
The "Field Choir" of Rural Hope Primary School became popular on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala Teacher: The child writes poems and hopes that grandma will not "grow up secretly"

The "Field Choir" of Rural Hope Primary School became popular on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala Teacher: The child writes poems and hopes that grandma will not "grow up secretly"

Spring festival

Daddy is back.

I rushed forward,

Hold him tightly.

The couplet learns from me,

hugged tightly,

Our home.

At the 2024 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Liang Yushu, a 10-year-old girl from Suyu Hope Primary School in Huaihua County, Hunan, recited this poem she created herself in front of the national audience, and her innocent emotions resonated with many netizens.

The "Field Choir" of Rural Hope Primary School became popular on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala Teacher: The child writes poems and hopes that grandma will not "grow up secretly"

Liang Yushu was joined on stage by more than 10 primary school students from the school's "Field Choir Class" and Li Bolin, a teacher who led them to learn poetry. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily learned that the school is located in the countryside, and many of the students are left-behind children.

According to local media, in the process of poetry writing, Li Bolin will take the children to use their imagination and use associations to create. For example, if a child writes "spring" on a piece of paper, Li Bolin will guide the child to think, "Spring, what can you think of?" "There are flowers and plants in spring, and there is a thin spring rain ......", "What will the spring rain and flowers do?" "The spring rain will drop on the flowers and plants...... In this way, the children completed the creation of the poem little by little in one question and answer: "The spring rain, dripping down, and then waking up the sleeping flowers and plants......"

In the past six years, Li Bolin has written more than 1,500 poems with his children. Many poems flew out of the countryside with children's dreams, and even appeared on the pages of many authoritative media such as Guangming Daily. These poems were also discovered by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, and the children were invited to leave their hometown and appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Wu Touwen, Li Bolin's master's supervisor and professor of the Department of Chinese at the School of Humanities of Hunan University of Science and Technology, recalled to the reporter of Beijing Youth Daily on February 10 that Li Bailin has always loved poetry and prose, and during her work at Su Yu Hope Primary School, she combined these literary hobbies with her work, and used her spare time to form a "field choir class" with the children, observing nature while reading and writing poetry, which reflects Li Bailin's care and love for children.

Wu Touwen, who has been engaged in poetry research for a long time, said that she has seen many poems written by students in the "Field Choir", "Their imagination is very rich, and their language is also very flexible, which is actually very difficult." ”

Wu Touwen said that he is very supportive of Li Bolin's approach, and has also gone to Suyu Hope Primary School with teachers from the School of Humanities of Hunan University of Science and Technology to give poetry guidance to the children, "This primary school is located in the countryside, surrounded by farmland, beautiful mountains and rivers, many children are left-behind children, but they are very familiar with nature and cherish their feelings for their relatives." This is the source of material for children's creations. ”

"We appreciate the writing of children, and when these children are exposed to poetry and literature, it is equivalent to opening a window into their spiritual world and gaining another way of seeing the world. Wu Touwen said.

The "Field Choir" of Rural Hope Primary School became popular on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala Teacher: The child writes poems and hopes that grandma will not "grow up secretly"

Dialogue with Li Bolin, a teacher at Hope Primary School who founded the "Field Choir":

The children saw a colorful life through the Spring Festival Gala, which is the best classroom

Beijing Youth Daily: The program you and your children participated in this Spring Festival Gala is called "If You Want to Write the Year", how did you create with the theme of "Year"?

Li Bolin: When we received this theme, we couldn't tell the children what activities they wanted to participate in, so we first organized the children to think about what they would do during the Chinese New Year.

At the beginning, the children's thinking was not broad enough, and some children would say that the New Year was to play with mobile phones and grab red envelopes. I took the children to make mind maps, chatted with them, recalled the bits and pieces of the New Year, and awakened their memories of the New Year.

I would write a "New Year" in the middle of the board and ask each child to think about the event or element that impressed them the most, and it couldn't be the same as everyone else. Slowly, the children began to make associations.

For example, some children say that the family will buy a lot of sugar oranges during the New Year, and he also loves to eat sugar oranges, and some children will think of Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, and the family will cook a lot of delicious dishes. Slowly, a child began to create, saying, "In the New Year, he will have a stomach as big as the sea, and he can eat the sugar and orange piles like mountains." Another child said: "When the family was preparing the ingredients for the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, the pot at home knew about it and quickly opened its mouth wide." ”

Beijing Youth Daily: What other children's poems have left a deep impression on you?

Li Bolin: We wrote a total of about 100 poems for the theme of this "year", and the director team also liked it after watching it. For example, there is a poem about red envelopes: Red envelopes are a master runner / Ran from grandma to mine / From my hand / Ran to my mother. This poem was finally selected and appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

There are also children who will write poems according to the climate, saying: Winter is coming/The house is too cold/So I bought a snow hat and put it on my head. Some children said: During the New Year, every family has a fire / In order to make the New Year no longer lonely on the way home. I was very moved by these poems.

Beijing Youth Daily: I noticed that during the rehearsal, the children met Bai Yansong, Yue Yunpeng and other people who they might have only seen on TV before.

Li Bolin: One of the programs in this year's Spring Festival Gala is "We Grow Up Watching Cartoons", which includes Air China pilots, State Grid staff, and cultural relics protection workers from the Dunhuang Academy.

During our rehearsals, the director team specially arranged for these performers to give lectures to the children, such as the teacher of the Dunhuang Academy to tell the children that the cultural relics are restored, and the uncles and aunts of the power grid to explain to the children how electricity is transported.

There are also some armed police fighters who showed the children the demeanor of the armed police, and then told the children to perform with peace of mind, saying that the armed police soldiers will protect everyone. This experience was the best class for the children, and I also gave the children an assignment to interview some of the national model workers who came to participate in the performance. One of the interviewees was a teacher, but he taught children who could not express themselves normally, and the children who interviewed the teacher cried while chatting, saying that there were so many people in need in the world, and he would also help these people in the future.

Through this experience of participating in the Spring Festival Gala and contacting so many people from all walks of life, the children saw that life can be so colorful and there are so many directions that can be worked towards, which is the best classroom for children.

It is the first time to leave my hometown with a child, and I feel very happy to get the red envelope that is not easy to have

Beiqing Daily: There is a very interesting stage design in this program, a huge three-dimensional picture album is set up on the stage, you and the children flip through the picture album together, there are many small mechanisms on the album, you can light lanterns, set off fireworks, how do we practice and use this prop during the rehearsal?

Li Bolin: This prop really took a lot of thought, it was very complicated from the beginning of the production, and the director team designed it very cleverly, because this three-dimensional album has a lot of mechanisms and is also very heavy.

When the children opened this three-dimensional picture book for the first time, they were so surprised and said how they could make it so beautiful. However, this book is really heavy, and it crushes the floor at first, but fortunately, these problems are solved later, and although it is heavy, it is not difficult for us to push it away during the actual performance.

Beiqing Daily: In this program, the well-known singer Mao Buyi sang his own songs for the children, how did the children and Mao Buyi perform together?

Li Bailin: Actually, Mr. Mao will be a little nervous when he is with so many children, but he will laugh and chat with the children. The most surprising thing for us was that after the performance, Mr. Mao Buyi gave the children a red envelope, and the children were very happy, saying, "I received a red envelope from Mao Buyi!"

After the performance that night, the children returned to the hotel, and the escort from our hometown prepared a sumptuous Chinese New Year's Eve dinner for the children, and also prepared New Year's red envelopes for the children. The children received a lot of red envelopes, and their faces were smiling.

Beijing Youth Daily: During the rehearsal in Beijing, did the children have any fun in Beijing? Did they write some poems?

Li Bolin: During this period, we were actually very nervous, but we still took the time to take the children to have a good look at Beijing, we went to the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Old Summer Palace, and took a group photo together at the gate of Tsinghua University. Many children are usually asked by their parents whether they want to be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University in the future, so this time we specially took our children over to have a look. A child who visited the Great Wall and wrote: The Great Wall is the hair of the mountain god Uncle / Very long / Like the ripples of water / Stretching for thousands of miles.

Many children are leaving their hometowns for the first time and taking the high-speed train for the first time. We flew back to Hunan early in the morning of February 10, and the children who took the plane for the first time were very excited and said that they were going to the clouds. They said that the first time they took a plane, they had to stare outside from the beginning of takeoff until they saw the plane land. Maybe because I stayed up late the first night, the children still fell asleep one by one after the plane took off. After the plane landed, I handed over the children to the parents, and a big rock in my heart finally landed.

The child can write poems, and I hope that grandma will not "grow up secretly" The teacher said that the Spring Festival Gala was an explanation for himself and his family

Beijing Youth Daily: Through the "Field Choir", the children have the opportunity to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, in your opinion, what changes has the "Field Choir" brought to the children?

Li Bolin: In the beginning, I only regarded poetry as a tool to help children learn Chinese, and I didn't think about what kind of changes poetry can bring to children. In the beginning, I just let the children read the poems and lead them to imitate them.

But then I found out that the children could do more than just imitate the writing, so I asked them to design the theme and write a whole poem, and the children did this step very well, and even slowly developed their own style. Their material comes from their own lives, from the land where they grew up. So I tried more forms of teaching.

For example, I go to the fields with my children to observe nature and experience different perspectives. In the past, when children saw leaves, they didn't think too much, but as their thinking changes, they will think that the leaves are a mirror, and they will find that life has become more beautiful. At the same time, I also encourage children to observe the people and things around them, so that they can get along with friends and feel more emotions with their families.

Beijing Youth Daily: What poems did the children write that touched you the most?

Li Bolin: There is a poem written by a child that touches me very much: Flowers are growing up secretly / Bamboo shoots are growing up secretly / I am growing up secretly / But I don't want my grandmother to grow up secretly. Reading this poem, I felt the love that children have for the people around them.

In fact, through writing poetry, the children have changed, and I have changed. Many of my students are left-behind children, and some of them didn't have a specific understanding of their dreams before. He said that his parents have gone out to work, and he will go to work in the future. But through reading and creating, the children have all kinds of dreams: some children say that they want to be painters and match their paintings with the most beautiful poems in the future, some children say that they want to become astronauts and write poems in space, and some children say that they want to become soldiers and write poems that "they want to become horses galloping thousands of miles".

I can't predict the future of my children, but no matter what the future holds for them, I believe that if they can maintain such a poetic attitude to live, their lives will not be bad, and they will not get along with the people around them, and I think it will be good.

Beijing Youth Daily: What do you feel about the children's appearance at the Spring Festival Gala this time?

Li Bolin: I am very grateful for the support from all walks of life, and some people may have sympathized with left-behind children in the past. But I think what these children need most is not sympathy, but recognition and encouragement, so that their efforts can be seen by more people.

I also have my own children and family, and I get together less and more with my family in order to teach, and I feel anxious at that time. However, my family has always been very considerate and supportive of me, allowing me to teach well and lead the "field choir", which is not only from me personally, but also from my whole family.

Being able to stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with the children this time is an explanation to my family and myself.

(Beijing Youth Daily reporter Qu Chang)

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