
Later, I didn't want to argue with anyone, because I started to realize that everyone can only think from their own cognitive point of view, so if someone told me that lemons are sweet, I would

author:Qiangxin Auto Repair Service

Later, I didn't want to argue with anyone, because I started to realize that everyone can only think from their own cognitive point of view, so if someone told me that lemons were sweet, I would say to them, "Yes, then you eat more." "Cognition is the same, there is no need to argue; cognition is different, why argue; thoughts are not at the same level, there is no need to conquer each other; the three views are not at the same level, just smile; be a man, don't blame anyone, get along, get along well, and care more. You have to understand that people with similar souls will naturally get together, and people with different magnetic fields will talk about going over mountains and mountains#Life is not only in front of you, but also poetry and distant #在平凡日子里热爱生活 #认真生活才能找到藏起来的糖果 #你一定也是某个人翘首以盼的惊喜 #志同道合的人才会喜欢同一片风景

Later, I didn't want to argue with anyone, because I started to realize that everyone can only think from their own cognitive point of view, so if someone told me that lemons are sweet, I would
Later, I didn't want to argue with anyone, because I started to realize that everyone can only think from their own cognitive point of view, so if someone told me that lemons are sweet, I would
Later, I didn't want to argue with anyone, because I started to realize that everyone can only think from their own cognitive point of view, so if someone told me that lemons are sweet, I would

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