
Food recommendation: How to make the three treasures of Nanyu hanging pigeon, candy fish puree, and pepper hemp sea

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: How to make the three treasures of Nanyu hanging pigeon, candy fish puree, and pepper hemp sea

South milk hanging roasted pigeon




100 grams of southern milk, 50 grams of roast goose salt, 150 grams of skin water, 1.5 kilograms of peanut oil (for fried pigeons).


100 grams of South Milk.

Special South Milk Formula:


100 grams of southern milk, 50 grams of bean curd, 25 grams of peanut butter, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of salt, 10 grams of sugar, 20 grams of light soy sauce.


First, mix the southern milk and fermented bean curd and stir evenly, and then add various sauces and seasonings and stir well to form southern milk.


It is used as a marinade for roast chicken and pigeons.

Roast goose salt recipe:


5 kg of sugar, 10 kg of salt, 500 grams of monosodium glutamate, 500 grams of chicken essence, 450 grams of sand ginger powder, 250 grams of five-spice powder, 250 grams of chicken sauce, 250 grams of Zhuhou sauce, 250 grams of sesame paste, 250 grams of peanut butter, 300 grams of sesame oil, 150 grams of southern milk, 250 grams of bean curd, 500 grams of minced garlic, 400 grams of edible oil.


Stir-fry the minced garlic with 400g of cooking oil until fragrant, then pour the oil and minced garlic into the other ingredients and stir well.


It is used as a marinade for smearing the inner cavity of roast duck, goose, chicken, etc. before barbecue.

Skin Water Formula:


4 kg of water, 350 grams of maltose, 30 grams of lemon juice, 5 grams of corn starch, 350 grams of white vinegar.


Dissolve the maltose in water, add other raw materials and mix well, that is, the skin water is formed.


Roast goose, roast duck, roast chicken and other products generally need to be crusted with water before entering the oven, and they can only be colored when grilling.


1. Slaughtering and cleaning:

Slaughter the top pigeon, remove the internal organs, lungs, throats, etc., clean it and drain it.

2. Pickling:

Mix the roast goose feed and the southern milk, evenly spread the pigeon cavity, and let it marinate for 30 minutes to absorb the flavor.

3. Hot skin:

Rinse the pigeon skin with boiling water and blanch it.

4. Epithelial water:

Pour the skin water over the pigeon, and the whole body must be drenched.

5. Fuki-drying:

Place the drenched pigeon in the tuyere to dry.

6. Burning:

Put the dried pigeon in the oven, cook it for 20-25 minutes on medium heat, take it out when the oil drips out, and let it cool.

7. Frying:

Burn the peanut oil until it is 60% hot, put in the pigeon, fry it until the whole body is golden brown, cut it into pieces and put it on a plate, and dip it in the southern milk to accompany the food.

Key points of the note:

The oil after frying the pigeons is filtered through the oil compartment and can be used next time.

Food recommendation: How to make the three treasures of Nanyu hanging pigeon, candy fish puree, and pepper hemp sea

Candy fish puree

Raw material:

500g sea bass, 2 eggs, 5g corn starch, 10g oil, 3g salt, appropriate amount of baby soy sauce, 2g chicken powder, appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of ginger.


1. Prepare the ingredients, remove the head, bones and skin of the fish, and only take the fish meat for later use (about 150g of the remaining fish meat at the end).

2. Soak the green onion and ginger in more than 3 times the water for about 30 minutes. Pour the soaked green onion and ginger water into the fish (only take the water, don't add too much at first, and then add slowly when you feel thick when you mud it).

3. Add salt to the fish. Add chicken broth and baby soy sauce. Finally add the oil. Puree with a cooking stick. Separate the egg white and egg yolk, add a little water to the corn starch and mix well.

4. The non-stick pan does not need to be greased, and the egg mixture is spread out into two egg cakes (4 yellow and white in total), which should be thinner. Divide the fish puree into four portions, remove the bad corners of the omelet, and put the fish puree in the middle of one egg cake. Finish by rolling up the quiches. Take the corners and cut them into long strips with a wave knife or a normal knife.

5. Pinch both sides of the egg cake wrapped in fish paste, wrap it with strips, and steam it for 15-20 minutes on medium heat. Cut some florets and decorate the steamed candy with the remaining leftovers.

Food recommendation: How to make the three treasures of Nanyu hanging pigeon, candy fish puree, and pepper hemp sea

Three treasures of pepper and sea


200 grams of topaz ginseng, 5 abalones, 1 pack of flower branches, 100 grams of bean shoots, 150 grams of lettuce, 10 grams of parsley, 60 grams of Hangzhou pepper, 5 grams of white sesame seeds, 20 grams of fresh and spicy sauce, 15 grams of soy sauce, 20 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 30 grams of steamed fish soy sauce, 10 grams of rattan pepper oil.


1. Topaz ginseng and abalone are changed to a knife for later use, and the flower branch rolls are thawed.

2. The auxiliary materials are changed to the bottom.

3. The main ingredient is poured into the flavor and put on the plate.

4. Exhibit of soup.

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