
Infatuated "Spitfire", he never left his wife who betrayed him, and refused to pay a penny of medical expenses to his father

{"info":{"title":{"content":"痴情“喷火华,”对背叛妻子不离不弃,对父亲不肯出一分医药费","en":"Infatuated \"Spitfire\", he never left his wife who betrayed him, and refused to pay a penny of medical expenses to his father"},"description":{"content":"为了筹集医疗费用。经过长达一年的治疗,梁洁华的病情有所好转。黄日华不离不弃,一直在妻子身边照顾她。然而,病魔并没有就此放...","en":"In order to raise medical expenses. After a year of treatment, Liang Jiehua's condition improved. Huang Rihua never gave up and has always been by his wife's side to take care of her. However, the illness didn't stop there..."}},"items":[]}