and eating to avoid unnecessary health risks. At the same time, you can arrange your diet reasonably according to your physical condition and eating habits to ensure balanced nutrition and good health. Let's share with you 3 kinds of sweet potatoes home-cooked practices, soft and glutinous sweet and very delicious, sweet potatoes don't steam to eat, teach you a new way to eat breakfast, do 1 time 3 days without getting up early, the colder the day, the better it is, let's see how to do it!

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

Recommended recipe 1: sweet potato glutinous rice crackers

Ingredients: sweet potato, glutinous rice flour, white sugar, crushed peanuts, white sesame seeds, brown sugar, water

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare a sweet potato, peel off the skin, wash it and cut it into thin slices, put it on a plate, add a handful of white sugar, put it in a steamer, and steam it over high heat until it is soft and rotten.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

2. After the sweet potato is steamed, pour it into a large bowl, and then press it into a delicate sweet potato puree, the more delicate the better, and then pour glutinous rice flour into it, and mix evenly.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

3. If you add too much glutinous rice flour, add hot water to it, stir while adding, and finally knead it into a slightly softer dough, like this.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

4. After kneading, grab a small piece of dough, put it in the palm of your hand to form a circle first, and then press it into a small cake, you can make more, put it in the refrigerator for freezing, and eat it while steaming and boiling.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

5. After the water in the pot is boiled, put the small cake in, push it a few times to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot, turn on high heat and cook until it all floats, and control the water after cooking and remove it for later use.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

6. Prepare a pot, pour in an appropriate amount of brown sugar, add a little water, boil the brown sugar over medium-low heat until it melts, and slowly fry it to make a very thick sugar solution.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

7. Then put in the boiled sweet potato glutinous rice cakes, turn to low heat and cook slowly, so that the sweet potato cakes and sugar solution are fully melted evenly, so that it will be more soft and glutinous and sweet.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

8. After boiling for almost 2 minutes, add crushed peanuts and white sesame seeds, stir-fry evenly again, and then you can put it on a plate.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

9. Eating sweet potatoes like this is really delicious, soft and glutinous, and particularly sweet, and with the addition of very crispy peanuts and sesame seeds, the taste is particularly rich in one bite, especially suitable for winter, it is really delicious.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

Recommended Recipe 2: Sweet Potato Omelet

Ingredients: sweet potato, egg, red pepper, green pepper, cucumber, chopped green onion, flour, tomato paste, ham sausage, grated cheese, black sesame seeds, salt, cooking oil, pepper

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare 1 sweet potato, first peel off the skin, then cut it into thin slices, and finally change the knife to cut it into thin strips, the finer the better, and put it in a large bowl for later use.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, put the shredded sweet potatoes into the pot, blanch it for 20-30 seconds, so that the taste will be better, and then control the water and remove it and put it in a large bowl.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

3. Beat in 4 more eggs, stir well, then add chopped red pepper, chopped green pepper, chopped cucumber, chopped green onion, put whatever you like, add salt and pepper to taste, and continue to stir evenly.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

4. After stirring well, add a large spoon of flour, continue to stir evenly, stir as much as possible for a while, stir into such a viscous vegetable paste, and put it aside for later use.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

5. Preheat the electric cake pot in advance, brush with a little cooking oil, then pour in the stirred vegetable paste, smooth it with a spatula, then cover the pot, simmer for 2 minutes on top and bottom heat, and simmer until it is set.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

6. When the time is up, the sweet potato cake has been simmered until the surface is slightly yellow, then turn it over, brush with a layer of tomato sauce, beat in 1 egg, spread evenly, put a layer of ham sausage slices, cover the pot, and simmer for 2 minutes.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

7. After 2 minutes, sprinkle another layer of grated cheese, pour a little water along the edge of the pot, then cover and simmer for 5 minutes, simmering the grated cheese until melted.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

8. When the time is up, the cheese crushed has melted, sprinkle some black sesame seeds to decorate, so that it will be more fragrant to eat, and finally put it on a plate, cut it into small pieces, and you can enjoy it.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

9. Such a very delicious sweet potato egg cake is ready, full of color and flavor, no need to steam or fry, crispy on the outside and tender and drawn on the inside, nutritious and delicious, the taste is very similar to pizza, picky eaters are very fond of eating, and the method is also very simple.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

Recommended recipe 3: Snowflake sweet potato wedges

Ingredients: sweet potato, vermicelli, potato starch, sugar, cooking oil

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare 1-2 sweet potatoes, peel off the skin, clean them, and then change the knife to cut them into small pieces, don't cut them too big, so that the sweet potatoes are not easy to cook, cut them and put them in a bowl.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, put in the cut sweet potatoes, turn on high heat to cook the sweet potatoes, cook for about 1-2 minutes, remove them like this, drain the water and set aside.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

3. Pour in a large spoonful of potato starch, stir it evenly, let each piece of sweet potato evenly coated with potato starch, mix evenly and set aside for later use.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

4. Pour oil into the pot and heat it, put the vermicelli in first, after expanding, turn it over, so that the vermicelli will not absorb oil, and after frying, remove the oil and put it on a plate for later use.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

5. Then use a shovel to mash the vermicelli, like this, and put it aside for later use.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

6. Then put the sweet potatoes in, fry them slowly over medium heat, fry them until they are set, and fry them until the surface is golden and crispy, like this, remove the oil and put it in a bowl.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

7. Leave oil at the bottom of the pot, put in a small bowl of sugar, turn on medium-low heat to burn the sugar until it melts, and stir evenly to make the sugar juice caramel-colored.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

8. Then put in the fried sweet potatoes, stir-fry quickly and evenly, so that each piece of sweet potatoes is evenly coated with syrup, this step must be fast, otherwise the syrup is easy to stick to the bottom.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

9. Finally, put it on top of the fried vermicelli, quickly stir evenly, so that each piece of sweet potato is evenly glued to the fried vermicelli, and it can be evenly glued like this.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

10. The sweet potatoes that come out of this way are really delicious, crispy and non-sticky on the outside, soft and glutinous and sweet on the inside, adults and children like to eat them, so delicious that they can't stop, and friends who like them should move quickly.

Within 1 hour after eating sweet potatoes, try not to eat these, don't be a deaf ear, I just found out today

This issue of the article is shared here, like friends remember to like, collect, by the way to share with more friends around you, pay attention to "Little Orange Food" enjoy the food and don't get lost, let's see you next time!

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