
The pearl earrings worn by Wang Hedi complement the long gown he wears, showing a handsomeness that transcends the convention. Your style is so glamorous, maybe it's this unique style

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{"info":{"title":{"content":"王鹤棣佩戴的珍珠耳环,与他身着的长衫相得益彰,彰显出一种超越常规的帅气。你的风采实在太过迷人,或许正是这种独树一帜的格调","en":"The pearl earrings worn by Wang Hedi complement the long gown he wears, showing a handsomeness that transcends the convention. Your style is so glamorous, maybe it's this unique style"},"description":{"content":"王鹤棣佩戴的珍珠耳环,与他身着的长衫相得益彰,彰显出一种超越常规的帅气。你的风采实在太过迷人,或许正是这种独树一帜的格调...","en":"The pearl earrings worn by Wang Hedi complement the long gown he wears, showing a handsomeness that transcends the convention. Your style is so charming, maybe it's this unique style..."}},"items":[]}

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