
The Southern Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi, poet Du Fu, eventually became the crown of Nandu poets

author:Jicanghai 291

Chen, like Yiyi and other poets of the "Jiangxi Poetry School", studied Du Fu in poetry creation. In his early days, he paid special attention to imitating Du Fu's artistic expression, such as tone, syllables, and words, etc., and later in the chaos of the country's collapse and family collapse, he lived in the Huguang area, and had a very deep understanding of Du Fu's works when he was sad about the country, so he said in a poem: "But I hate flat business, and I light Du Ling's poems", expressing that he still did not fully understand and experience Du Fu's poems in the past, and only later did he have a deep feeling.

It is precisely because Chen Youyi's own life experience is intertwined with the turmoil of the country that he can deeply understand the artistic conception of Du Shi, and his own poetry can be achieved, becoming the most outstanding poet at the intersection of the two Song Dynasty.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi, poet Du Fu, eventually became the crown of Nandu poets

Chen Youyi's early poems were concise and plain, and the reason why his poems can be called "simple style" mainly refers to the style of his later works. Later, he studied Du Fu very similarly.

Today, let's enjoy Chen Youyi's masterpiece "Wounded Spring"

Hurt Spring

Song Chen and Yi

The temple has nothing to do,

Sit and make the sweet spring shine at sunset.

At first, the monster heard the war horse,

How do you know that the poor sea looks at the flying dragon.


10,000 fireworks per year.

A little like Changsha to the extension of the pavilion,

Tired soldiers dare to offend dogs and sheep.

The title of this poem is "Wounded Spring", which is also quite similar to Du Fu, both of which use "Wounded Spring" to lament state affairs, and Du Fu's "Although the world is full of soldiers, the spring is thick", "the country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring". Chen Youyi skillfully integrates many classics and famous sentences of predecessors in this poem, making the poetry more rich and painful.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi, poet Du Fu, eventually became the crown of Nandu poets

The first couplet of this poem "the temple has no plan to level the Rong, sit on the Ganquan to shine on the sunset", Ganquan refers to the Ganquan Palace, the palace in the Qin and Han dynasties, on the Ganquan Mountain in Chunhua County, Shaanxi, here refers to the imperial palace. Xifeng refers to the beacon fire that calls the police at night. "Hanshu Xiongnu Biography" once recorded that the Xiongnu invaded, and the beacon fire alarm lasted for several months in Ganquan Palace and Chang'an City. It can be seen that the situation is critical.

The opening poet uses allusions to point out that the imperial court is powerless to resist gold and has no strategy, which causes the flames of war to burn to the capital.

"At the beginning of the monster, I heard the war horse, but I didn't know that the poor sea saw the flying dragon." Shangdu refers to Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. Poor Sea – A remote sea.

In the third year of Jianyan (1129), the Jin soldiers crossed the Yangtze River and captured Jiankang City (Nanjing), and in December, they entered Lin'an (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang). In the fourth year of Jianyan (1130), he conquered Mingzhou and forced Song Gaozong to flee into the sea by boat to avoid the pursuers. This couplet is a record of the historical events of Gaozong's embarrassment and escape.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi, poet Du Fu, eventually became the crown of Nandu poets

The neck couplet "Lonely Chen's frost hair is 3,000 zhang, and the fireworks weigh 10,000 per year." "Lone Chen is the poet's self-reference", "three thousand zhang of frost hair" is transformed into "three thousand zhang of white hair" in Li Bai's "Song of Qiupu", expressing the poet's anger when he is worried. "Fireworks" are full of flowers in spring. "10,000 fireworks" is transformed into Du Fu's "3,000 miles of blockage, 10,000 fireworks." (Du Fu's "Wounded Spring") is thousands of miles away from his hometown, even if the spring flowers in front of him are not the spring color of his hometown...... The poet integrates the famous sentences of his predecessors, and forms his own unique artistic conception, and writes his emotions when he is sad and sad.

The tail couplet "is a little happy with Changsha to the Yan Pavilion, and the tired soldiers dare to commit the dog and sheep front." ”

"Xiang Yange" refers to the Changsha Taishou Xiang Zixu at that time. Xiang Zisu once served as a direct bachelor of the Secret Pavilion, and "Yan Pavilion" was referred to by the official signature. The Jin soldiers broke through Jiangxi and attacked Hunan, heard the alarm to Ziqi, and led the army and the people to defend it.

"Dog and sheep" is a contemptuous name for Jin Bing.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi, poet Du Fu, eventually became the crown of Nandu poets

The last two sentences can be described as the high voice in the whole poem. "A little joy" is different from a big joy, in the Southern Song Dynasty under a weak situation, only Xiang Zi fought alone, with "tired soldiers" to resist foreign enemies, undoubtedly a glimmer of hope remaining. The lonely courage of Xiang Zixu's "tired soldiers dare to commit dogs and sheep fronts" is in stark contrast to the first couplet of this poem, "the temple has nothing to do", and the poet not only praises Xiang Zixu, but also accuses, criticizes and indignantly accuses of the court's inaction. The words "tired soldiers dare to commit" are extremely tragic and magnificent, with the air of Lingyun, and fully eulogize the patriotic spirit represented by Xiang Ziji.

The Southern Song Dynasty poet Chen Youyi, poet Du Fu, eventually became the crown of Nandu poets

The whole poem rhymes, deep and angry, majestic and sad.

Ji Yun (Ji Xiaolan) of the Qing Dynasty commented on this poem in volume 32 of "Yingkui Rhythm Commentary": "This poem really has a meaning. ”

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