
Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

author:Explosive Entertainment

Among the many films in the Spring Festival file, each work has its own characteristics, and the audience is overwhelmed. Among them, "Hot and Hot" directed and starred by Jia Ling stands out like a dark horse because of its unique charm. Amazingly, the box office of the film approached 2 billion in just 5 days, setting an astonishing result.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

The achievements of this work are beyond the reach of other works, and at the same time, it also impresses everyone with Jia Ling's talent. However, along with the praise comes a lot of skepticism and criticism.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

Some viewers have doubts about the film's plot and character setting, believing that it is too exaggerated and lacks realism. Some people even questioned Jia Ling's weight loss results, thinking that she was just a gimmick to lose weight in the movie.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

In the face of these doubts and criticisms, Jia Ling did not respond publicly or defend herself. She knew that any words seemed pale and powerless at this moment, and only by speaking with strength could she prove her worth.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

The reason why Jia Ling's new work can be successful is that some people feel that it has moved the "cheese" of other films and broken the original market balance. In this highly competitive entertainment industry, everyone is eager to be in the spotlight, and Jia Ling's success has undoubtedly left some people feeling threatened and anxious. However, I believe that success is not accidental, and the reason why Jia Ling was able to achieve such brilliant results is because she has put in more effort and sweat than ordinary people. Her success is the best reward for her efforts.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

"Hot and Hot" is not only about losing weight, but is a deeply rooted story about personal growth and the journey of pursuing dreams. Through Le Ying in the film, the film captures the dilemmas faced by ordinary people in real life, and how they bravely break through themselves and regain their self-confidence. Such a topic is not only profound, but also far-reaching.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

The People's Daily also spoke highly of and affirmed "Hot and Hot". They believe that the film is not just a story about losing weight, but a touching story about loving yourself, bravely pursuing your dreams, and persevering. The People's Daily is also full of praise for Jia Ling's talent and strength, believing that she has moved the audience with her sincerity, and her works are worth seeing.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

On Douban, "Hot and Hot" received a high score of 8.0, 0.3 points higher than the previous "Hello, Li Huanying", which fully shows the audience's affirmation of Jia Ling's new film. In addition, the film's predicted box office is as high as 4.3 billion, and it will undoubtedly become the biggest winner of this year's Spring Festival.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

Of course, as an audience, we must also look at every work and the performance of every actor rationally. We can't blindly follow the trend or be swayed by some false statements. We must feel and evaluate each work with our hearts, and only in this way can we make progress together.

Whose cheese did Jia Ling's new film sell out? The People's Daily couldn't stand it, and it was really cool to speak strongly

In my opinion, Jia Ling's success is not accidental, and her talent and hard work have made her stand out in the film industry. The success of "Hot and Hot" is not only an affirmation of Jia Ling's personal talent, but also a strong proof of the diversified development of the Chinese film market.

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