
#Share the ups and downs in the creation of headlines#Man Jianghong, creative lyrics Lin Zhengyun/Choose Yang and choose Shang/Liu Yongti (Xingling) Think about the world, it is difficult to tell in the end, the ups and downs!

author:No hidden star spirits


Man Jianghong, creative journey

Words: Lin Zhengyun / Choose Yang / Liu Yongti


Thinking about the world, it is difficult to tell in the end, the ups and downs!

At the slightest wave, it becomes painful, like a rakshasa.

Stealing a good word called Yashi, encountering a broken mouth and a strange man!

The sound of demons, the singing of the horses, how do you know?


Zheng Qiang was angry and was attacked!

Dao Lang hidden, by whom is the tart?

Sigh heroes and heroes, they all killed!!

Even if there is a wind and color, there should be no more sharp wipes.

Looking forward to the article、It's best to be tomorrow.,Chicken donkey dial!

【Star Language】:

The suffering of creation is as bitter as the yellow lotus! The profiteer throws his pen in amazement, and the dreamer is repeatedly sad, and I am just to fulfill the wish of the master to note the yin and yang into the poems, and it is also a door! On the contrary, it is opportunistic and plagiaristic to the famous authors!! who are blessed with unique talents here and now, where is the omnipotence? The guide is useless, and the person who can lead the cultural life should be the upper class to make great efforts!


#Universal Life Guide# #I'll Chat Homely# #Original Poetry Charm# #2024春节评论倒计时#

#Share the ups and downs in the creation of headlines#Man Jianghong, creative lyrics Lin Zhengyun/Choose Yang and choose Shang/Liu Yongti (Xingling) Think about the world, it is difficult to tell in the end, the ups and downs!
#Share the ups and downs in the creation of headlines#Man Jianghong, creative lyrics Lin Zhengyun/Choose Yang and choose Shang/Liu Yongti (Xingling) Think about the world, it is difficult to tell in the end, the ups and downs!
#Share the ups and downs in the creation of headlines#Man Jianghong, creative lyrics Lin Zhengyun/Choose Yang and choose Shang/Liu Yongti (Xingling) Think about the world, it is difficult to tell in the end, the ups and downs!

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