
The city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held

author:Bijie release

On January 29, the city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held in Qixingguan, and Wu Shenghua, secretary of the municipal party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on Guizhou's work in Bijie, fully implement the spirit of the national and provincial ecological and environmental protection conferences, firmly guard the two bottom lines of development and ecology, accelerate the construction of a green development model area, and strive to write a new chapter in the practice of modern Bijie in which man and nature coexist in harmony.

The city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held

Wu Shenghua attended the meeting and delivered a speech

Wu Donglai, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, presided over the meeting. Zhou Shifei, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Yang Hongyuan, chairman of the CPPCC, members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, relevant leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government and the CPPCC, and the main responsible comrades of the Municipal Court and the city's colleges and universities attended the meeting.

Wu Shenghua pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has stood at the strategic height of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, vigorously promoted the theoretical innovation, practical innovation and institutional innovation of ecological civilization, creatively put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new strategies, and formed Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, which pointed out the direction of progress and provided fundamental guidance for us to promote the construction of ecological civilization. The CPC Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee attach great importance to the construction of ecological civilization, and have successively convened conferences on ecological and environmental protection at the central and provincial levels to arrange and deploy relevant work. The whole city should continue to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization from the political height of wholeheartedly supporting the "two establishments" and loyally practicing the "two maintenances", fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial party committees, and ensure that the city's ecological civilization construction work is always advancing in the right direction.

The city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held

Meeting site

Wu Shenghua emphasized that in recent years, the city's ecological barrier construction has achieved new results, environmental pollution control has achieved new improvements, green and low-carbon transformation has taken new steps, the concept of ecological environmental protection has led a new fashion, and the construction of legal mechanisms has achieved new results, and has strived to embark on a new road of ecological priority and green development in karst mountainous areas. We must always keep a sober mind, tighten the strings of thought, take responsibility for the responsibilities of the division, and root out the malpractices of the style, focus on key breakthroughs, further improve the quality and efficiency of ecological environmental protection, and strive to build a model area for green development. It is necessary to strive to make new achievements and serve as a model in the improvement of ecosystem quality, and make greater efforts to promote ecological protection and restoration, green expansion and greening, and environmental risk prevention and control, and continue to improve the quality of the ecosystem, so that Bijie green mountains will always be there and green water will flow for a long time. It is necessary to strive to make new achievements and be a model in pollution prevention and control, adhere to the precise "gas control", scientific "water control", strict "soil control", comprehensive "waste control", and continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control. It is necessary to strive to make new achievements and serve as a model in green and low-carbon transformation and development, strive to improve the pattern of land and space development, accelerate the green transformation and upgrading of industries, promote "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality" in a steady and orderly manner, and promote the proportion of green economy to achieve a new increase. It is necessary to strive to make new achievements and serve as a model in promoting the value transformation of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and make sufficient efforts in industrialized utilization, market-oriented transactions, and value-based compensation, so as to promote more ecological factors to become production factors, ecological advantages to become development advantages, and ecological wealth to become economic wealth. It is necessary to strive to make new achievements and serve as a model in the construction of an ecological civilization system, improve and improve the ecological environment supervision mechanism, strengthen the legal guarantee of ecological civilization, deepen the reform and innovation of green finance and inclusive finance, and accelerate the construction of an ecological civilization system with Bijie characteristics. It is necessary to strive to make new achievements and be a model in the construction of ecological culture, vigorously inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional ecological culture, vigorously promote a green lifestyle, and achieve new results in the construction of ecological civilization empowered by culture.

The city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held

Meeting site

Wu Shenghua stressed that it is necessary to adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization, adhere to the "party and government have the same responsibility" and "one post has two responsibilities" for ecological environmental protection.

When presiding over the meeting, Wu Donglai demanded that all departments at all levels in the city should quickly unify their thoughts and actions with the spirit of this meeting, and implement the spirit of the national and provincial ecological and environmental protection conferences together with them, so as to promote the city's ecological and environmental protection work to a new level. It is necessary to accelerate the rectification of feedback problems from the central and provincial ecological and environmental protection inspectors, pay close attention to the restoration of ecological environmental protection, promote the green transformation of the industry, and constantly polish the beautiful business card of Bijie's "lucid waters and lush mountains". It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the responsibility of ecological and environmental protection, adhere to the principle of "environmental protection must be managed in production, environmental protection must be managed in development, and environmental protection must be managed in the industry", strengthen the construction of supervision and law enforcement teams, carry out investigation and rectification on a regular basis, and constantly improve the loopholes in the system and mechanism. All counties, municipalities and relevant departments should strictly implement the "Rectification Plan for Outstanding Problems in Ecological and Environmental Protection" and the "9+N" Work Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection", pay close attention to making up for shortcomings, and ensure that all key tasks are completed as scheduled.

At the meeting, the 2023 Guizhou Provincial Ecological Environment Warning Film was watched, and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, and the Qixingguan District made exchange speeches.

The meeting was held in the form of video to all counties (cities, districts). The responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the city attended the meeting at the main venue of the city.

Source: Bijie Daily Social Media Center Author: Han Lei, Chen Xi, Lei Chang Editor: Liao Ling Editor: Wang Yun Producer: Meng Xingrong Director: Zhang Xiaojia

Bijie release submission email: [email protected]

The city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held

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The city's ecological and environmental protection conference was held

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