
#我来唠家常#遇故人诗句 (Xingling) (1) 🌱🌱🌱🌺🌱🌱🌱 and the poem Ping Shui Yun / Ping Yin Qi went / Yin and Yang Xuan had a ghostly dream, throwing away the faint love, sleeping with tears by the lamp, outside the world

author:No hidden star spirits





(a) and poems

Flat water rhyme / flat yin and yang / yin and yang order

I have had a ghostly dream, throw away the faint feelings,

Sleep with tears by the lamp, and accompany the poet outside the world.

(Can't help it!)

If you don't have the slightest share, you have to walk!

The sky knows where to go, and it makes you tired and supportive.


(2) Sentences


Word Forest/Choosing Yin and Choosing Go/Orthodox

Jane renew spring, peace and happiness,

Thank you for your care!

Stay up late and the lights are dim, and the heart is darker,


The fish and the dragons meet each other, and the plates and cups are drunk together,

Who was hurt by Lingding?

Enjoy the food, the spirit meets me,

I offer nine days of wind and color!


Words are hands-on, the article is smooth,

Chanson is aware of the change.

Scholars there, this gang of officials,

Ugly play posture!

Wild waves are surging, evil hearts are the most favored,

Stupid 怎分高矮?

Waiting for the chess and the immortals,

Rotten Ke is not here!

【Star Spirit Language】

Life is so complicated, accidentally abandoned in the dust! I finally realized that Qu Yuan can write vanilla beauties and Lu You can write Yongmei. The dead are like this, the living are alive, may the gold abandoned in the dust be seen by the sand diggers in the rolling waves............



#天南‮北地‬大拜年# #头条文笔挑战##记录我的2024# #美韵诗词分享#

@轻花摇雪 @砚墨成书 @明媚的朝霞666 @潮乡明月 @冰晶泪蝶7A8c @厚德载物69043257 @北地风 @马洪波10

#我来唠家常#遇故人诗句 (Xingling) (1) 🌱🌱🌱🌺🌱🌱🌱 and the poem Ping Shui Yun / Ping Yin Qi went / Yin and Yang Xuan had a ghostly dream, throwing away the faint love, sleeping with tears by the lamp, outside the world
#我来唠家常#遇故人诗句 (Xingling) (1) 🌱🌱🌱🌺🌱🌱🌱 and the poem Ping Shui Yun / Ping Yin Qi went / Yin and Yang Xuan had a ghostly dream, throwing away the faint love, sleeping with tears by the lamp, outside the world
#我来唠家常#遇故人诗句 (Xingling) (1) 🌱🌱🌱🌺🌱🌱🌱 and the poem Ping Shui Yun / Ping Yin Qi went / Yin and Yang Xuan had a ghostly dream, throwing away the faint love, sleeping with tears by the lamp, outside the world

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