
Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Recently, Grandma Liu's family began to eat lettuce, fried lettuce, cold lettuce, etc., and she has been eating it for a week, which made her son impatient and complain about her. Grandma Liu quickly explained that lettuce is a good thing, an anti-cancer artifact, which can kill cancer cells and help us strengthen our bodies. The son didn't believe it, so Grandma Liu showed him the report, so does lettuce have an anti-cancer effect? Can it kill the cancer cells in our body? Let's take a closer look today.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

1. Does lettuce have anti-cancer effects?

Lettuce is a common vegetable in our daily life, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber and other nutrients, with a clear taste and good edible value. There are no studies that show that lettuce can kill cancer cells and alleviate chemotherapy side effects.

Cancer is a complex disease, and there is no single food or drug that can completely cure cancer. Although some foods or herbs are believed to have anti-cancer effects, these claims are based on preliminary research results, and we still need a lot of research to prove the truth and convincing.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

As for whether lettuce can alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, there is no clear scientific evidence. Chemotherapy is a common cancer treatment, but its side effects are also relatively obvious, such as gastrointestinal reactions such as nausea and vomiting, as well as general fatigue, anemia, bone marrow suppression, etc. While some foods or medications are believed to alleviate certain chemotherapy side effects, these claims are not clearly scientifically substantiated and we should not be gullible to believe them.

Although lettuce is a very nutritious vegetable, it is not the king of the fight against cancer. We should maintain a rational and scientific attitude, trust scientific evidence and doctors' advice, and not believe advertisements or rumors. At the same time, if you have cancer or are undergoing chemotherapy, you should be treated under the guidance of a doctor and have a reasonable diet.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

2. The benefits of lettuce to the human body

Lettuce contains a lot of nutrients that our body needs and has many benefits for our health.

1. Supplement nutrition: Lettuce contains a lot of carotene, protein and other nutrients, which help to supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

2. Promote digestion and absorption: lettuce contains a large amount of plant cellulose, which can promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, help digestion, and help the excretion of human stool.

3. Antihypertensive effect: The potassium ion contained in lettuce can help regulate the balance of salt in our body and have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

4. Relieve constipation: lettuce has sufficient water content and rich in dietary fiber, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and keep the intestines moist, which is conducive to preventing and relieving constipation.

5. Calm the nerves and help sleep: The milky white slurry in lettuce has the effect of calming the nerves and helping to sleep, which helps to alleviate the symptoms of neurasthenia and insomnia.

6. Improve appetite: Lettuce can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice in our body, which is conducive to increasing appetite and promoting digestion.

7. Regulate blood sugar: Lettuce contains a large amount of niacin, which can improve the effect of insulin secreted in the human body and help regulate blood sugar levels. Especially for diabetic patients, eating lettuce regularly can improve their own glucose metabolism.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

3. How to eat and match lettuce

There are many ways to eat lettuce, so let's introduce you to a few ways to eat it and how to mix it.

1. Stir-fry lettuce: Peel and slice the lettuce, put it in a hot oil pan and stir-fry until it is broken, and add salt, pepper, chicken essence and other condiments.

2. Cold lettuce shreds: peel and cut the lettuce into shreds, marinate with salt for a while, then squeeze out the water, add vinegar, minced garlic, chili, sesame oil and other seasonings and mix well.

3. Roasted lettuce: Cut the lettuce into slices, coat with olive oil, salt, black pepper and other seasonings, and bake until the surface is slightly charred.

4. Lettuce stewed tofu: Cut the lettuce into slices, cut the tofu into pieces, put them in a pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, salt, soy sauce and other seasonings to stew until the tofu is cooked and soft.

5. Lettuce fried meat: especially lean meat is rich in nutrients such as protein and fat, which can provide the energy needed by our body and maintain good health. Cut the lean meat into pieces and slices, add an appropriate amount of salt, thirteen spices, soy sauce and other seasonings and stir-fry, then put the lettuce into the pot and fry together.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?

6. Lettuce salad: Cut lettuce into shreds or slices, match them with other vegetables and fruits, add salad dressing and mix well, which is delicious and can also supplement nutrition.

7. Lettuce and black fungus matching: black fungus has the function of nourishing the kidneys and stomach, invigorating blood, lettuce can help remove toxins in the body, promote digestion, lower blood pressure, etc., the two can play a complementary role in nutrition, help prevent and treat hypertension and arteriosclerosis, especially for the elderly.

8. Lettuce and chicken matching: We all know that chicken is rich in high-quality protein and vitamins and other nutrients, which can enhance physical strength and have nourishing effects.

9. Lettuce and shiitake mushrooms: Shiitake mushrooms are rich in vitamin B complex, iron and other nutrients, which can lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood lipids.

Lettuce is an anti-cancer bully, which can kill cancer cells and alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?


Lettuce is a very healthy and nutritious food, which can improve our own immunity, help digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract, help with bowel movements, help regulate blood sugar, calm the nerves and help sleep, supplement nutrition, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases, and help us strengthen our bodies.

In our daily life, lettuce can be eaten with other ingredients, but we should pay attention to the principle of matching ingredients when pairing, such as cold ingredients and hot ingredients can not be matched. Lettuce is not the king of anti-cancer as people say, we must maintain a rational attitude, actively follow the doctor's advice, and do not believe in advertisements.

For people who have cancer or are undergoing chemotherapy, it is necessary to carry out standardized treatment and reasonable diet under the guidance of a doctor.

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